I was using KW advertise with suffusion theme last year on https://mindalicious.fr. Now with wp 3.8.1 the background is not clickable ??
]]>Hello. I can not use the plugin. Just go to the settings I get this result:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in D:\Inetpub\webs\..\wp-content\plugins\kw-modern-advertise\kw-modern-advertise.php on line 631 and defined in D:\Inetpub\webs\..\wp-includes\wp-db.php on line 992
Look at the picture to understand better:
It is as if the plugin was loaded in half….
I need to change something in kw-modern-advertise.php file? (line 631)
$sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."background_partner WHERE Category LIKE '".$type."'");
]]>Hi, have you in program same updating of this plugin? If it’s possible can you add choice of category or page?
Is this plugin dead? I’ve been in search of background advertisement plugin. Thanks!
To “Define link target” _blank how can i do?
thank you for your plugin ??
]]>Couple of issues here guys.
1) Our background skin will not appear on the home page. We have the code <?php wp_footer(); ?> on our home page. The images appears on the home screen for a second, then disappears.
2) Skin appears on all internal pages but is not clickable.
Using latest install of wordpress, I am making sure i fill out all of the fields. Also, when I hit save I am not sure it is even saving as the content just disappears.
]]>I’m not sure what to do. When I enter the link for the photo and save it disappears but says saved. Is there something else that I need to do to get this to work?
]]>I’ve setup the plugin and it went smoothly, image loads and works fine. But the three zones when set to clickable end up producing nothing actually clickable.
ex page:
all three zones are enabled and set at 220px with a link to “https://www.fandompost.com”
]]>Followed all steps and tips by creator and plugin never works =(
]]>It seems to be not working, but I am sure that is more my ignorens then the plugin. Did not seems that hard, but nothing is clickable, so I am at a loss.
Maybe someone can explain it in SIMPLE English with no techno babel.
I actually have an extra blank space on the right of my blog create for a very long link dropdown menu. So if the background of that part w-180px h-xxpx would have been clickable, has options for nice backgrounds which even could rotate.
Well maybe later, hope some one out there can help.
Regards, Ron