Firstly, I’d like to express my appreciation for this excellent plugin; it’s a staple in my workflow because it consistently functions without causing any issues on my sites.
I’m reaching out to inquire about the current maintenance status of this plugin, as WordPress has indicated that it hasn’t been updated in the last three major releases and it appears to have been around a year since the last update.
Thank you,
Unable to turn off ‘character sets’ (eg. ‘Greek’, ‘Cyrillic’, etc) as per your example.
As per screenshot at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xgx2ubpj1073hnv9jn4i3/Screenshot-2024-06-23-at-3.30.54-AM.png?rlkey=1xgq5do915nay4xbfu5urpvvj&dl=0
Can you please let me know how I can do this?
]]>Hi there,
I’ve noticed on multiple pages that local hosting of Material Symbols Outlined doesn’t work. The icons simply don’t appear. Is this a known problem or should I set something differently?
I’m adding a Material font with the wp register style:
wp_register_style(‘font-material-icons’, ‘https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Material+Symbols+Outlined:opsz,wght,FILL,GRAD@24,100..700,0,0&display=swap’, false ,false, false);
Thank you,
i installed and activate the autot host fonts options
and im using font called cairo
and make it in all fonts and in global options in elementor settings
also i used child theme for Hello elementor
thats all
but when the fonts hosted and i see green check
the fonts style changed to another font ( not cairo )
what should i do ?
]]>Hello, I have a multilingual site with WPML and it has a different domain for the translated version. But when activating Local Google Fonts, it’s working only on the main version and the translated site is shown with default fonts.
How to fix?
]]>I described a problem with fonts not loaded on the translated WPML language on another domain but then found out it’s not a problem with Local Google Fonts (it just seemed like that).
]]>Hi, we need updates for the new wordpress version.
Thank you very much for the plugin.
]]>Hi there,
on some sites where I’ve used this plugin I realized that the wp-content/uploads/fonts/-folder (where the cached fonts are stored) contains many copies (50+ sometimes) of the same font. Some of the subfolders are older than a year.
Is this supposed to be cleaned up once in a while automatically? If so, can you point me in a direction what could conflict with that? Can I safely delete older cached versions of the font?
Thank you in advance!
]]>It seems that the plugin correctly downloads the font and replaces googlefonts, but for some reasons diacritical signs are not displayed using it.
It’s the same for another font (used in the menu). I’ve corrected nginx settings that might have been blocking the file format, might have some unrelated theme problems, but cant figure out this one.
]]>Hi – I must say that this is a good plugin. It seems to stand what it claims.
Coming to the topic, I observed the following issue in this plugin from my WordPress log file:
Undefined variable $tmp_file in wp-content/plugins/local-google-fonts/includes/class-local-google-fonts.php on line 134
The problem is due to the variable $tmp_file
was used without checking whether it was set or not.
line:134 if ( ! is_wp_error( $tmp_file ) ) {
line:135 if ( ! is_dir( dirname( $face['file'] ) )
I hope you will fix it as it is causing a lot of “undefined” warning messages in the log file.
]]>Hello everybody,
the PlugIn does not recognize any Google Fonts but in fact there are Google Fonts in use. I could need some help with that.
I am using the Theme “Vantage”.
]]>Hello there!
I found that your plugin doesn’t work with WP Hide & Security Enhancer as it modifies all WP file and directory names.
Do you have any advice on this (except deleting the WP Hide plugin)?
i installed your plugin on a website built with DIVI, and a bunch of errors display in debug mode. this happens when i open a pge with divi builder, but not on ront.
may you help with this issue ?
Hi, I contact you because i don’t understand which cookies are used by this plugin
]]>Hi, I think the plugin is already filtering out instances of “preconnect”. Here is a line of code, originating from Elementor, that is not always removed from the source code yet:
<link rel="preconnect" crossorigin>
Hello team
I use your plug in, but I noticed on one of my sites, that it′s not working anymore when I upgrade to wordpress 6.2
Do you know this issue, is there coming a bug fix.
thank you
]]>Local google fonts i installed and activated
In the Theme Typography, graduate is one of the chossen fonts
as shown in the screenshot, graduate is identified and downloaded locally
But it doesn’t work. The Menue and the text “Welcome to the home of Vipers” should be graduate, but it isn’t.
any ideas?
]]>I get this error in the title when clicking the Reload Fonts button for the google-fonts-1 font. These fonts are already supposed to be on my server but apparently still loaded from Google.
I get this Type error when clicking the “Reload fonts” for one of the Google fonts. They’re supposed to be hosted locally already, but apparently still loaded from fonts.gstatic
]]>I haven’t applied the plugin yet, waiting for backup to complete…
In the meantime, I’d like to know where in the WordPress file tree fonts will be stored once the plugin downloaded them from Google
]]>I found a broken link while checking my site.
It prompts as follows:
Failure: Could not connect
What do I need to do to restore this broken link
I installed the plugin and even in the settings it shows that all fonts are loaded locally, one font is still loaded from the Google server and therefore the page is not GDPR compliant.
I am not aware of using any caching, deactivated also for testing LiteSpeed Cache but no change. The page runs under Cloudflare. Our other page uses this plugin as well and is also running under Cloudflare but there it works perfectly.
Any idea?
Thank you very much for your support!
]]>Hello and congratulations for plugin: it works fine but I noticed a strange bug ??
Before installing the fonts they looked good and readable, that is like this (https://imgur.com/MaEWtiA) instead after the installation they look like this (https://imgur.com/0HQZEDY), thin, almost transparent and bad!
However, this is only on my pc’s Firefox browser; not on chrome, not from mobile, nor on other computers with firefox. I tried uninstalling firefox and disabling all browser components but the problem remains.
And if I disable the plugin, everything looks good again on my browser: what could it be due to? it is very important for me since I develop sites! Thank you very much
I activated and adjusted the Plugin Local Google Fonts for my website https://bookabrain.de. I also chose the option to manually check the Frontpage, so that the plugin can find all Google Fonts.
According to the plugin, it only seemed to have worked for 4 fonts. But despite the plugin stating that it locally hosted f.ex. Roboto, I can still see it in my quell code as being hosted externally.
Am I missing something, or is the plugin simply not able to detect all Google fonts on my website?
Any advice is welcomed ??
]]>hello dear
i use your plugin to show my website correct to my users.
but when i enable plugin
i got several eror in console of browser
Client site has this font URL enqueued:
Plugin creates font.css
with all the same local src
url for weight 300, 400, 600, 700, example:
font-weight: 600;
src: url(https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/fonts/ed3c47daa82ea1e6b2d98e35f38c7c66/merriweather-sans-latin-ext-v22-normal-300.woff2?c=1671122013) format('woff2');
File merriweather-sans-latin-v22-normal-600.woff2 and also 400/700 are also there in local folder, but have same size/content as 300, which is wrong.
Local Google Fonts 0.20.0
is this Plugin also for WordPress Multisite?
I get the error message: when using the Complianz plugin after updating to php 8.1
Warning: Constant CMPLZ_SELF_HOSTED_PLUGIN_ACTIVE already defined in /homepages/7/d910967214/htdocs/chromlack/wp-content/plugins/complianz-gdpr/integrations/plugins/local-google-fonts.php on line 3
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/7/d910967214/htdocs/chromlack/wp-content/plugins/complianz-gdpr/integrations/plugins/local-google-fonts.php:3) in /homepages/7/d910967214/htdocs/chromlack/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1416
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/7/d910967214/htdocs/chromlack/wp-content/plugins/complianz-gdpr/integrations/plugins/local-google-fonts.php:3) in /homepages/7/d910967214/htdocs/chromlack/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1419
I reset yours and theirs plugin and deleted everything on uninstall but after reinstalling and activating I get the same error and I don’t know what to do
I also contacted them for help but this might be an issue with your plugin.
I appreciate your help
]]>Hello! This is a great plugin!
but when I check the page at Google PageSpeed Insights I still receive the warning “Ensure text remains visible during webfont load” & “Leverage the font-display CSS feature to ensure text is user-visible while webfonts are loading”
Can you add the font-display:swap property?
Thanks for the great plugin!
Using a certain theme, some fonts are not being stored locally.
Can you have a look at the mentioned page?
Which other info would you need?
Thank you!