Hola Fede, antes que nada excelente plugin te has creado!
Te hago una consulta, vemos el selector en categorias de WooCommerce para ofuscar los enlaces pero no en las etiquetas, ?el plugin no trae esa opción? En caso de que no lo traiga, ?como podemos a?adir esa funcionalidad?
]]>Hi, I have a custom field “Clases CSS” for menu items, created with ACF.
Now, after installing your plugin, that custom field appears duplicated, please see screenshot https://snipboard.io/cJKxaP.jpg
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
Thank you for your support and for this excellent plugin!!
]]>I’m wishing to confirm if this plugin works on Table of Contents anchor text links – I wish to use them but do not want Googlebot to find them in the source code and crawl them.
With PHP 8.3, appears this warning.
I think some dependencies need to be updated to more modern versions.
PHP Deprecated: Calling get_class() without arguments is deprecated in public_html/wp-content/plugins/link-juice-optimizer/vendor/htmlburger/carbon-fields/core/Container.php on line 36
]]>Hola! tengo un cliente que tiene este plugin instalado y cuando intenta crear una categoría de WooCommerce, se queda pensando y no se llega a crear. Desactivo el plugin, y funciona perfectamente.
]]>Hi there and thank you for this fantastic plugin.
I’m trying to use LJO?with Breakdance builder.
It works fine for the links inside the content of a page. I just add my class to the link (<a class=”obf” href=”https://monsite“>texte</a>)
But when it comes to the links in the header or footer, it doesn’t work well. I have tried to add my class “obf” in the menu link but it doesn’t work. The link is still here.
Probably because the header has his proper class?.breakdance-menu-item. Same for the footer.
I can add this class .breakdance-menu-item to the settings of your plugin but I would prefer to do it link by link.
Would you have an idea please ?
Tks so much
]]>Hello Fede, I have been using the plugin for many years and for me it is the best obfuscation plugin that exists, but now I have encountered a problem when designing with the Elementor plugin, it does not give the option to obfuscate the link directly and even if I put the Elementor class in |pdoptimice does not do obfuscation, could you check if it works with the Elementor plugin, thank you very much.
]]>Hi, with this plugin activated, body closing tag </body> appears twice.
This kind of error makes that other plugins, like WP Rocket plugin, fail or doesn’t work properly.
What can we do? Thanks in advance
Spanish version:
Buenas, con este plugin activado, la etiqueta de cierre de body </body> aparece 2 veces.
Este tipo de error provoca, entre otras cosas, que otros plugins como WP Rocket dejen de funcionar.
?Alguna ayuda? Gracias de antemano
When using link juice optimizer, every code block used in the site breaks visually.
I’ve tested in a new and clean wordpress installation and it’s something related to the <pre> tags, which after activating the plugin do not apply the preformatted style.
I know the plugin development is inactive, but I just want to let you know, as this can affect several sites.
]]>Dear Fede
Thank you so much for your plugin. This works like a charm and is super useful!
However, I just noticed that the woocommerce obfuscation works on non filtered page : https://dev.fizzbuzz.fr/helpac/produits/
But not anymore on filtered page in ajax :
The link is well encoded but cannot be decoded until I force refresh the page.
Is there anything I need to do on the settings to make it work ?
Thank you again
]]>Hi Everybody,
I got these errors on my websites since few weeks (and also error 503).
Is it because of my website’s configuration or your plugin “Link Juice Optimizer” is Deprecated ?
<span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>My configuration</span>:
– php 8
– wordpress 6.3.1
– Link Juice Optimizer Version 2.3.1
Deprecated: Return type of Carbon_Fields\Pimple\Container::offsetExists($id) should either be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetExists(mixed $offset): bool, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /home/wp-content/plugins/link-juice-optimizer/vendor/htmlburger/carbon-fields/core/Pimple/Container.php on line 128
Deprecated: Return type of Carbon_Fields\Pimple\Container::offsetGet($id) should either be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetGet(mixed $offset): mixed, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /home/wp-content/plugins/link-juice-optimizer/vendor/htmlburger/carbon-fields/core/Pimple/Container.php on line 93
Deprecated: Return type of Carbon_Fields\Pimple\Container::offsetSet($id, $value) should either be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetSet(mixed $offset, mixed $value): void, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /home/wp-content/plugins/link-juice-optimizer/vendor/htmlburger/carbon-fields/core/Pimple/Container.php on line 74
Deprecated: Return type of Carbon_Fields\Pimple\Container::offsetUnset($id) should either be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetUnset(mixed $offset): void, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /home/wp-content/plugins/link-juice-optimizer/vendor/htmlburger/carbon-fields/core/Pimple/Container.php on line 138
I am using your pluguin and it is amazing, but I am trying to use diferent CSS for diferent menu elements.
Bacause everything I ofuscate looks the same way.
The elements of menus are similar to a normal link in a text.
What can I do to diferenciate them?
I use the plugin on several sites without any problem. However, on a specific one, from one day to the next, the obfuscation doesn’t work at all.
Both with links in articles and on WooCommerce buttons.
How can I correct the problem?
Thank you for this plugin.
Is it normal that the links in the breadcrumb are not obfuscated? I use the breadcrumb of SEOPress Pro and I add the ljoptimizer class.
The links on the page are well obfuscated.
]]>Buenos dias
Tenemos un problema con el complemento Link Juice Optimizer
El complemento funciona correctamente en el menú, pero solo 2 elementos no se ofenden.
?Puedes ayudarnos porfavor?
muchas gracias por tu regreso
Que tenga un buen día
PD: ?Nos encanta tu plugin! ;-)
can you add the link target blank support.
Exemple : <span class=”ljoptimizer” target=”_blank” data-loc=”MyBase64Link”></span>
]]>Hello Fede, your plugin is flooding our error_log with a warning.
PHP Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, bool given in /home/customer/www/xxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/link-juice-optimizer/public/class-link-juice-optimizer-public.php on line 251
We are using v2.3.1
I understand that we can disable PHP warnings but this seems to be a issue that needs to be addressed on the next update.
Thank you.
I want to obfuscate affiliate links but I have a problem when I do it with your plugin.
Indeed, the entire URL does not work (https://tracking.publicidees.com/clic.php?promoid=55044&progid=2167&partid=62551). And when I perform the command https://tracking.publicidees.com*, it works but the link URL becomes broken and inaccessible.
Original URL: https://tracking.publicidees.com/clic.php?promoid=55044&progid=2167&partid=62551
URL modified after using the plugin: same URL with #038; parameter x2
How to delete #038 in the new link please? Because my affiliate URL becomes inaccessible with this message:GET parameters error
I hope there is a solution because I paid a graphic designer to already improve the CSS which was badly managed with the plugin.
We have a problem with the obfuscation plugin
We have a menu with several submenus which themselves have submenus.
Only the arrows (toggle) of submenu do not appear, and therefore impossible on the tablet, mobile version to see the submenu associated with the menu.
Can you help us please?
Thanks for your feedback
best regards
We find your plugin very useful, thanks for your contribution.
Our web host need us to switch on PHP 8.0 version this month so we are doing some tests on our staging environment. Unfortunatly, Link Juice Optimizer (version 2.3) looks uncompatible with that version of PHP. It seems like a DB connection issue.
Wordpress version : 5.9.4
Extension mysqli
Version du serveur 10.5.12-MariaDB-1:10.5.12+maria~focal
Version du client mysqlnd 8.0.22
Can you please confirm/comment or suggest something about this topic?
Kind regards,
Your plugin is very very nice but it’s not working with the accordeon elementor.
When I activate the plugin, my toggle / accordeon widget from element don’t open and refresh automaticly.
So I have to desactivate ??
]]>Hello Fede, I have the following snippet in my functions.php file…
add_filter( ‘wpseo_exclude_from_sitemap_by_post_ids’, function () {
To exclude past post (deleted posts) id’s from appearing in Yoast sitemap.
Before I install Link Juice Optimizer, do you expect any issues?
(Edit) Of course I have written this question on the WRONG plugin. Apologies
Was meant for Super Sitemap for SEO