This plugin looks like a hidden gem, the only thing that I need so far is how to disable guest posting. I only want comment from people that has a social login.
After installing and successfully integrating my site with Loudvoice comment system, when I tried to initiate exporting my existing wordpress comments to Loudvoice the page turned unresponsive…this continued to happen even after many attempts, ultimately I had to deactivate the plugin…
If possible please provide a solution so that I can try the procedures one more time.
]]>This plugin is causing cross-site scripting errors.
-Brian Brown, Ph.D.
Stuck on the “Working – please wait this may take a few minutes …” phase. Already waited for an hour, and it’s still there without any exported comments. More info: my site had about 1600+ comments, and it was using Livefyre before Adobe killed it.
Also tested it on one of my sites with just one comment, and it only says “0 post(s) and 0 comment(s) have been processed” with a blank export log, aside from the message [ === EXPORT LOG BELOW === ].
I was attempting to test Loudvoice, but it just throws off the theme. The sidebar is pushed down.
I will left it on for a awhile. You can check this on: