Great plugin.
Could you please give me an example on how to contain the graph within a specific pixel width. I see that the bars’ widths are defined in multiples of 100%.
Thank you ??
If you wish to create permalinks for the tags accordingly to the wordpress setting, please replace the following code within plugin’s index.php around lines 106-109.
echo ‘href=”‘.home_url().’/?tag=’.$array[‘slug’].'”>
‘.$array[‘name’].’ (‘.$array[‘count’].’)
$this_tag = get_term_by(‘slug’,$array[‘slug’],’post_tag’);
$tag_link = get_tag_link($this_tag->term_id);
if (!$tag_link) {
$tag_link = home_url().’/?tag=’.$array[‘slug’];
echo ‘href=”‘.$tag_link.'”>
‘.$array[‘name’].’ (‘.$array[‘count’].’)