Is there a way to limit the navigation of previous and next posts to the current category of the current post displayed?
]]>Hello can anyone help me why the following code no longer loop:
<?php echo c2c_get_next_or_loop_post_url( $in_same_term = false, $excluded_terms = '148', $taxonomy = 'status'); ?>
]]>LOVE this plugin!!!
Please keep this plugin updated.
Hi, I managed to get everything working like I wanted (stay in category & loop & use previous / next instead of post titles)… BUT by simply putting in my Singles php the codes they are not identifiable via css.. I bet this fix would be simple.. any tips most appreciated!!!
Here’s the code I put in my singles php page:
c2c_next_or_loop_post_link( $format='« %link', $link='previous', $in_same_term = true, $excluded_terms = '', $taxonomy = 'category' );
c2c_previous_or_loop_post_link( $format='%link »', $link='next', $in_same_term = true, $excluded_terms = '', $taxonomy = 'category' );
Great plugin, thanks Scott.
I have very little php knowledge, so it took a while for me to figure out how to implement this properly, but I figured it out (finally) and am posting this for anyone that comes after. My goal was to install it and use it for cycling through posts– one instance for all posts in the same category, some in all categories. Here’s how I went about it after installing this plugin:
1) I installed the INCLUDE ME plugin first. This isn’t necessary if you plan on placing the Looped Nav items into the single.php template, but I was inserting into a Divi text module, and this plugin allows for the retrieval of PHP and other files into page content via shortcode.
2) Set up the code for the version which cycles through the same category and placed it into a file called infinite-postnav-same-cat.php. Here it is:
<div class="loop-navigation same-category">
<div class="alignleft">
<?php c2c_previous_or_loop_post_link( $format='« %link', $link='%title', $in_same_term = true, $excluded_terms = '', $taxonomy = 'category' ); ?>
<div class="alignright">
<?php c2c_next_or_loop_post_link( $format='%link »', $link='%title', $in_same_term = true, $excluded_terms = '', $taxonomy = 'category' ); ?>
The part that makes it cycle through the same category is changing $in_same_term to “True” in both cases. Other attributes can be changed as needed.
4) Then I linked to that php file through a shortcode from the Include Me plugin:
[includeme file=”wp-content/themes/MyChildTheme/added-functions/infinite-postnav-samecategory.php”]
5) And lastly, placed that shortcode into a text module in a Divi post.
After that, I repeated the process for the version that loops through all categories: Created a php file, named it appropriately, added the code into it, created the shortcode, and then applied the shortcode where I needed it in Divi. The only difference in the version that cycles through all the posts, is that the $in_same_term attribute was changed back to “false”. To make this EXTRA easy, here is that version:
<div class="loop-navigation same-category">
<div class="alignleft">
<?php c2c_previous_or_loop_post_link( $format='« %link', $link='%title', $in_same_term = false, $excluded_terms = '', $taxonomy = 'category' ); ?>
<div class="alignright">
<?php c2c_next_or_loop_post_link( $format='%link »', $link='%title', $in_same_term = false, $excluded_terms = '', $taxonomy = 'category' ); ?>
Like I mentioned at the start, if you don’t need to insert the nav links anywhere with shortcodes, then you would skip the part about the Include Me plugin, and the individual php files, and instead take the code I placed in either of the php documents, and paste it into your child theme’s single.php file where appropriate. Keep in mind though, that with this method, I believe you can only use one of the options (instead of one that works exclusively with categories, and one without).
Hi Scott,
I really love your plugin but I faced to a problem I don’t solve :/
Does it exist a solution to display the next or previous single page thumbnail (or an ACF field if it is simpler) in addition to the single page link?
I am sure it could be possible… Your light will be appreciate.
Thanks ??
How I can echo only url ?
]]>Hi, I need help to understand ??
I am not very expert in programming ??
I entered:
<div class=”alignleft”><?php c2c_previous_or_loop_post_link(); ?></div>
<div class=”alignright”><?php c2c_next_or_loop_post_link(); ?></div>
but I would like scrolling of pages , only to happen within the category or taxonomy where I am now … I try to explain …
On my site there are advertisements of used bicycles , divided by city .
Now for example if I select , bicycles in London , I see 5 ads , went inside one of these ads in London , and I see the prev and next links , however I would like to move with prev / next only among the ads in London .
But now the prev / next buttons to navigate all the rooms that are on the site ??
What should I do?
my site is structured
Thank you all ??
]]>Quick question,
Instead of displaying the title of the previous and next articles, How would I go about displaying an icon in place of the text?
]]>How do I get the full post, not just the link?
Basically I’m currently using get_next_post() and get_previous_post() at the bottom of the single post pages to preview the next and previous posts.
]]>Would love to be able to use menu_order or some other custom field for sorting. Any chance of this?
Installed the Loop Post Navigation Links plugin on a local version of WP (4.2.2), and activated it. Replaced my next_post_link and previous_post_links as advised (see below) on a single-work.php page. Note this is a custom post type.
<?php c2c_next_or_loop_post_link('<i class="fa fa-chevron-left gray"></i>%link', '%title', TRUE, '14'); ?>
<?php c2c_previous_or_loop_post_link('%link<i class="fa fa-chevron-right gray"></i>', '%title', TRUE, '14'); ?>
Next and Prev links function (show appropriate links) except when at the first and last posts.
When at the oldest post, only the next post link is visible.
When at the newest post, only the previous post link is visible.
Was expecting to see both next and previous post links visible no matter where.
Have I done something wrong, left something out, or have misunderstood what this plug in offers?
Thanks for your help
]]>Hello, I have excluded a Category from the links, say Category 7. which works in most cases. However, when I open a post that is in this excluded Category 7, the Next/Prev links on that post only show other posts from Category 7. How is that happening? Is there a way to make sure the links on those posts still exclude other posts in Category 7?? Please let me know, thanks!
]]>Hello there,
does anybody know how I can add a “title” tag to the code so that it displays a link like this:
<a href="" rel="prev">title="next project">next</a>
Thank you very much!
Arne, Berlin/Germany
]]>I’ve a child theme, with a content.php file with post prev/next navigation code which works. I’ve installed a plugin for navigation loop (Loop Navigation Links by Scott Reilly) which also works.
I’m trying to get category specific code ($in_same_cat = true, ) placed correctly and I’m not a programmer. Thanks for your help!
Here is the code that works for all but the category specific:
<?php endif; ?><nav id=”nav-single”>
<h3 class=”assistive-text”><?php _e( ”, ” ); ?></h3>
<span class=”nav-previous”><?php previous_or_loop_post_link( ‘%link’, __( ‘ Previous |’, ” ) ); ?></span>
<span class=”nav-next”><?php next_or_loop_post_link( ‘%link’, __( ‘Next ‘, ” ) ); ?></span>
</nav><!– #nav-single –>
]]>Great plugin.
Is it possible to loop all posts but if a category is selected from a navigation to loop through just that category?