Plugin worked with previous version of wordpress, but no with 3.5. Link appears broken.
]]>An example of a broken link can be seen at one of my blog entries: “”
The HTML in the final picture leads us to “” instead of just “http:/”
Anyone knows how to correct this?
Would it be possible to make a version of this plugin that allows all html tags in captions? I’m mostly interested in the common ones, like {br /}, {em}, {strong} etc..? Just change all the brackets?
Would be very interested in that!
]]>I’m using prettyPhoto. Is there a way to add links into the image title field instead of captions?
I don’t want captions to show on the image itself.
]]>Added the code from the plugin page exactly just to test and it doesn’t work. Just blanks out the entire caption.
]]>I have a problem with the way photos are rendered when using a caption. I think it has something to do with WordPress but I think Links in Captions can help.I’ve been using this plugin for months now and I have to say I absolutely *LOVE* it! It has helped me tremendously with outfit credit links in my fashion blog’s outfit photos.
One problem is I need to define the image’s height…much like the width is pulled from the image properties for the <div></div>
wrapper around the caption, I need something like a &height
to be grabbed as well and defined in the div. Is this possible? The reason being that unless the height is defined, i get a weird 3-5px gap of whitespace underneath my captioned photo.
'id' => '',
'align' => 'alignnone',
'width' => '',
'caption' => $caption
), $attr));
# BEGIN Added for this plugin
// replaces {link rel="nofollow" url=""}Text{/link}
$caption = preg_replace('/\{link(.*?)\}(.*?)\{\/link\}/ism', '[add_caption_link$1]$2[/add_caption_link]', $caption);
$caption = preg_replace('/\{a(.*?)\}(.*?)\{\/a}/ism', '[add_caption_link$1]$2[/add_caption_link]', $caption);
// Added for this plugin it replaces {link rel="nofollow" url="" text="Text" /}
$caption = preg_replace('/\{a(.*?)\/\}/ism', '[add_caption_link $1 /]', $caption);
$caption = str_replace('"', '"', $caption);
# END Added for this plugin
if ( 1 > (int) $width || empty($caption) )
return add_link_to_caption_replace_quotes($content, 'remove');
if ( $id ) $id = 'id="' . esc_attr($id) . '" ';
// Added do_shortcode() to the $caption for this plugin
return '<div ' . $id . 'class="wp-caption ' . esc_attr($align) . '" style="width: ' . (0 + (int) $width) . 'px">
I believe the solution would be somewhere in the above code?
]]>I tried both the link forms in the documentation — pasted them directly into my caption — and they didn’t work. Instead, the code displayed:
{a href=””}Anchor text here{/a}, or alternatively you could use {link url=””}Anchor text here{/link}.
I am using the current version of the Weaver theme, and inserting pics via WP’s stock interface.
]]>Your plugin only works if you stay in html editing mode. If you switch to visual at any point, it strips the code.
I was SOOOO glad to find this plugin, but seemingly I can not get it to work.
Whenever I use the link code in a caption (does not matter which version of the code, or if I use single or double quotes) I have the same effect that I had without the plugin when I included a regular HTML link: caption and surrounding div gone, image just displayed “as is”, no floating, no caption, no link…
Is it possible the plugin is sabotaged by the theme (Thesis with Blogussion skin in this case)?
Anybody else having similar problems?
thanks for any hints, I would LOVE to finally have links in my captions, and so would the folks who’s images I use in my blogs… ??
When I do the code for the caption, I put “Open website in a new window” for the title tag. But when I hover over the link on the website it only says “Open”.
Is this a problem anyone else is having? Is there a fix for it, or something that needs to be updated in the plugin?
This plugin solves such a huge problem. They keep putting off fixing it in WordPress itself.