I have a notification message from Ray Enterprise Professional Translation, which is constantly in the way. It keeps staying in front of menu items, so I can’t click them. And theres no “x” to remove it. I’m considering uninstalling it, just to get rid of the message, but I can’t imagine that should be necessary.
Does anyone else had that problem and got rid of the message box?
When translating a post, the Yoast meta fields are not translated even though they are configured in settings as “Translate”, not “Ignore” or “copy”.
Take the Yoast Meta Description field (_yoast_wpseo_metadesc
) for example. This does not get translated while post slug does.
I have tested with using default theme and only Polylang, Yoast and Lingotek active.
]]>I’m trying to use machine translation and none of the upload links are working.
]]>Firstly hello,
My problem is lingotek doesn’t work anymore, a problem appears what is called “Payment required, community disabled.” When I try to access to the interface of Lingotek by entering my Lingotek account, it kicks me out by saying you’ve been inactive so long.
Could you fix it please ?
I’m looking forward your response.
[ Signature deleted ]
Is it possible to connect Google Translation or something similar for automatic translations?
]]>Hello, I saw that with polylang and Lingotek, the first 100’000 characters for automatic translation are free.
Then what is the price?? There is no information about that.
I wrote an email to Lingotek but I did never receive any answer.
]]>Hi there,
is the plugin still maintained and adjusted to WordPress 6.1.1 and Elementor (Pro) 3.10.2, so that compatibility is ensured?
Thank you very much for your feedback!
]]>Hi there,
On the backoffice : listing page i have a lot of error message foreach post.
I’m in multisite it’s OK on the main but not good on the otherone …
Any idea where / why it come from ?
Notice: Trying to get property ‘locale’ of non-object in /home/www/wp-content/plugins/lingotek-translation/include/model.php on line 201
Notice: Trying to get property ‘locale’ of non-object in /home/www/wp-content/plugins/lingotek-translation/include/model.php on line 202
Notice: Trying to get property ‘locale’ of non-object in?/home/www/wp-content/plugins/lingotek-translation/include/model.php?on line?203
Notice: Trying to get property ‘locale’ of non-object in /home/www/wp-content/plugins/lingotek-translation/admin/chip-base.php on line 112
Notice: Trying to get property ‘lingotek_locale’ of non-object in?/home/www/wp-content/plugins/lingotek-translation/admin/chip-base.php?on line?81
Notice: Trying to get property ‘locale’ of non-object in /home/www/wp-content/plugins/lingotek-translation/admin/filters-columns.php on line 337
Notice: Trying to get property ‘locale’ of non-object in?/home/www/wp-content/plugins/lingotek-translation/admin/filters-columns.php?on line?470
Notice: Trying to get property ‘locale’ of non-object in?/home/www/wp-content/plugins/lingotek-translation/admin/filters-columns.php?on line?337
Thank you
I use Lingotec to create a clone of that page. Only difference should be the title to which I appended the text ” – ES”.
In the Spanish version (same as in the French one), the featured image, which should be https://vc-alternative.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/2021-scaled.jpg does not show up. It is replaced by the image https://vc-alternative.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/slider-vca-1.jpg which is used in other pages of the website, but not this one.
If I change the “featured” image in the Spanish or French version, nothing happens. If I delete it, then, the other image disappears as well.
We have noticed the Gutenberg blocks created with ACF are not being translated. Do you have any plans to support custom ACF blocks?
]]>Is lingotek translation compatible with WordPress 6.1.1 ?
I have unwanted behaviors on my current WordPress instance.
So I tried a full reinstall from scratch of WordPress and plugins and I can reproduce the problem.
Steps to reproduce :
1) Install WordPress 6.1.1
2) Install polylang lugin, configure with french and german
3) Install lingotek translation plugin. configure with new lingotek account. Set “etiquettes” (tags) to “manual” on “content type configuration”
4) Create a tag
5) Attempt to “Upload to Lingotek” => Error message :
Warning: Attempt to read property "post_type" on null in /path_to_my_files/wp-content/plugins/lingotek-translation/include/model.php on line 390 Warning: Attempt to read property "locale" on bool in /path_to_my_files/wp-content/plugins/lingotek-translation/include/model.php on line 201 Warning: Attempt to read property "locale" on bool in /path_to_my_files/wp-content/plugins/lingotek-translation/include/model.php on line 202 Warning: Attempt to read property "locale" on bool in /path_to_my_files/wp-content/plugins/lingotek-translation/include/model.php on line 203 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /path_to_my_files/wp-content/plugins/lingotek-translation/include/model.php:390) in /path_to_my_files/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1416 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /path_to_my_files/wp-content/plugins/lingotek-translation/include/model.php:390) in /path_to_my_files/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1419
Does anyone have the same problem?
I will write to Ligotek support in parallel.
Although the process works for all posts, strangely I am not able to download the translation of 1 specific post:
Clicking on the blue button, or even opening the field and asking to download, the page is reloaded, but the status remains blue.
I’ve cleared the browser cache, but nothing has changed.
Other posts are still being translated normally, but I can’t download this single post.
No error messages.
How to solve this?`
In the image below, one post is all in green and the other is in orange.
What this means?
Hello, i installed polygon and also lingotek. I have already my homepages in one language and I want to translate with lingotek. The sistem send me to login homepage, ask me if I allow the connection. I select yes. Then redirect me to WordPress but then nothing happens and the bottom to connect is again there.
]]>I am working on a multilingual site with Polylang + Lingotek combo and have serveral contents prepared in Traditional Chinese that needs to be translated to English and Simplified Chinese. Traditional Chinese -> English seems fine but when translating to Simplified Chinese, it failed to translate. Is the issue plugin-side or Lingotek side? English to Traditional / Simplified Chinese works fine.
]]>when i translate a post to another language -> the date or the month ,year can’t translate and some of it insert the word “XNUMX” in there
someone help me out of this ? , i can’t find this error in google , so many web develop in wordpress has this error
I’m able to login through my developpement environnement but not on my production environnement.
They’re not on same server but maybe the thing is on my prod accound i have some security plugin (WP Security, sucuri, ithemes security).
When i’m trying to sign-in (creation or using existing account) i’m redirect to wordpress then page reload and nothing happen/happened.
Can you help me ?
Best Regards,
Please upgrade your plugin
]]>Lingotek ruined my post panel, it displays the post names letter by letter downwards. When I deactivate it, it gets fixed. However I love this pluging and being multi-language is the main part of my site and I need your help to fix this bug guys !
I share below the images of the bug and the related problem I face:
Don’t hesitate to mail me : [email protected]
The related website of the subject: https://hikmetyolcu.com
Dear all,
I have a site in English that I want to automatically translate into other languages based on navigator language of the user’s browser, i.e if their browser is in German – translate from English to German, if browser language is French, English to French and so on. I don’t want the user to have to select language translation from a drop-down, but just have it translated according to their preferred browser language settings.
Further more I would like the language switcher not to be displayed.
Is it possible with Lingotek please?
Beyond this, please do you know if Lingotek translates absolutely everything, i.e. also the words and pages introduced by other plugins?
]]>After last update, pages and posts lists not loading. So I must deactivate Lingotec to continue developing. WP version 5.9.3.
Please review issues.
And Also, when will you add compatibility with last version of WP?
I’m trying to login to the admin panel and I’m getting this error, has anyone else had something similar? I’ve commented out the lines for now as I couldn’t login to the admin panel.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘)’ in wp-content/plugins/lingotek-translation/admin/filters-columns.php on line 131
We install lincese Polylang and free version Lingotek.
We recently encountered a 504 error on the server
If we relogin in account Lingotek – The text is uploaded to the server, but when the status is updated, the translation is deleted.
What is the problem?
Is it possible to add some words to some filter or smt like that which I dont want translate? Im using some name of products, some last name that shouldnt be translated but lingotek does it. For example in text i have name of product “Perfect Skin” and after i translate it to deutsch it will be “Perfekte Haut” but name of products still is “Perfect Skin” so i dont want to translate it. Same is with last names. When i mention someone for example “Mark Strong”, Lingotek will translate his last name which is annoying. Is there any way to avoid it?
When i go to set up payment method there are some error and loading icon https://i.imgur.com/JXSMZNH.png
What can I do with it?
just tried your plugin with my site. Here was my steps:
1. Activated plugin, connected account.
2. In Pages press upload translation
3. In pages press requiest translation
4. Result: updated page on new language just removed all my elementor page.
So you don’t support elementor?
]]>Hi, I have connected my website to use machine translation from italian to english. I have some problems related the translation of content with a layout based on shortcodes (I use Avada theme, with Fusion Builder):
– quotation mark is translated in "
– single quote is translated in '
– words of image url path are translated in some case
– in some shortcode’s attribute name a space is add
is it possible to control these aspects? If so, how?
I figured out how to translate my pages and set them to keep the original slug, and only add the language code in the beginning.
For example domain.com/post will turn to domain.com/es/post
I thought I set it up correctly but now the translated post becomes “domain.com/es/post-2”
Why is that?
I get error: “Error occurred while updating document WordPress. Message: id value is not valid.”
This seems to be a lingotek error.
How can this be solved?
there are icons missing in the WordPress Admin.
It is because off the faulty img tags. Like in the following code, the “data:” is missing:
<img src="image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAAN