Thanks for a great plugin! Are you still supporting it? If so…
Question, I’m using the CSS below to display my list of categories, but I would like the PARENT categories to be displayed as bold text. Can you help?
column-count: 5;
column-gap: 50px;
Next, how would I go about insetting the child categories (by number of pixels) under their parent?
]]>Hello… I would like to know if there is any way to remove the dots in front of the category items list, please.
Thanks in advance, best regards.
]]>The original topic has been closed, so I’ll start a new one.
As described at
you need to specify the option include and the category ID.
[categories include=’12’]
For a clear example, see the following page (Japanese):
However, if 12 is the parent category and that has 13, 14 and on are child categories, and you want to display all categories, you must write
[categories include=’12,13,14′]
and all categories. If the number of categories increases, you will need to manually add categories as they come up.
I(ChatGPT) created a plugin that does the same thing , listing only the categories you specify. I’ve made it so that you can easily specify options. No warranty. (Japanese)
[specific-cat-list parent-cat=”nihil” option=”list”]
Hi there,
Can you please tell me if your plugin does the following:
It has a widget that shows a category filter in a drop down menu (or something similar) that permits us to shorten the amount of links below it because just posting all links in a widget takes up way too much vertical space.
Then, it also displays category pages so i can hand out a link to each category and people can see & copy the links.
]]>Hi there,
Can you please tell me if your plugin does the following:
It displays category pages and then lets me hand out a link to each category and link page so people can see the links.
Is there a way to show only one specific category?
Thank you
]]>Anyone tested it with the latest WP (6.2.2 as for today)
I’m still running 6.1.3 and want to be sure if it’s safe to upgrade, that (great) plugin is a must for my site , thx
When using your plugin, the style for the current page is missing. It only lists:
<li class="cat-item cat-item-xx">
xx means the number of the item.
Please help.
]]>I have a blog and all of the posts are private (only logged in users can view them). Still, when the users are logged in, Categories widget is still empty although there are number of posts assigned to different categories.
I tried using the List Categories plugin, but still, categories are not shown in the side bar. Is there another plugin I can use or a workaround for the default one?
Edit: I’m aware of this solution, but it doesn’t satisfy my use case because I don’t want to show the posts, only categories.
]]>You can add css classes to parent elements with this code, place it inside you’re themes functions file.
function add_category_parent_css($css_classes, $category, $depth, $args){
$css_classes[] = ‘cat-parent’;
return $css_classes;
add_filter( ‘category_css_class’, ‘add_category_parent_css’, 10, 4);
]]>Plugin is not working
[categories taxonomy=portfolio-category] is not working
Thank you so much for creating this app. I believe it’s just what I need.
I am trying to use it to display the current categories and tags of a portfolio post. So hopefully you should see all associated tags when you visit the post. Currently, the code is showing ALL of the tags and categories, not just the ones used on the current post.
Neither of these produce the correct list:
[categories taxonomy=portfolio-category]
[categories current_category=portfolio-category ]
l: fernando
p: listhelpplz
Thank you!!!
Can I just display a specific category?
the bottom code does not work
[categories hide_title_if_empty=true current_category=45 show_count=true orderby=name title_li="" ]
hi is it possible show category inline horizontal instead vertical ?
I would like to know how I can list inline all subcategories (child categories) of current category with your shortcode.
Many thanks in advance!
]]>How do I display the number of Posts in each category?
I am using the following code, but it only displays the list and sublist of Categories.
[categories orderby=name number=all count=true fields=count]
For example, I want to display as follows –
Category A (15 posts)
Category B (5 posts)
Category C (12 posts)
Just tested on php 8 and it gives a critical error warning.
Thank you for this plugin.
I want to hide the “Category” label.
I tried using CSS but the label doesn’t have a selector.
It shows up as a ::marker and when I tried to select that and hide it that doesn’t work. This fails:
li.categories::marker { display:none;}
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>Hi, is there a way to show only a specific category?
]]>…first, great plugin. Thanks for the effort.
I found a Plugin with a Taxonomy that has got the functionality of List Categories beaten. It is the Category feature of the Go Gallery Plugin which adds a Taxonomy to Media Attachments.
The Taxonomy (in the WordPress Term_Taxonomy Table) it adds is: attachment_category, with a title of: Media Categories. Slug names / Terms are similar to other WordPress items in that they follow the WhatEver-WhatEver naming convention with dashes instead of spaces.
Everything I looked at in the database seems similar to other Plugins that add Taxonomy items to WordPress, so I couldn’t find anything that really stood out as causing the problem.
The only oddity I found is this: The GUI Admin Page of the Go Gallery Category for Media Items / Attachments Plugin has a column that shows the number of items assigned to that Taxonomy. It will not show any Media Items (AKA Attachments) assigned to it until that item is also assigned to a Page, Post, etc. (IE, uploaded to or attached). IE, it is not enough to simply assign the Category / Taxonomy to a Media Attachment. That Media Attachment also needs to be assigned as an uploaded / attached item of a Page, Post, etc.
I use the Go Gallery Media Categories in conjunction with Wicked Folders (which can utilize the Taxonomy Go Gallery provides) to automatically sort files. The Go Gallery itself has a Carousel and Gallery that utilize the Taxonomy it provides to display images in different Categories.
Anyway, this is not a complaint or something that is malfunctioning in your plugin, but just something really odd about how Go Gallery handles the entire Taxonomy thing. Maybe it would be worthwhile to add a workaround into your code and maybe my above hint will provide the clue. Just a thought on improving your plugin. Or maybe Go Gallery should fix the way they handle Taxonomies. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help in providing a solution. And thanks again for your plugin.
]]>I am pretty sure this will do what I want but unsure of the shortcode to use
at present for
this i have [categories] what do i need to add or change to get a link list to the children of the main category to list
Is the plugin supposed to provide a <ul></ul>
wrapper for the <li></li>
? If so, is that a shortcode parameter? I haven’t found the syntax.
I use the Advanced Custom Fields and List category posts plugins on my site.
In the Advanced Custom Fields plugin settings, the “Object Fields” group is created for entries with the “Sequential Number” field (type: Number). Wishing to display the records on a separate page with sorting by the “Sequence Number” field, I had a problem. Sorting is performed as text, not numbers, i.e. sorting looks as follows:
The page contains the following tag:
[catlist id=1+4 customfield_orderby=sortnum order=asc]
What needs to be corrected for correct sorting of the view:
На сайте мной используются плагины Advanced Custom Fields и List category posts.
В настройках плагина Advanced Custom Fields создана группа “Поля объектов” для записей с полем “Порядковый номер” (тип: Число). Желая вывести записи на отдельной странице с сортировкой по полю “Порядковый номер”, столкнулся с проблемой. Сортировка производится как текста, а не как числа, то есть сортировка выглядит следующим образом:
На странице указан следующий тег:
[catlist id=1+4 customfield_orderby=sortnum order=asc]
Что требуется поправить, для корректной сортировки вида:
I need to create post-date-post title; format using list category plugin. The example is “2019.05.01-Post Example 1”. Could anyone help me?
]]>would it be possible to include a woocommerce filter into your code, similar to this function?
'meta_query' => array(
'key' => '_stock_status',
'value' => 'instock',
'compare' => '=',
'relation' => 'OR',
'key' => '_stock_status',
'value' => '',
'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS'
I tried to create a new Test function, but when I called it. It showed error like ” Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function… “
class ListCategories{
static function list_categories($atts, $content = null) {
$atts = shortcode_atts(
'show_option_all' => '',
'orderby' => 'name',
'order' => 'ASC',
'style' => 'list',
'show_count' => 0,
'hide_empty' => 1,
'use_desc_for_title' => 1,
'child_of' => 0,
'feed' => '',
'feed_type' => '',
'feed_image' => '',
'exclude' => '',
'exclude_tree' => '',
'include' => '',
'hierarchical' => 1,
'title_li' => __( 'Categories' ),
'show_option_none' => __( 'No categories' ),
'number' => null,
'echo' => 1,
'depth' => 0,
'current_category' => 0,
'pad_counts' => 0,
'taxonomy' => 'category',
'walker' => null
), $atts
$output = ob_get_contents();
return $output;
function test(){
//Do something
add_shortcode( 'categories', array('ListCategories', 'list_categories') );
Please help me for that!
I am using the code on my site and I think it’s great.
Is there a way to indent the child categories?
For instance the “new wave” category has 5 children and I’d love to have them indented to signify they are indeed children
]]>Is there anyway to pick up the categories for portfolios?
]]>I’d like to compact my category lists (they’re long) by putting them in drop-downs. Can I do it with this plugin?
]]>I have a Parent category called LOCATIONS(165) and child categories like BRANDON, TAMPA, RIVERVIEW. I am trying to get a page to look like this
Post 1
Post 2
Post 3
Post 4
Post 5
Post 6
I have tried to use a cat code [catlist name=165 category_description=’yes’] and this does not work. What would the right cat code be?