I have performed a fresh install of a WP multisite, network-activated BuddyPress and your plugin (added the bpbp-custom.php file with the define BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG line), and created a second site.
When I went to the register link on the login page of the second site, it takes me to the main site registration. How does it know what site the user will belong to? Doesn’t it need the users to register on their respective sites?
]]>It seemed to stop working. I think its 5.5.8 or higher issue. Any work around
thank you very much for your plugin.
How can I prevent people from accessing to a profile page from another multisite blog?
For example :
teacherSite, teacherUser
studentSite, studentUser
I have restricted access to site for non-member.
teacherUser can only connect on teacherSite.
And he can’t see in the directory other users from others blogs.
If studentUser knows the teacherUser username or if he finds or test…
He can go to studentSite.domain.com/member/teacherUser, and he can see the profile of teacherUser even though teacherUser is not linked to studentSite.
Fortunately, there is no information (because everything else is well segregated) except the name and the gravatar.
But he can still make a connection request or send him a private message!
teacherUser will not see any notification on teacherSite. But he will potentially receive an email which will redirect him to studentSite without being able to connect to it.
It’s weird that you can see someone’s profile which is from another blog and be able to interact with them.
How to avoid this?
]]>Hi Peter,
Great plugin and generally working well. I’m using BuddyBoss not BuddyPress.
One thing I’ve noticed is the General Settings, Registration Settings, etc. don’t work for each site, they’re referenced globally.
For example, if I set one site to “Allow non-members to register new accounts” all sites honour this setting, even if they have the option disabled.
Is there a hook or action missing for settings (bp_get_root_blog_id perhaps)? Is it because options use bp_get_root_blog_id() and not current blog id?
]]>I just installed this, wiping out the existing community’s groups in the process. I was able to recreate them and bp seemed to remember their associated graphics. Tests went fine so I went to the newer subsite’s installation to begin tests there. Unfortunately, I can’t create post updates. I keep getting an error that says:
There was a problem posting your update. Please try again. I only see this in the nouveau theme for buddypress.
I deactivated all the subsite specific plugins for that subsite, tested again, and still got the same error. I switched to the twenty seventeen theme and still get the same error.
I am able to create groups, create an event, but get a page not found trying to edit the profile. I turned off the option to sync profiles with wordpress, but that didn’t fix that problem. I can edit the profile for the superuser on the prior community just fine, but not the new one.
I did create the bp-custom.php file and put it into the plugins folder.
The super user can post just fine on the first community, just not the new one on the other subsite. I’m going to re-enable the subsite’s plugins now as that didn’t cause any change.
]]>Hi, I’ve installed the plugin and added the line. But nothing changed. Subsites still don’t get an option to use buddypress, and buddypress can only be controlled on the network level. I am using youzify too, but don’t think it should have any impact.
Very looking forward to your reply!
]]>Hello and thank you for rebooting this type of plugin.
I am running Buddyboss which is a fork of buddypress and we run it through wP Multinetwork.
Actually, for us we love the fact to have one community or social network being shared across the entire install, but still having our brands being separated by network. As we are operating a group, each affiliates are having their own install thanks to multinetwork but the thing is, we have troubles making the buddyboss setup truly global. For instance, the user of site X is always redirecting to site A. Sometimes, we get a 404 as the profile somehow is not in sync… I was hoping to find a solution with your plugin as ideally, we would love seeing groups and members for each network but a special option to create global member and global groups that are pushed everywhere. Thanks
I have followed the guidance, as explained in this link, when??presenting a custom Group Home Page (on the Main Site) .
So we create a template file front-slug-{group-slug}.php for the Group Home Page
& that template is put in this folder: the child theme—>buddypress—>groups—>single—>front-slug-{group-slug}.php
So far so good.
So for a Group called “Rugby” in Groups on the Main Site (https://mysite.com)??the folder/file structure is:??child theme—>buddypress—>groups—>single—>front-slug-rugby
All good & the template is reproduced on the front end
Now…. for the other Sites/Networks
If we have a Group of the same name “Rugby” in say a second site or Network??https://france.mysite.com how do we manage the template address as child theme—>buddypress—>groups—>single—>front-slug.group-slug.php won’t do as it will just return the previous result (of the first site)
Yes you could require unique names for each group irrespective of site but its not ideal.
Any workaround on this much appreciated
]]>Which plugins are you refering to?
How don′t they work properly ?
]]>I think your instruction might be more correct with this link
Create a https://codex.buddypress.org/plugins/bp-custom-php/ file
(“plugins” instead of “themes”)
Cheers & thanks for plugin
haven’t tested yet