I am unable to get this shortcode to show the excerpt I added to the first post returned in the list:
[catlist name=Business conditional_title=”BUSINESS” link_titles=”false” excerpt=yes excerpt_size=70]
I only added an excerpt on one post but it does not display. The titles of the posts do, but the excerpt does not.
]]>Not sure if this is a pagination link issue or what but it creates the links like /page/2 /page/3 those do not work and end up reloading the page. If I inspect them and manually change them to /?page/2 they will then work correctly.
Anyone know the cause of this? I am not seeing an option in the plugin to change the pagination permalink. I found another thread where wp super cache caused the problem but I am not using that.
]]>Morning all. I’m having an issue with the pagination where the numbers are listed vertically rather than horizontally. The theme the website uses is strange and was hacked together (badly) from Subspace theme by the guy who managed the site before me.
Anybody have any ideas?
<img src="https://imgur.com/YJwYAaW" alt="See here: https://imgur.com/YJwYAaW">
]]>Is it possible to show excerpts of posts, not just a list?
]]>Discovered that this floats in the content with nothing to identify it, a simple h2 and a simple ul. Nice and clean, but no way to control it.
So I have added an enclosing div (with a class) around the html the plugin generates.
Now I can use css to control the look and feel.
]]>I would like the oldest to be first rather than the newest.
Any way to do this?
]]>The links to the author and the author’s plugin page that appear in the plugin manager when it is installed, are both wrong. The first requires a log in, the second is 404.
]]>“List category posts with pagination” works wonderfully , but not so With “WP Super Cache1.2”.
Same page Apper.
https://*****/page/1 ,2, 3 …. The same page (page1) is displayed.
This cause is in “WP Super Cache” ,not in “List category posts with pagination”.
Doesn’t someone learn how to use together?
]]>Category Name don’t appear .
Case1 Ex.[mycatlist cat=6]
Work fine Category Name is appeared.
But Ex.[mycatlist cat=6,10.14]
Category Name is appeared Only tag_ID=6.
tag_ID= 10.14 don’t appear
]]>Thank you for the great plug-in.
My request
?To Change HTML Title earch page1,page…
All pagination same title . ex page1,page2 … Same Title.
?TO Change Max_Number_per pages from AdminPanel or Add shortcode_att
Now , This Plugin use intval(get_option(‘posts_per_page’)).
I want Change Max_Number_per pages,
I changed Code
About Line63
$postperpage = intval(get_option(‘posts_per_page’));
$postperpage = 50;
About Line90
But This one is easier-to-use. Maybe..
ex . [mycatlist cat=Category_ID max=Max_Number_per pages]
]]>You need to go to the category manager from the dashboard and note the category ID number from the URL of the category….
You then create the shortcode accordingly.
For example, on my site I have a category called PICTURE OF THE DAY.
the actual URL is https://xxxxxx/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?action=edit&taxonomy=category&tag_ID=11&post_type=post
The URL displays to the user as https://xxxxxxxxx/picture-of-the-day-articles/
The slug is c41-picture-of-the-day
[mycatlist cat=11]
To change the number of posts that are returned in the list, you need to go to SETTINGS -> READING -> Blog pages show at most XXX posts
Hope this helps!
]]>got posts but no pagination
]]>This plugin is loading its CSS using get_option(‘siteurl’) instead of the plugin_dir_url() function, so it triggers insecure content warnings on SSL pages. I’ve added a “fix” for this plugin to my SSL Insecure Content Fixer plugin, but you should make the following changes to avoid these warnings without the aid of my dirty kludge ??
* use the wp_print_styles action to enqueue your CSS, instead of printing it from wp_head action
* use plugin_dir_url() to get your plugin dir, instead of get_option(‘siteurl’), so that it handles the transition to SSL (HTTPS)
Once you’ve released a version that fixes these, please let me know and I’ll remove the “fix” for your plugin.
]]>The last item in any list of posts generated by this plugin takes control of the page footer.
For example I create a page call “App Reviews” and use the “mycatlist” short code to list all posts in category “14”
Even if I have comments/trackbacks disabled on the page they still show up as long as comments/trackbacks are enabled on the last post in the list generated by the plugin. If I disable discussions on that post, then the comment box disappears from the page.
Additionally, on said page, if I click on the “Edit” button to edit the page, I’m taken to the edit page of the last post – further confirming the issue.
]]>This plugin kicks ass.
Works straight away, plus no stylesheet which is perfect for me when another stylesheet would only further complicate the matter.
Easy to update what the plugin shows you – swap out the_title() for anything else you need to show. Style it from the main style.css and presto, one news / event / etc site.
]]>I am seeking a way to customize the template… the unordered list just isn’t enough for me, I need to customize the page further. ??