Hi there,
I found some issues with your plugin and fixed them.
1. admin.php on line 154 I changed to:
if(is_admin() and isset($_GET['page']) and $_GET['page'] == 'cwlsm-options'){
This will help with compatibility with other plugins. Your javascript can break other plugins if it is called on every single WordPress admin page. It only needs to load on your plugin options page.
2. Your color picker images (e.g. hs.png) were in the wrong directory or missing.
You can download the patched version which I’ve named 3.0.4 here: themeover.com/login-screen-manager.zip and hopefully commit it to www.remarpro.com for others.
Please let me know when you’ve updated it and I will remove the zip file from my site.
Sorry. The reason is not this plugin.
Until I found the reason.
]]>Hi when I activated it I got a 5 undeclared caracters warning and when I add a new widget I can’t acces to the settings of it unless I save it first and the website has become slow.
]]>Not sure when or how but checking one of my sites today and this plugin broke my site, completely blank page. debug error
Notice: Undefined index: hover_title in /homepages/7/d390322035/htdocs/lsegil/wp-content/plugins/login-screen-manager/inc/display.php on line 96
Notice: Undefined index: url in /homepages/7/d390322035/htdocs/lsegil/wp-content/plugins/login-screen-manager/inc/display.php on line 107
renamed plugins folder and works fine. s
]]>I installed the plug-in and then changed the values on the plug-in custom screen. Pressed update. Screen went to white blank. Then I refreshed the wp-login screen and this is the error that shows up:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/mydirectory/public_html/nashville/wp-content/plugins/login-screen-manager/inc/admin.php:61) in /home/mydirectory/public_html/nashville/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 695
i have a conflict between two plugins – ‘login screen manager’ and ‘fast secure contact form’.
if i deactivate the contact form plugin, and run the login plugin or vice versa all is well, as soon as i try to activate both i get the following php error:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/jdhproperty/jdhproperty.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/login-screen-manager/inc/admin.php:61) in /home/jdhproperty/jdhproperty.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/si-contact-form/wp-session/class-wp-session.php on line 92
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/jdhproperty/jdhproperty.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/login-screen-manager/inc/admin.php:61) in /home/jdhproperty/jdhproperty.co.uk/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 876
the site is jdhproperty.co.uk the problem is not visible at the moment because i am having to keep login screen manager deactivated to work on the site.
any suggestions appreciated – this is driving me nuts.
]]>I want know what .names to doing changes in Plugin for alterations in login page.
]]>Hello there and thanks for your plugin.
It seems like your plugin is breaking the output of RSS feeds. It is inserting a blank line at the beginning of the output
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0"
Many thanks in advance
H =)
]]>“The plugin generated 2 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.”
]]>How to use this plugin Login Screen Manager in the page. Like some plugins have the shortcut to write [register] in the page to activate registration form.
]]>How to use this plugin Login Screen Manager in the page. Like some plugins have the shortcut to write [register] in the page to activate registration form.
]]>how can i call the Login Screen Manager plugin to wordpress page
]]>Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by
and a lot of lines after that …
have to deactivate to plugin to use my site
need the older version 1.0, where to find that?
]]>The previous version worked great. I did the update for version 1.1 and it crashed
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/***/public_html/***.com/wp-content/plugins/login-screen-manager/inc/admin.php:61) in /home/***/public_html/***.com/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 881
*** = my personal webpage details.
This happens when I logout and when I go to the plugin and try to save the settings.