Hi there!
I’m using LRW counter and I’d like to align vertically the number on my row. Here is my page:
I’m using a Page Builder on my pages with rows and widgets to drag and drop, and there’s a chance to write a widget class (which refers to a Custon CSS plugin) or some CSS style attributes.
Thanks for your precious help!
]]>No spacer or divider widgets?
Thanks for plugin. I tested all widget working without Process bar and Pie charts.
Error found:
Uncaught TypeError: this.destroy is not a function(…) ../../jquery.progressbar.js?ver=1.1.3
i have a question about the configuration of the LRW Slider.
If i add a LRW Slider i can say what is the minimum of slides to be shown.
At the desktop view i will minimum 6. But on smartphone i will 2 and on tablets i will 3 or 4.
how i can get realise that?
Thanks in advance.
Best wishes
How do I configure this to popup? I can add title, text and button but I can’t find any way to implement it. The preview doesn’t work either for me, only show the button none of the text content
I discovered the plugin and really like the design of the widgets.
I have an issue with LRW slider.
I checked the “Open in new window” box, but when I click on an image (whatever image of the slider, they are all configured to open in new window), the link opens in the same window, not opening a new one.
I am using the last versions of these tools :
– WordPress v4.6.1
– Zerif Lite Theme v1.8.4.9
– SiteOrigin Page Builder v2.4.15
– LRW Widgets bundle v1.1.3
And I am using the LRW slider in carousel style.
Any idea of how to correct or add some custom code to temporary fix?
]]>changed themes
tested on twenty sixteen; same results.