I’m having an issue with the Facebook “Like” button. I clicked the button, logged into Facebook, then left a comment and hit submit. It counts the Like on the site, but nothing gets posted on my Facebook page.
It’s on a client site. Here’s the link: capdots.com.
I tried it in Chrome and Firefox.
The Twitter and Google Plus buttons both worked fine. The issue seems to be only with the Facebook button.
Anyone else have this problem?
]]>When the social buttons are clicked, their comments boxes open, but are clipped, and unable to comment. Is anyone else noticing this same bug?
Awesome concept here. But how do I keep the buttons from some pages? The plugin seems to place the buttons directly under my header by default even when the display is set to “manual”.
I see that:
<div class="lazysocialbuttons" data-float="left"
data-twshareurl="https://www.yourdomain.tld/" data-twtext="Check out my site"
data-shareurl="https://www.yourdomain.tld/" data-fbhideflyout="false"
Will manually place them. Any help would be great. Thanks!
]]>Am I the only one that is not displaying the Share button or my theme is the issue?
]]>How do I get the buttons to appear JUST on my home page only and no where else?
]]>How can I callback to code with the Infinite Scroll Plugin.
My website as example: https://www.greymafia.com
]]>I am using the Yoast SEO plugin to setup my Page Titles, these titles I want to utilize when these pages are shared via social media.
Your plugin only shares the post title. What can I do to change that?
Site in question
Is it possible to remove the mouseover script which loads the actual clickable buttons and just load the actual buttons as soon as the page has finished loading / in parallel?
I find in a number of browsers, there is a bit of a delay, which I think will causes unnecessary confusion with some and loss in a potential share.
Plugin seems to work fine in Safari and Firefox, but in Chrome. Everything displays fine, but when the buttons are moused over and it switches to the loading animations, the process hangs without ever progressing to the final state.
Any ideas?
]]>If the option is set to yes, your plugin inserts google cdn jquery not only in the frontend, but also admin area. This breaks some of the ajax features, such as drag and drop re-ordering of the menu.
In the Chrome console it causes:
Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
Thought I let you know.
]]>Hi. Thanks for the plugin!
Is there a way for not showing it on pages?
Thanks in advance.
]]>Hi. Great Plugin. You give the code to add the buttons manually anywhere on a site. i was wondering if there is a code to add the buttons manually to the single post page. I want to add the code manually on the single post page but not within the content. So that it calls for the post info.
]]>Thanks for the plugin!
Is there a way to add LinkedIn to the list of services?
]]>with the v1.0.6 update, the buttons are now appearing on a widget which displays excerpts of a custom post type, which is not appropriate to the content of the CPT. I don’t see an obvious way to prevent this from happening (apart from using a less than ideal display: none
in the stylesheet)— any ideas?
Perhaps it would be useful for option to be added to select which CPTs will display the buttons and/or whether excerpts (or excerpts within widgets) will display the buttons
Could you please help me to set this plugin to make all the social buttons appear only in the Home page?
Thaxs ??