Hello, in the WP dashboard and trying to edit the url for my data recovery page which is showing right now as an example https://www.pcandnetservices.com/data-recovery
My main parent page is titled “services” and the data recovery page is a sub item [page] under Services so I would like the url to show as: https://www.pcandnetservices.com/services/data-recovery but typing in “/services/data-recovery” into the Permalink and click OK it ends up showing as https://www.pcandnetservices.com/servicesdata-recovery so it doesn’t accept the forward slash after the word Services.
I was told to try LJ Menu plugin so I go to it, click ADD LINK and enter the url:
Then add services/ after .com then Update Settings but no change, what am I doing wrong please?
]]>Is there a way to open the custom link in a new window?