I would like to ask if this page builder will let me use my site’s theme footer in the pages I create with it?
I want to create some landing pages in my site but want them to include my themé footer.
Alejandro Robles
I only see “An unknown error occurred.” in the plugin page… I just install the plugin with an updated version of wp. Any ideas?
]]>Created template Landing page displays integrated in block “content” that is part of the WordPress Theme.
The Themes on which works Your plugin?
Just a note if you’re planning on using this LP builder. While it is fairly easy to use I am finding it clunky. It is also a bit buggy. I have had pages just disappear only to figure out that at times when it saves a page the code either repeats itself on the page or it will move from the top of the page to below other code such as the javascript they provide if you want to load your landing page without the header or footer. When I look at the page in the editor I can clearly see the problem.
So I end up manually making the correction in order for the page to load. Also I cannot get the Wishpond LP button to redirect to a URL. It is not saving the url I entered or it simply ignores it and sends it to a thank you page I didn’t create. Frustrating.
So if you are going to use this plugin or service I would advise against using it for major campaigns. If you’re doing something pretty basic you will probably be fine. I will stick with Unbound, ClickFunnels for the major stuff.
]]>This code from the Wishpond website in order to remove the header and footer from the original them page.
I don’t know JS can someone help please.
ERROR: Expected an identifier and instead saw ‘<‘. MIssing “;” before statement
var wp = jQuery(‘.wishpond-campaign’);
ERROR: Expected an identifier and instead saw ‘var’.
Unrecoverable syntax error (42% scanned.)
jQuery(‘body’).html(wp) ;
Thank you for creating a great tool for landing page. But I have a problem: my page is not mobile-reponsive.
Can you please take a look at this?
Yoga in Kungfu Workouts
I have a problem when I try to make different version of landing page for tablet and mobile. For example, if I make some change for tablet or mobile version it also reflects to a desktop version.
Could you please help me with this?
Thank you in advance.
I’m having a problem with my site, as the title says, I don’t see anything in the admin panel, its all blank
any thoughts?
thanks in advance,
I have upgraded my wordpress plugin the latest version but am being requested to enter a Wishpond WordPress Token?
How do I obtain this please?
Kind regards,
Placeholder form text RTL
Quick question :How do i move placeholder text in the form to the right(RTL)….?
Placeholder form text RTL
Quick question :How do i move placeholder text in the form to the right(RTL)….?
Does this plugin work for rtl language web site?
how can customize the text of fields error message?
Thank you
]]>Hi Mateus,
I have a problem with connection between installed plugin and my wishpond online account. Try to fill out my data – mail and pass, but system reject me. Is there any specific settings that I have to customize?
I’m trying to integrate this with Infusionsoft, but it’s giving me an unspecified error.
Anyone else encountering this issue? If s, any solutions?
]]>Hi, I want to build a basic landing page without the email capture. How can I remove the email field and just have a ‘Get Started’ button linking them to the next page? Thanks