I have Used KUDOS on my MCX TIPS website : https://mcx.freetips.tips
But my hosting provider says that due to this plugin your LOG file has lot and lot of entries when i checked my log it has below lines for more than 55000 times…
mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/vhosts/freetips.tips/mcx/wp-content/plugins/kudos/php/ajax.php on line 138, referer: https://mcx.freetips.tips/mcx-natural-gas-tips/
Whenever Someone Call any CATEGORY Page of my site this error generates in LOG files.. there is no error on Front End …
Dues to this My CPU Load gets too high its upto 7.0 to 8.0 After Disable this Plugin now load is always down to 3.0
I am not getting how to solve this issue… I Want to Use KUDOS but due to this issue i have disable it currently…
]]>Has anyone else had problems with this plugin under any kind of load?
]]>Some tips for people who have been asking about this. Feel free to correct and improve or consider as revisions for a future release…
In your WP database kudos are stored under the postmeta table like any other custom field attached to WP content. The four row columns in postmeta used by kudos are:
:: unique identifier for each kudopost_id
:: the ID of the post to which the kudo is attachedmeta_key
:: is the identifier/key _kudos
:: the number of kudos attached to the postEvery time a post gets its first kudo a row of these column fields will be populated in postmeta; if the kudo count goes to zero they disappear from the database.
Note the leading underscore for the metakey (_kudos
). This makes the kudos field hidden in WordPress. That means you can’t edit the kudo count directly in the custom fields for your posts within the post editor because _kudos does not show up in the list of custom fields. You also can’t use most plugins/widgets that are able to display posts ordered by the number of kudos they have because they don’t read hidden fields. A simple solution is to change the plugin code and rename any existing “_kudos” to “kudos.” Then you can manipulate kudos counts as any other public custom field. You can also use Justin Tadlock’s Query Posts, Query Wrangler, etc. to display posts sorted by their kudos with widgets and shortcodes.
Another problem you may run into is non-numeric sorting of the kudos value so that instead of listing posts from greatest to least number of kudos (11,5,2,1) you get an alphanumeric sort (5,2,11,1) that will start messing things up for you with kudo counts greater than 9. Numeric sorting is not the default, and some plugins that handle postmeta fields seem to trip over this. (Maybe there is an issue with how meta_value
is defined in the database?) A simple solution is to modify the plugin code to store only 4-digit values under meta_value
where the kudos count is always padded (ltr_pad
) with leading zeroes which are then stripped out (ltrim
) prior to displaying them. (In a list of descending values 0001 is never ahead of 0011 whether the sort is numeric or alphanumeric.)
In the plugin, when running kudos()
on the front end it then runs get_kudos()
with no variables given to the plugin.
This causes extract()
(line 70, functions.php) to give a warning as it’s expecting an array.
The solution may be to remove $attr
‘s default null and replace it with a blank array.
Line 69, functions.php
function get_kudos( $post_id = null, $attr = null ){
Might be better changed to:
function get_kudos( $post_id = null, $attr = array() ){
When you disable kudos auto-inserting itself into the page, and then call it manually through kudos()
, on pages that kudos()
is not active then the ajax requests will cause errors in PHP.
PHP Notice: Undefined index: ids in /wp-content/plugins/kudos/php/ajax.php on line 138
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /wp-content/plugins/kudos/php/ajax.php on line 138
PHP Warning: extract() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /wp-content/plugins/kudos/php/functions.php on line 70
I’ve looked into it and it comes from kudos.js – where the jQuery each runs through each .kudoable and retrieves the data-id and inserts it into the array. Of course, if there are no .kudoable’s on the page, it’ll pass an empty array.
It would be nice to have the plugin prevent the ajax running if there is no kudos element on the page.
]]>I am trying to set the Kudos functions into the template (content-post.php starting on line 66) but am getting the following error message.
Warning: extract() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /nfs/c09/h02/mnt/135756/domains/critconfirm.com/html/wp-content/plugins/kudos/php/functions.php on line 70
Any help resolving this is appreciated.
]]>Great plugin. Now I can build my portfolio like on Behance.
Is it possible to choice the pages/posts where it is placed?
Like with a shirtcode, or a extra checkbox in the page/post editor.
]]>Kudos for Kudos ??
I like the concept!
It seems that Kudos in WordPress are automaticly triggered when i scroll down a page where Kudos are displayed.
I tried a phone and a tablet, both android.
Can anyone duplicate this behaviour?
]]>Hi There, great plugin.
Is there a way to show the top 5 or 10 posts by most kudos?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for resolving the previous error I reported so swiftly. I just got round to installing the new version and while thankfully the previous issue was resolved, the kudos button appears not to work.
I get the text that should appear –
” 0 Kudos
– but that is all. There doesn’t seem to be any JS working and there is no styling on the button. Looking at the source code of my page, the divs are being created but no CSS is being applied to it so it just shows the text.
This may be an issue at my end but I can’t find anything that would be interfering or preventing the CSS being loaded from kudos/css/.
Hope you can help,
Whenever I try and use the Kudos plugin, either through using the function itself or through the admin dashboard, I get a syntax error for T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in filters.php on line 88. I understand this to be referring to a double colon, but I have no idea how to fix it so at the moment it is unusable.