After some searching, I have found a alternate solution for this. SiteOrigin’s premium version uses something called Mirror Widgets. Pretty much the same thing. Make your content block (widget) and you call it using short code.
]]>Does anyone know of another plugin similar to this? This plugin is very useful. However with no updates for a while, I’m afraid one day this plugin will stop working.
The closest I could find was this one:
I used it for a while but it conflicted with another plugin. Plus I have to set conditions on where I want the content to appear and the conditions are limited.
]]>We’ve found a significant problem with this plugin which is cause by one line of code.
It is causing the permalinks for the site to be wiped and recreated on every page load.
This is a heavy MySQL query and on busy sites really slows things down.
It is caused by the line flush_rewrite_rules();
found on line 162 of ls_cb_main.php file.
This sits inside the register_post function which is fired from the init hook which of course fires on every page load.
To fix this problem, we commented out the line flush_rewrite_rules();
and its now working fine!
Can an update please be released for this plugin which will remove this line?
Note – commenting out this line also fixed this problem they had with WPML compatibility. You can see that here
]]>I’ve seen this issue cropped up a few years ago, and someone found a fix. It’s the last comment on this page:
But it’s not been added to any updates. Can anyone confirm when this fix will be in place? Obviously, without it, we can’t use it.
After upgrading to WordPress 5.4.1, I found that the WP Admin dashboard is completely blank, other than the side bar. Every page I visit is blank. The site itself still seems to work fine. I was able to isolate the issue to this plugin; if I deactivate it, the WP Admin dashboard works fine, but if I enable it again, the dashboard stops working. I’ve checked the logs and there are no errors being generated by PHP, so I am stumped as to why this is happening. I am using the latest version of this plugin (Version 1.4.3).
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
]]>Hi I am trying to implement a Content Block using a shortcode in an archive page (specific tag) it does not render.
]]>Is there an update to this plugin? It says it hsan’t been updated in a while.
]]>This is the block
This is a testing site product page placed with that shortcode. as you can see the hotspot are gone.
Is there anyway to fix it? thanks
]]>Hi, I noticed that when blocks of texts are added using one of these shortcodes
the whole content of the block is put inside <p></p>
tags and so it will add space before and after the block, see image below
Since I need to use the Full Content Filtering shortcode, I would like to eliminate the spacing before and after the shortcode.
Is it possibile?
Hi Team,
I have been debugging the random 500 errors from few days. And I came out to the conclusion that your plugin is creating these extra redirects when we use in conjunction with WPML.
Here is the error message:
[Mon Sep 09 02:27:08.160529 2019] [core:error] [pid 18420:tid 1780] [client] AH00124: Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace.
When run in debug mode.
[Mon Sep 09 02:27:08.160529 2019] [core:debug] [pid 18420:tid 1780] core.c(3823): [client] AH00121: r->uri = /hotel/en/index.php, referer: https://localhost/hotel/en/appartamenti/
[Mon Sep 09 02:27:08.160529 2019] [core:debug] [pid 18420:tid 1780] core.c(3829): [client] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /hotel/en/index.php, referer: https://localhost/hotel/en/appartamenti/
[Mon Sep 09 02:27:08.160529 2019] [core:debug] [pid 18420:tid 1780] core.c(3829): [client] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /hotel/en/index.php, referer: https://localhost/hotel/en/appartamenti/
[Mon Sep 09 02:27:08.160529 2019] [core:debug] [pid 18420:tid 1780] core.c(3829): [client] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /hotel/en/index.php, referer: https://localhost/hotel/en/appartamenti/
[Mon Sep 09 02:27:08.160529 2019] [core:debug] [pid 18420:tid 1780] core.c(3829): [client] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /hotel/en/index.php, referer: https://localhost/hotel/en/appartamenti/
[Mon Sep 09 02:27:08.160529 2019] [core:debug] [pid 18420:tid 1780] core.c(3829): [client] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /hotel/en/index.php, referer: https://localhost/hotel/en/appartamenti/
[Mon Sep 09 02:27:08.160529 2019] [core:debug] [pid 18420:tid 1780] core.c(3829): [client] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /hotel/en/index.php, referer: https://localhost/hotel/en/appartamenti/
[Mon Sep 09 02:27:08.160529 2019] [core:debug] [pid 18420:tid 1780] core.c(3829): [client] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /hotel/en/index.php, referer: https://localhost/hotel/en/appartamenti/
[Mon Sep 09 02:27:08.160529 2019] [core:debug] [pid 18420:tid 1780] core.c(3829): [client] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /hotel/en/index.php, referer: https://localhost/hotel/en/appartamenti/
[Mon Sep 09 02:27:08.160529 2019] [core:debug] [pid 18420:tid 1780] core.c(3829): [client] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /hotel/en/index.php, referer: https://localhost/hotel/en/appartamenti/
[Mon Sep 09 02:27:08.160529 2019] [core:debug] [pid 18420:tid 1780] core.c(3829): [client] AH00122: redirected from r->uri = /hotel/appartamenti/, referer: https://localhost/hotel/en/appartamenti/
I have deactivated all the plugins and checked one by one. Then all plugins down and your and wpml active only. Please guide me on how to continue use your plugin without such redirect issue. In case if this issue has been reported earlier.
Team LogixTree
since last updates (Reusable Content & Text Blocks by Loomisoft 1.4.3 and WPBakery 6.0.3 ), WPBakery custom css are no more included as inline css in the <head> section.
As custom css, I mean background-color, padding and margin cells on visual composer…
ex: <div class=”vc_column-inner vc_custom_1557329230867″>
but the inline css is not inserted
It should be something like that :
<style id=’style-inline-css’ type=’text/css’>
.vc_custom_1557329230867{padding-top: 20px !important;padding-right: 30px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;padding-left: 30px !important;background-color: #ffffff !important;}
I’d love to see them grouped in categories, would this be possible?
]]>I’m trying to repeat multiple sections on multiple pages, but I can’t figure out how to use this for that. I’ve purchased the plug-in, and sent emails to your contact support, but no response. I want to create each entire ‘section’ and repeat that on various pages. Is this possible? If not, how do you get a refund, or get anyone at Loomisoft to reply to emails? Many thanks, Pau
]]>I’m wondering if it’s possible to add a randomizer element to content blocks.
To mark a series of blocks as random content, and then when a block area is run, it randomly picks from the random content every time the page is loaded. ??
While this sounds like an ad rotation element, and it just may be….I’m wondering if your other products or this product can do what I’m asking.
If you look at the link I provided, you’ll see, if you scroll down a bit, an area where there’s two green bars wrapping the “SINGLE AXIS TURN” block. That entire section is one block. I have a whole bunch of these things that I’d like to rotate out each and every time the page is loaded, so that it’s not always the same thing on the page but instead picking from the random pool of these content blocks.
Thanks for reading and any help you can provide.
]]>Does it work with the popular theme Enfold? It has the Avia builder.
Could you please advise me if this plugin can be used inside Gutenberg blocks or simply say Gutenberg paragraph blocks.
I am looking forward to use this kind of functionality on my website which is using latest version of Gutenberg WordPress.
Thanks in advance.
]]>When inserting a block as a widget, the widget container gets an ID like ‘ls_content_block-3’ but the number changes when the same block is inserted in a different sidebar. It would be helpful if that number was the post ID of the block, or if an additional class was inserted on the container like ‘ls_block_id_2933’ to allow consistent styling of a block no matter where it gets inserted. Thanks!
]]>This is my short code
[ls_content_block id=”352″ para=”full” varmessage=”helo there”]
How to define the varmessage in the content block.
<div class="tsc-center-message">$varmessage</div>
<div class="tsc-center-message"><?php $varmessage ?></div>
<div class="tsc-center-message"><?php echo $varmessage ?></div>
but none of these works..
]]>I’m not sure if the plugin is doing this or some other glitch in the machine… but if I add inline style CSS to div’s in block content they are getting stripped out…
is this the plugin doing this? can we make it stop?
]]>I suggest to add 2 functions:
1) permit to import and export the bloccks fro ma wordpress site to annoher
2) permit to insert the block trough a wizard/configurator and not only trough shortcode
I use in a content block a WPBakery-row with a background color. But if I integrate the content block somewhere the background color is gone.
Any idea to solve this?
Is it possible to use the More tag in the editor so that it is a read more link when the content block is displayed in a widget?
i have two questions regarding this plugin.
1) i want to make a block with a wpbakery row. the row has paddings and margins and is fullwidth. if i do this directly in the page, WPBakery outputs a specific CSS for this row, and other elements. but when i add it as block, the CSS is missing. do i do something wrong?
2) according to documentation, the plugin is compatible with wpbakery. yes, i can activate wpbakery in the blocks. but how do i insert a block in a page with wpbakery? shouldn’t there be a wpbakery element for the blocks? because adding text-blocks and then shortcode inside would render a wpbakery text-block html arround the “reusable text block”, making a different output then desired. again, what i understand wrong?
Thanks for a feedback!
]]>This could be a great solution for me but I have a problem with using the plugin with WPBakery Page builder (version 5.4.5)
When I’m editing a page where a shortcode is being used I click update and wordpress does a POST request to /wp-admin/post.php and then the normal situation would be to redirect back to my post /wp-admin/post.php?post=38&action=edit but instead it doesn’t redirect because it sends a custom stying to the output (see below) before setting the Location http header, triggering a php error. When I hit back on the browser button I can see my post has been updated. If you could please advise I would appreciate it. Thanks
<style type=”text/css” data-type=”vc_shortcodes-custom-css”>.vc_custom_1518699260593{margin-bottom: -10px !important;padding-top: 100px !important;padding-bottom: 70px !important;}.vc_custom_1517259141956{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}.vc_custom_1517253479011{margin-bottom: 15px !important;}</style>
]]>I have installed this plugin and WPBakery’s Page Builder (version 5.4.5). But when I add/edit a content block I don’t see the WPBakery editor … no WPBakery editor buttons or Page Builder tabs. What am I missing? Do you have any tips? Thanks.
]]>Hi –
We’re using Beaver Builder and it allows adding content blocks post type for editing layouts using the Page Builder.
However we’re experiencing some issues –
from the Content Block editor we can’t open the page builder — however from the ‘all content blocks’ list we can launch the editor
but, on the live post the BB formatting is stripped.
anyone using BB successfully?
]]>Not sure this is a Content Block issue, but thought you might know why…
When I preview a content block it displays with the automatic paragraph formatting (spaces between lines of text)
but on the live post – all that formatting is stripped out and it turns into a block of text
if I add the html manually <p></p> it displays as expected
any idea why the post would strip out the default WP behavior? I have not consciously made any edits/settings to anything.
]]>I am trying to get this to work with the SiteOrigin home page. I’m not tech savvy enough to explain precisely my situation, but the home page doesn’t render the same way the other pages do. The home page renders through the “Customize” tab under “Appearance”. I have to click on a couple different buttons to get to the part where I can fill in some text for the home page Intro section. I want to be able to use your plugin so that I can modify the text easier than using their little text box that doesn’t allow me to modify anything. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
]]>i use wpml for my site but it 500 internal server error if i active your plugin
I’d like to migrate from Global Content Block that got discontinued.
Does this Plugin offer the same functionality?
How can I migrate between the two plugins without copying all my content manually?
I have at least 100 blocks.
Thank you