This plugin works fantastic for slider backgrounds. Unfortunately, it has broken my filterable portfolio on my page.
The portfolio works fine until I click on one of the tabs. When I click one, all of the entries’ images do not load; it’s just the title of the entry. I’m afraid that the plugin is causing these elements to lazy-load and actually end up never loading. I’ve disabled the plugin for now, as much as I don’t want to.
Is there any way to fix this or to make the plugin only work on applicable pages?
when using the Divi Module “Fullwidth Post Slider” and set the featured image placement to “background” (which is the default), the plugin does not detect the slider.
Just replace the function lazy_load_slider_bg_check_if_needed() with the following:
function lazy_load_slider_bg_check_if_needed()
global $post;
$slider = '/\[et_pb_slide[^\]]*background_image[^\]].*?\]/';
$post_slider = '/\[et_pb_fullwidth_post_slider(?:(?!image_placement).)*?\]/';
if (preg_match($slider, $post->post_content) || preg_match($post_slider, $post->post_content)) {
add_action('wp_print_styles', 'lazy_load_slider_bg_add_header_css');
add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', 'lazy_load_slider_bg_add_footer_js');
Using your plugin to enhance site performance on Pagespeed (works!) but unfortunately on mobile devices the sliders do not load!
You are right: our general Lazy Load plugin does not work for Divi Sliders! But unfortunately we are slow on mobile until this is fixed.
Thank you for your Divi plugins! (Section Background plugin enabled, Slider Background disabled at time of writing.)