Similar to the random header options available but applied to logos as well.
I have a couple headers I use and a multitude of past logo designs I want to use on my site. In the past I have used the header feature to handle my logos and used a static header or attempted to use <?php echo '='.rand(0,1); ?>
and then named my images appropriately
How I change the position of the logo in header??
by default is too down in header…
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I need help with #nav-content. It is starting to the left of the end of the logo. I am using as I am using the theme as a network setting and each site needs its own logo.
[b]I want the nav menu to start on the left under the logo not at the end of the logo.[/b]
link to site:
/* This CSS file is created for you to create or override any of the existing CSS styles used in this theme */
/* note */
/* CSS : dot (.) vs hash (#) */
/* . -> class selector example - .bregma { width:10cm; } -> <div class="bregma"> */
/* # -> id selector example - #lambda {widh: 5cm;} -> <div id="lambda"> */
/* top -menu - this is the space behind the header, barely visible */
/* #top-menu { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 1000px; } */
/* header - this is where the site logo and banner ads are placed */
#header { height: 91px; background: #12A3EB; }
/* navigation bar - this is where the site categories are found under the header */
#nav-content { width: 1000px; margin-right: auto; width: 1000px; }
/* leaderboard ad - for changing the ad in the header */
.topad {
overflow: hidden;
.blog-name {
display: none;
.blog-description {
display: none;
/* logo */
.logo {
vertical-align: middle;
#main {
margin:0 auto;
#content {
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
width: 660px;
.main-aside {
float: right;
position: relative;
width: 320px;
#footer{ float:center;
width:1000px; }