First of all thank you so much for this plugin. It helps alot.
I am looking for a plugin that supports Bengali Fonts.
As it described:
However, I am unable to achive this.
In my site using this plugin $$x=\text{???????? ????? ????}$$
shows weird ? symbols.
Can you help me with this/
It will be a great help for me and for education.
Thanks in advance.
When accessing the Web seven equations and formulas, but when it finishes loading, they are removed. It worked perfect. It has been updating php to 7.3.9 and WordPress to 5.2.3.
]]>I am trying to use the following latex code, but something is going wrong; hopefully someone can help; thank you!
x\to-\infty;f(x)\to-\infty\ and\ x\to\infty;f(x)\to-\infty
]]>Hello Friend,
How can I write the € symbol?
Thanks in advance.
It seems that LaTeX code does not work in excerpts… Any way around that ?
Love the plugin !
Only negative is when a page has a lot of formulas, it’s slow to load… Is there anyway to lazy load the formulas ? Meaning having them appear only in viewport, when the user scrolls to them.
I’d pay for that ^^
I am able to use align and matrix as long as ‘&’ is not used.
However, if I put ‘&’ there, I got messy display, for example
\[\begin{bmatrix}1 & 2\\3 & 4\end{bmatrix}\]
I got
/?<![CDATA[?/….a matrix……/?]]>?/
Anyone can tell me how to fix this? Thanks.
I’m using wordpress multisites. On the main site in the network your plugin works great. On an other site i get an error in the dashboard in the pludin settings:
Warning: mkdir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File() is not within the allowed path(s): (/www/htdocs/w011cde6/:/tmp:/usr/bin:/www/htdocs/w011cde6:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/share/php) in /www/htdocs/w011cde6/wp-content/plugins/latex/latex-admin.php on line 7
Can you help me?
]]>I updated the plugin from 3.4.7 to 3.4.8 today and I can not activate the plugin anymore. Here is the error I get :
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /datas/vol1/w4a129285/var/www/lucie-boutou.com/wp-content/plugins/latex/latex.php on line 49
Thanks in advanced.
First of all thanks for the gr8 plugin, I am using it for my Q&A website, plugin is working fine but have some css issue, I want to increase the font size to 21 Px, I have also added font-size:21px; in the custom css box, but its not working for me.
Is their any other option to change the size of the equation.
Thanks in advance.
]]>I really appreciate this powerful plugin.
I have small problem in using trivial symbol..
please have a look at a post I published as a test:
You may easily notice the red word ‘\dag’.
Can you let me know how I can realize the symbol?..
Thank you a lot
I have install the latex in wordpress but dont know how to enter the math formula in page plz guide me
When a formula is used inline, spaces after the formula are not preserved, running the rendered formula into the trailing text.
For example: “Consider the popular $$e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0$$ formula.”
The rendered “0” will run straight into the non-rendered “f”.
It’s possible this was introduced in a fix for this opposite bug.
I recently switched a theme to ENFOLD.
Now, pages with latex are loaded ok, when they still load (I mean when the grey rectangle at the bottom is still showing), but when it finishes loading – I get:
[Math Processing Error]
Browser is IE 10, and I tried emptying the cache etc.
Thanks a lot,
I am trying to select a MathJax plugin for a professor, and this one seems to come the closest to what he wants. However, he likes to write some formulas like the following:
{\cal O}(t) = e^{iHt} {\cal O} e^{-iHt} \,,
With a return after the first square bracket and a second return before the closing backslash.
However, the equation renders with < br/ >
before and after.
Is there a configuration option that could fix this? Or would the plugin need to be modified?
I asked him if he could just write the equation on one line:
\[ {\cal O}(t) = e^{iHt} {\cal O} e^{-iHt} \,, \]
But he suggested I try a yet another plugin. However, I would prefer to stick with the MathJax plugin with the largest number of downloads.
]]>The following code is not displayed correctly:
1 & … & n\\
… & … & …\\
n & … & n
add the following characters “
” .
This is a great product, but is it possible to solve a similar problem?
Thanks for the great product.
How to use this plugin with bbpress. I translates latex for normal pages and posts but not for bbpress topics.
]]>I spent many hours playing with this example found here : https://pangea.stanford.edu/computing/unix/formatting/latexexample.php
How can I make it work? I often have errors such as invalid commands, etc.
% Example LaTeX document for GP111 – note % sign indicates a comment
% Default margins are too wide all the way around. I reset them here
\title{LaTeX Typesetting By Example}
\author{Phil Farrell\\
Stanford University School of Earth Sciences}
\renewcommand{\today}{November 2, 1994}
This article demonstrates a basic set of LaTeX formatting commands.
Compare the typeset output side-by-side with the input document.
The cache dir is on installing via FTP on default not writeable, because the user, which run the webserver must not be equal to the user, that is owner of the directory of the plugin.
IMHO the cached files should be stored under wp-content/cache, because this is writeable for all users
Dear Zhiqiang,
I am a Russian typesetter and writer. In general, there should be no space around the full stop sign (a point). However, the 3.4.6 update added that annoying feature that makes my paragraphs look poor due to isolated points. Just think of these examples, if it were rendered fully:
Suppose that f(x), which is negative, is a derivative of g(x).
Suppose that \(f(x)\), which is negative, is a derivative of $g(x)$.
X is distributed exponentially (l = 4), which means…
\(X\) is distributed exponentially (\(l = 4\)), which means...
Most people write this way, which is correct. There must be only one-side spacing around the formulae, which is provided by the <Space> key. In the second one, no spaces are needed at all. However, the 3.4.6 update ruins all the elegance and technical correctness of my texts.
Could you remove the forced space, please? A user should have a choice whether he needs spaces around or not. I should be most obliged if you considered an opportunity to make this an optional feature enabled at the admin panel. Many people copy fragments from their own works with expressions like “$f(x)$.” and “($f$ equals to $g$)” adjacent to the punctuation, and this plugin should not turn a properly typeset text into an improper one. LaTeX exists for ideal texts.
Yours sincerely,
Andre? Victorovitch Kostyrka.
Hi zhiqiang,
Thanks for writing such a nice plugin.
I noted that I can change the settings of LaTeX for WP regardless the user type. Could you please add an option to set the lowest user “rank” that is allowed to change the settings?
Many thanks
I would like equations in math mode to be aligned left and not center. What I have to change in order to accomplish that?
Also, is it easy to change the margins?
Thanks in advanced.
]]>Hey, I would like to extend LaTeX parsing to other WP content. No problem adding the filters, but sometimes WP strips the backslashes away (I guess, for security reasons).
Any way of dealing with this without messing up with the WP core?
use of snoopy class needs to be replaced with WP_Http as per https://wpquestions.com/question/show/id/1925
This is the fixed section of latex.php:
]]>if ( !is_file($cache_formula_path) || filesize($cache_formula_path) < 10) {
if( !class_exists( ‘WP_Http’ ) )
include_once( ABSPATH . WPINC. ‘/class-http.php’ );$request = new WP_Http;
$formula_text_html = str_replace(‘%C2%A0’, ‘%20’,
rawurlencode(html_entity_decode(preg_replace(‘/\\\\label{.*?}/’, ”, $formula_text))));
$result = $request->request(get_option(‘latex_img_server’).$formula_text_html);
if (strlen($result[‘body’]) < 10)
$result = $request->request(‘https://www.quantnet.com/cgi-bin/mathtex.cgi?’.rawurlencode(($formula_text)));
$cache_file = fopen($cache_formula_path, ‘w’);
fputs($cache_file, $result[‘body’]);
When the plugin is activated the following error message appears at the top of pages:
]]>Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead.
A small but annoying little bug: normally WordPress alters single-quote marks entered in a post to display as left- or right-quotes, ‘ ’ depending on context.
However, with the LaTeX for WordPress plugin installed, those quote marks remain as what they are entered, ‘.
It would be nice if the plugin could be fixed to not interfere with how WordPress displays text outside of the MathJax equations.
I’m happily using the “Latex for WordPress” plugin and it works like a charm on my site.
I only have one suggestion.
If I write $$! x^2!$$ the code is displayed as $$! x^2$$.
If I want to insert these formula in a real latex document I’d have to remove the ! hand.
Wouldn’t it be possible to remove the ! automatically?
And maybe insert a snippet like [code] latex code [/code] to avoid the rendering in full?
Thanks a lot in any case for this good plugin!
I’ve just added this to test your plugin:
x_1 \cdot \left(\begin{array}{c}
0 \end{array}\right) + x_2 \cdot
0 \end{array}\right) + \cdots + x_{256} \cdot
1 \end{array}\right) \equiv
1 \end{array}\right) \mod 2
It works fine on math.stackexchange.
With your plugin I get the following error:
Warning: fopen(/var/www/wordpress//wp-content/plugins/latex/cache/tex_bd49ec23fe74104e1217164c6307fd48.gif): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/latex/latex.php on line 142 Warning: fputs() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/latex/latex.php on line 143 Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/latex/latex.php on line 145 Warning: getimagesize(/var/www/wordpress//wp-content/plugins/latex/cache/tex_bd49ec23fe74104e1217164c6307fd48.gif): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/latex/latex.php on line 148
The vectors get rendered, but without content.
your plugin seems not to work with WordPress 3.2.1. I’ll post a little bug report about it later.
The other thing I don’t like about it, is that it adds the following code to each page, no matter if it needs mathjax or not.
<script type=”text/x-mathjax-config”>
scale: 85
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=default”></script>
As I don’t use MathJax on many pages, this is not necessary and makes WordPress slower.
Could you please configure your plugin in a way that MathJax is only added if it is used?