It seems that Lux Vimeo creates the iFrame without looking at the parent protocal (http vs. https):
HTTP site iFrame code:
<iframe src=’’ width=’400′ height=’225′ frameborder=’0′></iframe>
HTTPS site iFrame code:
<iframe src=’’ width=’400′ height=’225′ frameborder=’0′></iframe>
Since the iFrame is HTTP (instead of HTTPS) on the page served through HTTPS, it is not loaded.
The solution is to modify the code as follows (line 36/37):
$ssl = is_ssl()?"s":"";
"<iframe src='http$ssl://$clip_id?title=$title&byline=$byline&portrait=$portrait&color=$color' width='$width' height='$height' frameborder='0'></iframe>";
Vimeo plays HD videos by default. I want it to Run in normal mode i.e. Non-HD Mode by default. Is it possible with your plugin?
]]>After messing with settings on the video in Vimeo, I got the embed code from Vimeo to work but not this plugin.
Can you please tell me why i get this message above the video in my page? Although the video is showing up normally.
Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method lux_vimeo::shortcode() should not be called statically in /home/john/public_html/wp-includes/shortcodes.php on line 287
Thanks in advance
]]>I was using this plugin to do vimeo videos on my homepage and after yesterdays update all my videos disappeared. Has anyone else had this issue?
I’m trying to specify the color using the vimeo short code plugin (Lux Vimeo), but I can’t get it to display the color I want.
How do I set up the color short code?
Hans g
]]>Hi there,
Any idea why it wouldn’t work in safari? I’m in version 6, working in my other browsers.
]]>I got the shortcode to work one time. I then added height and width dimensions and when I reloaded the page the video had disappeared. I deleted the h & w but still no video.
using WP 3.4 child, of Twenty Eleven
first of all thanks for your work!
I’ve modified the plugin code to make videos’ autoplay possible .
This is the updated code:
Plugin Name: Vimeo HTML5 shortcode
Plugin URI:
Description: Allows the user to embed Vimeo movie clips by entering a shortcode ([vimeo]) into the post area.
Author: Gabriele Maidecchi
Version: 1.0
Author URI:
License: GPL 2.0, @see
EDITED BY MAIDO 2010-08-18 to support new Vimeo HTML5-friendly embed code
Full credits go to the original version of the plugin, below:
Plugin Name: Lux Vimeo
Plugin URI:
Description: Allows the user to embed Vimeo movie clips by entering a shortcode ([vimeo]) into the post area.
Author: Matroschka
Author URI:
class lux_vimeo {
function shortcode($atts, $content=null) {
'clip_id' => '',
'width' => '400',
'height' => '225',
'autoplay' => '0',
), $atts));
if (empty($clip_id) || !is_numeric($clip_id)) return '<!-- Lux Vimeo: Invalid clip_id -->';
if ($height && !$width) $width = intval($height * 16 / 9);
if (!$height && $width) $height = intval($width * 9 / 16);
return "<iframe src='$clip_id?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=$autoplay' width='$width' height='$height' frameborder='0'></iframe>";
add_shortcode('vimeo', array('lux_vimeo', 'shortcode'));
]]>Added the plugin, activated it. Used the shortcode with a sample video in it. Updated the page its located on.
Refreshed the page on visitor side and it just adds <p> </p>
to the code – doesn’t actually load anything.
]]>Is there a short code to allow fullscreen from the embedded vimeo clip or some other way to get that option? Here’s my link:
Thanks. I like the plugin!