Rating: 5 stars
This thing just works. When I had an issue of it not working, all I had to do was disconnect my Spotify account from Last.FM and reconnect it and blammo – started working again.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Thank you for developing this plugin! It’s great!
]]>Rating: 3 stars
One of the plugins I have liked the most, being a music lover, is Last.FM Live, which has unfortunately being left to die. This plugin is getting there but there were two things that made is such a charm: the “now playing” little icon and album covers. It’s boring to see just another list on the sidebar. It would really stand up if you could make it work to show the album covers to give it more life.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Simple and works like a charm, easy to customize. I included the script in the template files for my personal website.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Calling all regular Last FM users! If you haven’t done so already, please take the time to review the plugin here
If you have a problem, issue or question, please post in the forums first before rating the plugin negatively – most things can be sorted out either through communication or a new release!