Thank you for such a great plugin!!
We need a way to sort the list of signers.
Perhaps via a shortcode attribute, for examples:
[lh_signing_confirmed_list ‘sort_by’=’alphabetically’]
[lh_signing_confirmed_list ‘sort_by’=’date’]
Thank you again for such a great plugin!!
]]>Need a way to resend confirmation email. It should be a built in part of the message saying “you have not confirmed” —
If this is already part of the plugin, I need help locating or enabling it. When the confirmation email does not arrive, this is a real problem.
Other than this, also, it would be helpful to have a way to manually confirm someone when they are known to the site admin.
]]>Hello. I am attempting to set the placeholder text via the shortcode attributes, but it is being ignored.
Please take a look at the efforts below and let me know if anything is wrong.
(Since I need to store and display “affiliation” in addition to name, I am trying to use the placeholder text to convey that the full name should go in the first name field, and the affiliation should go in the last name field.)
First I tried this:
[lh_signing_form 'first_name_placeholder' => 'Your Name', 'last_name_placeholder' => 'Your Affiliation', 'email_placeholder' => 'Your Email']
Then I tried this:
[lh_signing_form 'first_name' => 1 , 'first_name_placeholder' => 'Your Name', 'last_name' => 1, 'last_name_placeholder' => 'Your Affiliation', 'email_placeholder' => 'Your Email']
The shortcode settings were ignored – the page displayed with the default values of placeholder texts.
This plugin seems almost perfect for a need we are facing. The only thing that could make it better would be to have more fields than just name and email. We need at least one additional field for something like “affiliation (optional)” — and it would be great if the plugin gave control over which fields show. Other fields could be “State / Province / Region” and “Country.”
Anyone have any advice on tweaking the existing plugin to make that happen?
After submitting a form, we get a blank page (Firefox) or HTTP ERROR 500 (Chrome). We haven’t edited anything in the plug in. We have the newest version of both (WP Posts 2 and LH Signing) plugins. What could be the reason?
]]>How do you print off the list of signatories names and email addresses to submit to a group?
First thank you for all the input you gave to me for the textarea and the other things.
I have one question regarding the list what is showing in the page editor off the page where the shortcode is.
At this moment I have 100 subscribers on the site. In the admin the list really is getting to long because we expect a few thousand signatures.
How can I shorten the list with a read more tag or I don’t know how.. because when it get thousands and they are all visible then it is really chaotic in my admin.
So, It’s nice to see the list but there should be a sort of pagination or expanding possibility.
I hope you can help me with this. Oh and to show you why I needed the text area you can see it: Click here
Regards Jap
I wrote your review!! I have one more question.
Is it possible to give the form one additional field. I need a text-area of max 250 characters. It is not needed to make it *required since I want to ask to the subscribers to comment why they subscribe. A sort of custom field.
So, the form wil aks first name, last name, email, Why, comment (text-area.
I really hope you can tell me how I do that.. because then its totally suiting my needs.
It okay if you tell me where to put in the code.. or is it a function again which i cannot make myself?
Warm regards
Thank you for this awesome plugin! I have a question and I hope you can help me out.
When I use the Shortcode [lh_signing_total_count] and I post it on the same page as where I have the petition it is showing the data correctly. In this case 2 subscribers.
When I want to put the shortcode in the header it’s not working as I expected.
When I do <?php echo do_shortcode('[lh_signing_total_count]');
and I visit the page where the I have put [lh_signing_form] it is showing the correct ammount of subscribers.
But when I go to my homepage or any other page / post of the site.. the counter in the header is saying… 0 people did the petition.
How can I get the shortocde [lh_signing_total_count] In the header to show the ammount site wide. I only use the form one time on my site!
I really hope you can help me.. because we need the counter visible very very much.
Thank you in advantage
I really do like this plugin. It is exactly what I am looking for.
I have one queston. I think in the netherlands when you want an official ammount of unique subscribers you need the ip address also.
Is it possible for this script to grab the ip address of the visitor and add it to the export?
I really hope this is possible because then I am almost ready with working out our idea.
Kind regards
]]>On the plugin Settings page, there is one field and it is called “Registration Page ID”. Is this supposed to the the page ID of my site’s registration/login page? Or is it used for something else? Adding a tip to the Settings page would probably help a number of people—me included!
Thanks for the great plugin, otherwise.
]]>I’m checking this plugin and I like it’s simplicity.
I’m testing on a local Bitnami install. Email functions well in other cases. I just entered and signed, twice and then I should receive a mail to confirm my signing? I’m not getting any email. I can see my test names when using the [lh_signing_unconfirmed_list] in the page, but [lh_signing_unconfirmed_count] is empty.
Besides that I don’t know what to do with the Registration Page ID.
Sorry for question, my wp knoledge is not so solid, but there i a sort of guide or instruction about how to set the metabox an use the plugin?
Thank you in advance
I saw some additional shortcodes were started by the original author(s), but not finished. I finished and added some more. I believe this should allow users to correctly display confirmed users, unconfirmed users, a tally of each, and a total number of signatories all with shortcodes. I think the functions I called are fast and scoped to the minimum data, but let me know if you see any other optimizations. Below is an svn diff
to be applied as a patch:
Index: lh-signing.php
--- lh-signing.php (revision 1443169)
+++ lh-signing.php (working copy)
@@ -656,8 +656,9 @@
public function list_attached_users($id, $list, $fields) {
$users = get_users( array(
- 'connected_type' => array($list,'foobar'),
- 'connected_items' => $id
+ 'connected_type' => array($list),
+ 'connected_items' => get_queried_object_id(),
+ 'fields' => array($fields)
) );
$return_string = "<ul>";
@@ -664,7 +665,7 @@
foreach ( $users as $user ) {
-$return_string .= '<li>'.get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $user->ID ).'</li>';
+$return_string .= '<li>'. $user->{'display_name'} .'</li>';
@@ -674,7 +675,30 @@
+public function count_attached_users($id, $list, $fields) {
+$users = get_users( array(
+ 'connected_type' => array($list),
+ 'connected_items' => get_queried_object_id(),
+ 'fields' => array($fields)
+) );
+$user_count = 0;
+foreach ( $users as $user ) {
+$return_string = $user_count;
+return $return_string;
public function the_content_filter( $content ) {
global $post;
@@ -910,6 +934,7 @@
add_shortcode($this->namespace.'_form', array($this,"form_shortcode_output"));
add_shortcode($this->namespace.'_unconfirmed_count', array($this,"unconfirmed_count_shortcode_output"));
add_shortcode($this->namespace.'_confirmed_count', array($this,"confirmed_count_shortcode_output"));
+add_shortcode($this->namespace.'_total_count', array($this,"total_count_shortcode_output"));
add_shortcode($this->namespace.'_unconfirmed_list', array($this,"unconfirmed_list_shortcode_output"));
add_shortcode($this->namespace.'_confirmed_list', array($this,"confirmed_list_shortcode_output"));
@@ -961,10 +986,10 @@
extract( shortcode_atts( array (
'id' => false,
-'fields' => 'display_name' ), $atts )
+'fields' => 'display_name' ), $atts )
-$return_string = $this_>list_attached_users($id, 'signing_sign_unconfirmed', $fields);
+$return_string = $this->list_attached_users($id, 'signing_sign_unconfirmed', $fields);
@@ -972,6 +997,66 @@
+public function confirmed_list_shortcode_output($atts,$content = null) {
+extract( shortcode_atts( array (
+'id' => false,
+'fields' => 'display_name' ), $atts )
+$return_string = $this->list_attached_users($id, 'signing_sign_confirmed', $fields);
+return $return_string;
+public function confirmed_count_shortcode_output($atts,$content = null) {
+extract( shortcode_atts( array (
+'id' => false,
+'fields' => 'display_name' ), $atts )
+$return_string = '<span class="confirmed_count">' . $this->count_attached_users($id, 'signing_sign_confirmed', $fields) . '</span>';
+return $return_string;
+public function unconfirmed_count_shortcode_output($atts,$content = null) {
+extract( shortcode_atts( array (
+'id' => false,
+'fields' => 'display_name' ), $atts )
+$return_string = '<span class="confirmed_count">' . $this->count_attached_users($id, 'signing_sign_unconfirmed', $fields) . '</span>';
+return $return_string;
+public function total_count_shortcode_output($atts,$content = null) {
+extract( shortcode_atts( array (
+'id' => false,
+'fields' => 'display_name' ), $atts )
+$return_string = '<span class="confirmed_count">';
+$return_string .= $this->count_attached_users($id, 'signing_sign_unconfirmed', $fields) + $this->count_attached_users($id, 'signing_sign_confirmed', $fields);
+$return_string .= '</span>';
+return $return_string;
public function add_meta_boxes($post_type, $post) {
if (has_shortcode( $post->post_content, 'lh_signing_form' )){
@@ -1576,4 +1661,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Index: readme.txt
--- readme.txt (revision 1443169)
+++ readme.txt (working copy)
@@ -16,6 +16,20 @@
Creating a petition/list/signup is as easy as adding a shortcode to a post or page (or CPT). From there additional editors are available to configure easch aspect of the sign up. Everything is completely self hosted and all list members become users of your site (not a third parties).
+Available shortcodes:
+[lh_signing_form] (enable signatories on any post, page, or custom post type)
+Unconfirmed signatories: [lh_signing_unconfirmed_count]
+Confirmed signatories: [lh_signing_confirmed_count]
+Total signatories: [lh_signing_total_count]
+[lh_signing_unconfirmed_list] (unformated list)
+[lh_signing_confirmed_list] (unformated list)
== Installation ==
1. Upload the <code>lh-signing</code> folder to the <code>/wp-content/plugins/</code> directory
@@ -97,4 +111,4 @@
* Conditionally show admin boxes
**2.61 June 22, 2016**
-* Update links
\ No newline at end of file
+* Update links
Hi shawfactor.
First of all, thank you for sharing your plugin. ??
I really need a WP plugin to start a petition, so I found yours searching for a new and updated plugin.
I’m interested in translating the whole plugin, front and backend.
I can do the job using POedit, Crowdin or other online platforms as I did for several plugins and Apps.
I can provide a professional translation and collaborate in beta testing.
Feel free to contact me if interested.
Best regards.
]]>When I add the shortcode my site is no longer visible. It says too many redirects. I went through all the plugins and when I deactivated this plugin my site was visible again.
This list is the entire purpose of the site. I really need it to work.
]]>This is the error I see
Fatal error: Call to undefined function p2p_connection_exists() in /home/content/87/11077187/html/directory/wp-content/plugins/lh-signing/lh-signing.php on line 499
I have installed LH signing and it is exactly what I want but is very slow to save data approx 20 secs, Have I installed it right?
petition is at https://www.hrag.info/downloads/hanging-rock-action-group/petition/pm/
]]>Peter, could you show/link to a demo or sample of a petition somewhere so I can see what it looks/acts like? (Already have a petition going with SpeakOut!, but there’s a bug… and I’d like to compare to yours.)
Also, could you please say:
–what form the signers list is in (visible online, or only downloadable?;
–whether it can be made opt-in for the signers to accept further emails;
–whether there is an option for it to email end recipients for each signing;
–whether it somehow resolves duplicates;
–whether there is a social or email “share this” feature.
Thank you!! :^) – sgcaia