I’m using the Shortcode and the Calculate Button only shows CALCUL… How do I get it to say the full word? CALCULATE. There’s plenty of space. Thanks!
]]>Where can I see a demo of this plugin?
]]>#0 error_backtrace(1024, The called constructor method for WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use __construct()
instead., wp-includes/functions.php, 3457, Array ([class] => WP_Widget,[version] => 4.3.0))
#1 trigger_error(The called constructor method for WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use __construct()
instead.) called at [wp-includes/functions.php:3457]
#2 _deprecated_constructor(WP_Widget, 4.3.0) called at [wp-includes/widgets.php:176]
#3 WP_Widget->WP_Widget(, Loan Calculator, Array ([description] => Loan Calculator)) called at [wp-content/plugins/loan-calculator-pro/loan-calc-widget.php:12]
#4 loan_calculator->loan_calculator() called at [wp-includes/widgets.php:591]
#5 WP_Widget_Factory->register(loan_calculator) called at [wp-includes/widgets.php:720]
#6 register_widget(loan_calculator) called at [wp-content/plugins/loan-calculator-pro/loan-calc-main.php:52]
#7 monthly_mortgage_init_free()
#8 call_user_func_array(monthly_mortgage_init_free, Array ([0] => )) called at [wp-includes/plugin.php:503]
#9 do_action(widgets_init) called at [wp-includes/default-widgets.php:1649]
#10 wp_widgets_init()
#11 call_user_func_array(wp_widgets_init, Array ([0] => )) called at [wp-includes/plugin.php:503]
#12 do_action(init) called at [wp-settings.php:353]
#13 require_once(wp-settings.php) called at [wp-config.php:80]
#14 require_once(wp-config.php) called at [wp-load.php:37]
#15 require_once(wp-load.php) called at [wp-blog-header.php:12]
#16 require(wp-blog-header.php) called at [index.php:17]
Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use __construct()
instead. in wp-includes/functions.php on line 3457
Can I display the loan calculator using shortcode instead of widget?