I just installed the plugin and tried to add a slider, but I can’t get past the first “choose a skin” screen. I choose “select” and nothing happens.
has anybody tried to optimize wordpress website with LenSlider?
How to specify image dimensions in LenSlider?
How to serve scaled images for Thumbnails in LensSlider?
test your site speed with – https://www.gtmetrix.com
Google Page Speed results are pretty bad
Recommendation Grade Type Priority
Specify image dimensions Images High
Serve scaled images Images High
Thank you
I am unable to add any sliders! Whatever I do, however I do it, it always says that I didn’t provide a title. Whenever I am done with my settings, content etc. and press “Save”. It displays the “Add/Edit Slider” page and asks me to enter skin. If I do so and press “Select” I have to start all over again until I try to save the same thing happens…
If I go in to “Sliders” page I have a bunch of sliders and it says “Title not provided”. Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong? I am also not able to delete this sliders.. whenever I press “delete” it displays a text-only (no css etc.) site where I am not able to do anything….
What I do:
1. I select the “dares_serpent” skin and press “Select”
2. I enter title “homeslider” below “Slider #ef5b938911 title”
3. I select the text-tab (second tab, next to the image one)
4. I select “#” as link
5. I enter “Welcome dear visitor” as title
6. I enter “Hello, this is a test of the slider” as content
7. I enter “Testing the subtitle” as subtitle
8. I press “Save” at the top right corner (I also tried this from a fresh install but I pressed “Save” that is at the bottom instead, same results)
After pressing the “Save” button it takes me back to select skin again and it creates a slider without a title. then I am not able to do anything except of uninstalling the plugin…
Could you please help me in this matter?
Thank you in advance!
]]>there is no demo anywhere for this, not even on the plugin site. you guys dont see a problem with this?
]]>When I choose to enable my slider and click “apply” the slider becomes enabled. However, once I leave the page the slider reverts back to disabled, and the slider never actually shows up.
]]>Hi there,
Can you make this slider responsive?
And if possible replace vania fit tab image for css.
Best regards
]]>Great plugin and nice though behind this, but couldn’t make this work properly in Customizr Theme. This plugin reject to save a slider(nothing happen) and of course no shortcode is generated to insert(undefined!!). It seems to be a common problem after reading the forum. I tried in Chrome, Firefox and IE without success. tried also decrease/increase the limit of slides and other stuff after followed instructions in WP- and Lenslider.com FAQ but no results.
Appreciate any help to solve this problem.
The plugin works great with all slider, but it add automatically a new transparent slider random showed, blank where nothing is showed, this is not an active slider, because all my slide are working properly. How can i delete this blank slider?
You can see it live on under the “Vetrina autori” text.
]]>I make a new slide but when save, the slide save onli numbers and not save title and single silde information.
I see that when I choose the image for slide, it don’t see, but a loading bar is present
I am using better-wp-security plugin. when I renamed wp-content folder using that plugin LenSlider is not working.
What is the reason? Is there are any file to rename manually?
Thank you..!
I try to upload my custom skin, and got error 6 (Uploadable zip-file is invalid: invalid archive mime-type or incorrect name of skin zip-archive.)
I had upload a zip file, but it still show that error.
]]>Hello. I have a pretty strange problem. I just discovered this super cool plugin. I created a slider and put the first banner with the default skin. Everything went well. Then I tried to add the second banner. I managed but it does not appear even autorotate is enabled. Banners limit is set to 4 so it should be ok. What am I doing wrong? Using WordPress 3.8 and PHP 5.4.7 on my local server. I hope to get an answer. Thank you!
I added some new sliders and edit them properly but after saving them I couldn’t do anything. Not delete-enable-disable. I can still see those sliders. Once are enabled the other disabled.
The plugin cant be activated in 3.6.1 or 3.7.1.
I cant get it working in either. It wont activate.
This is on a FRESH install on WP.
Why is the plugin using the style.css of my theme at the Tinymce where you enter your content per slide?
The background of my site is gray, and my body text is also grey, so you don’t see what you type…
In the head of the iframe is loaded (which is the standard Tinymce style): <link type=”text/css” rel=”stylesheet” href=”mysiteurl/wp-includes/js/tinymce/themes/advanced/skins/wp_theme/content.css”>
but also my own style.css (which don’t need to be loaded, it’s now loaded 2 times): <link type=”text/css” rel=”stylesheet” href=”mysiteurl/wp-content/themes/my-primashop-wc/style.css”>
mysiteurl is replaced with the real url of the site.
]]>I love the len-slider plugin.
But I need to show the content with html markup. this is now stripped in the plugin.
Do you know how to undo the stripping of the HTML markup?
I am using latest Len Slider 2.0.11 with wordpress 3.7.1. I have also latest version of user role editor plugin 4.6.
Further I have created a custom role with capabilities almost similar to wordpress editor role, created a siteadmin user with this role. Now, added capabilities to this user using user role editor panel, called ‘Len slider Manager’ (lenslider_manage).
But after login with this user, he not able to see Len-Slider menu and submenus in wp-admin to edit/add/manage slides or slider settings.
In short, a user in wordpress admin, have given the capability for ‘Len Slider Manager'(lenslider_manage), but still he not able to see Len slider menus in admin, so that he can manage it. Also, opening directly the admin url for len slider, getting wordpress insufficient permission error.
Please let me know, what is the use of len slider manager capability, if user given permission not able to see or use it?
Kindly help me in this.
]]>I very like the cleanliness of this plugin. But if i just use it to show only one slide, the slide will keep auto rotate even though i turned it off. Any solution?
What file and what line determines the width and height of the slider? I would like to make it more narrow. It’s too wide for my theme
Can anyone tell me how or if I can get a rid of the blue slider at the bottom of the content slider in the dares serpent skin.
see below for problem:
]]>Hi Igor,
I found an issue about skin detection on your plugin.
The problem is happend because you do strlower for entire abs path, that can contain capital letters.
That can be found on file lenslider.class.php at methods lenslider_is_skin and lenslider_skin_exists.
This can be avoided with replacing
if(file_exists(strtolower({$path_to_skins_folder}/{$skin_name}/".self::$settings_file)) || file_exists(strtolower({$path_to_custom_skins_folder}/{$skin_name}/".self::$settings_file)))
if(file_exists($path_to_skins_folder . strtolower("/{$skin_name}/".self::$settings_file)) || file_exists($path_to_custom_skins_folder . strtolower("/{$skin_name}/".self::$settings_file)))
Maybe this little thing will save someone’s life :P.
You’re doing a great job with this plugin, keep going.
I apologize for my poor English.
]]>I added the first banner then click the “add banner” button and nothing happens.
]]>Is this or will you you be making the responsive?
I really like the Vania Fit skin and would use this slider often, but only if it is responsive. I don’t see that listed as a feature of your slider.
How can I allow a user to manage inserting images?
I just installed the len-slider plugin, but I am having issues.
I have uploaded 2 slides to the slider. The issue is the links on the right only show the link for the current page.
Any help very much appreciated,
Ever sense the update I am getting script errors. You can see them here:
Notice: Undefined index: title in D:\Hosting\10716752\html\wp-content\plugins\len-slider\lib\lenslider.widget.class.php on line 30
Notice: Undefined index: path_thumb in D:\Hosting\10716752\html\wp-content\plugins\len-slider\lib\lenslider.class.php on line 1994
Notice: Undefined index: path_thumb in D:\Hosting\10716752\html\wp-content\plugins\len-slider\lib\lenslider.class.php on line 1994 – See more at: https://real-mi.com/#sthash.yKpzC8IT.dpuf
I tried your plugin but whith default skin and auto-rotate option checked, my slider doesn’t auto rotate. What can I do to resolve this?
Thank you.
]]>I have been able to add banners and when I go to increase the limit from the default 4 to 5 or 6 .my banner limit does not increase so I can’t add more than 4 banners for some reason…I am using the vania_fit template…
Any help and direction on what I am doing wrong of what file I need to change…
I installed the plugin and I need some help:
1.How to make the banners and/or slider container larger on the page? I have pretty large images that keeps getting re-sized and it seems the actaul slider contatiner as a whole is pretty small…how to make the container larger so that the banners can be larger?
2.Am I doing something wrong?..the title links don’t link to the correct links as the actual banner images do..what I mean for example, the title link is showing “#ls-vf-ce8515f4fo-0” when I hover over it instead of the same link the actual picture links to…am I am missing something to make sure that when the user click on the title or the actual banner image the link is the same?
I have strange problem. I have the slider with 8 slides and it’s starting from the last one. And this is not the worst thing because in one moment it’s starting “freaking out”, I really don’t understand this behaviour. Here is the demo: https://grzegorzbielak.pl/partydj/?page_id=11
As you can see on this demo the position of slides is changing too… I’ve modified the CSS but it should be ok, because here everything is ok: https://grzegorzbielak.pl/partydj/
The slider is set on autoplay – 7000ms.
Could you help me with that?
On my front page the slider started to freaking out too… Now I’m sure the problem is because of 2 sliders on site…