We are facing issues right now. Some of our users (authors) encountering critical errors when adding new post and editing post. We identify that Magazine Blocks plugin is causing the critical error. Also, newly published posts is not showing in its category page/tabs and in homepage where we display all articles sorted by category. Can you help us troubleshoot why we are encountering this errors?
Magazine Blocks version 1.3.24
WordPress version 6.7.2
PHP version 8.4.3
Hey there! I was wondering if there’s a way I can change some of the tittles of the magazine blocks from English to Spanish? Specifically, the one that shows “Latest / Popular”
I did check every part of the block customizations and I can change almost everything but there’s no way (or It least I don’t know) to change the “Latest / Popular” block tittles.
Hello, after switching to 1.3.17 I can’t post anymore, whenever I try to post a page, blog, or edit an old one, and the plunging is active it shows this :
SO I need to deactivate the plugin or to delete it if i wanna post or edit, but since the side is build on magazin blocks it’s an Absolute mess and unusable.
]]>The new 1.3.9 update broke my site.
I had to restore my site back a day to get it working again, before the update. I’m using the latest version of WordPress and all my other plugins are also updated, but whenever I update Magazine Blocks to 1.3.9 my site crashes with a “fatal error”.
I’m staying on 1.3.8 until 1.4.0 comes out, if that breaks my site too I just won’t update the plugin anymore.
Hello I want to know if this plugin will be able to do single blog posts design?
]]>When a post is in 2 categories it gets shown twice which is frustrating.
So if I choose to have a layout that uses different blocks, how do I make each blog show different posts instead of duplicates.
look at example:
]]>Is there an option to query posts by sticky status? Something like hide posts that are set to sticky or show only posts that are set to sticky.
Thank you for any help.