if your leafy username has three dashes in it, which mine does, the plugin converts the “—” to a “—”. which means it doesn’t find my store.
additionally…Leafly has a better implementation code that auto calculates height. I’ve switched to the new code and it works much better! if you want help or assistance, let me know.
]]>Thanks plugin works as expected.
One thing to be aware of is that the WordPress Editor will convert 3 dashes to an emdash.
If using the short code in the via the Editor in the content or excerpt area, leafly account names that have 3 hyphens in the urls will automatically have the hyphens converted to an emdash entity. This will create an incorrect menu url.
For example:
The following will disable the automatic conversion:
remove_filter ('the_content', 'wptexturize');
remove_filter ('the_excerpt', 'wptexturize');
Removing the filter corrects this issue:
First off, another great plugin, THANK YOU.
When I view the page on mobile (Chrome on Android), I get a notification to install the Leafly app. The notification covers the entire menu (makes it unreadable), and flashes repeatedly.
However, it does not always do it, maybe 80% of the time. Might you know how to disable this feature?
Page with the menu: https://www.cannabisclubcollective.com/menu/menu-leafly
Again, thanks for your great work and support.