I already use plugin Log Out Shortcode,
It works perfectly and very easy to use.
What I am asking, every I click Log Out button, it will pop up Log Out Confirmation.
How to skip that?
I use to Log Out Shortcode plugin
use to shortcode on menu
menu name is “logout”
click to logout menu , appear “logout”
want to logout immediately after logout menu click(menu mapping -> shortcode)
Is there any way to modify it?
Best Regards,
This plugin is working, but hasn’t been updated since 2016.
Will you be updating it?
I have pretty much the same question to this one which hasn’t been answered as it seems:
I would like to know if there is a way to eliminate the additional page that is beeing shown after the users clicks the logout button, asking for confirmation of the logout.
Thank you,
Hi, i use Rookie plugin version 1.5.2 (for our table tennis club) and all i see, when i want to use sportpress shortcode icon is blank grey page and nothing more as I accept normaly to set days, statues, match day and so on.
I have Win10x64.
I try it in chrome, IE, firefox and same solution.
I used sportpress for 3years and i am really happy with this plugin ??
I set up the logout link on its own page and I added it to the menu and when users are logged in the logout link shows up in case they want to logout.
Currently, if a user clicks on logout they are taken to the logout page and they are required to click on the logout link again.
If there a way to log a user out right after clicking on the menu link that I set up?
just wondering why the plugin uses sanitize_html_class
when processing the class attribute? Many style frameworks expect multiple classes to be applied elements in order that they style correctly, ie class="button button-green button-rounded"
. Currently, these get munged by the stripping of spaces
Reading the codex, the call is more for generating a classname from an otherwise unknown source, like a post title.
Otherwise very happy with it!
This is such a great solution, but the shortcode is adding the code:
<div class="textwidget">
– so as I’ve added this within a widget, things aren’t sitting correctly. Is there a way around this?
Nice plugin but is there something required to get this to show up in Chrome and IE browsers?
It seems fine in Firefox
]]>I would like my users to log out of a membersite and be be redirected to another site. I tried [logout redirect=”https://anothersite.com/”%5D but did not get the results I expected. Is this not possible?