I’m wondering if this plugin is still active?
]]>Just wondering if this plugin is still active?
I’d like to create something like this: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/anxiety-and-depression-checklist-k10
I would like the survey to take user responses and then display results based on their scores:
0-10 – “Results Paragraph One”,
11-20 – “Results Paragraph Two”
21-100 – “Results Paragraph Three”
This plugin would have been exactly what I needed. All other plugins I have found go too much either in direction of contact forms or viral quiz builder.
That said, this seems not to be updated anymore. I would have appreciated the possibility to create this form with 7 answers (1-7) and to reverse some of them.
Too bad!
]]>Is it possible to have two types of questions using the Likert scheme? Positively-keyed and negatively-keyed sentences are evaluated in the opposite way: if, for instance, we have 5 answers evaluated from 0 (strongly disagree) to +4 (strongly agree) for the +keyed items, the -keyed will be evaluated in a reverse direction, from +4 (strongly disagree) to 0 (strongly agree). How can I implement that?
]]>A common type of test scores by adding up the numerical results. It will say “if you are in range 0-10 you are normal, 10-20, not too crazy … 90-100, batshit crazy. Is there a way to do this?
I’m looking for a way to let people who take the Likert Scale Survey also fill in their e-mailaddres and name. That way I can contact the people who took the survey. Is that a possibility with this plugin?
]]>Hello there,
I’m not having any trouble finding the answers people gave through the Likert Scale Survey-plugin, but I can’t seem to find the scores that come along with their answers or the file in which they should be stored. This makes is quite difficult to process the data that the plugin collects. Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you!
]]>So, I came across likert-survey-master since none of the other existing plugins would let you have different categories of questions. I’m attempting to use it to implement a digital version of a psychological research instrument, which has choices of 1 to 5 and two different categories of questions, but then I need to compute averages for each category. It doesn’t seem like there’s currently a way to do that with likert-survey-master. Any suggestions? Is this just a matter of a simple tweak, or is this pretty complex?