I installed the Payson Woocommerce plugin, filled in Agent ID and API key, but get this error message when going to checkout for a test order:
payson api error 401 unauthorized
How can I fix this?
I have “Payson Gateway by Krokedil” and am trying to get Fluid Checkout to work. Even if they are supposed to be compatible, I can’t get it to work.
I got this error message:
Deprecated: Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated in /customers/d/7/0/premiumsound.se/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/krokedil-paysoncheckout-20-for-woocommerce/classes/class-paysoncheckout-for-woocommerce-confirmation.php on line 45 Deprecated: Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated in /customers/d/7/0/premiumsound.se/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/krokedil-paysoncheckout-20-for-woocommerce/classes/class-paysoncheckout-for-woocommerce-confirmation.php on line 46 Deprecated: Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated in /customers/d/7/0/premiumsound.se/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/krokedil-paysoncheckout-20-for-woocommerce/classes/class-paysoncheckout-for-woocommerce-confirmation.php on line 47 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/d/7/0/premiumsound.se/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/krokedil-paysoncheckout-20-for-woocommerce/classes/class-paysoncheckout-for-woocommerce-confirmation.php:45) in /customers/d/7/0/premiumsound.se/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/onecom-vcache/vcaching.php on line 304 Deprecated: Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated in /customers/d/7/0/premiumsound.se/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/krokedil-paysoncheckout-20-for-woocommerce/paysoncheckout-for-woocommerce.php on line 281 Deprecated: Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated in /customers/d/7/0/premiumsound.se/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/krokedil-paysoncheckout-20-for-woocommerce/paysoncheckout-for-woocommerce.php on line 282
Hello. Downloaded the “PaysonCheckout for WooCommerce” plugin and the installation says “Go WooCommerce Settings –> Payment Gateways and configure your Payson settings.” But ones in woocommerce it seems like I can find where I config that?? there seems like there is no option for that…
]]>Hello, I just installed WPML and now I can’t get make payments with Payson (don’t know if related to WPML installation). When I check Payson on the Cashier side, there is no requirement for checking that I agree with the terms and conditions. Don’t know if that is related either.
Getting this error message:
Payson API Error: 400 Bad Request
The property can’t be updated.
Thank you for your help!
]]>I’ll take this in Swedish. Hope that is ok.
F?rst: Detta ?r kn?ppt, och jag skulle trott att jag sj?lv har strulat till n?got, men problemet finns p? tre wp-installationer. Sist p? en v?ldigt ren och ohackad site, s? jag tror att problemet finns ?ven f?r andra. Jag trodde ett tag det var en renderingsbugg i Chrome, men f?r samma fel i Firefox. Jag har ?ven installerat flera tidigare utg?vor av modulen, samt flera tidigare utg?vor av Woo, men jag f?r samma fel hela tiden. Jag har mest k?rt med temat Astra, men fick samma fel med GeneratePress. Har ej testat att backa release av WP dock.
Problemet finns n?r jag aktiverar m?jligheten att logga in p? sidan f?r “kassa”. N?r man expanderar “?terkommande kund? Klicka h?r f?r att logga in” (“Returning customer? Click here to login”) s? ska inloggningsf?lt och knappar dyka upp.
Problemet ?r att checkbox f?r “Kom ih?g mig” (“Remember me”) samt knappen “Logga in” (“Login”) visas hela tiden, och dessutom under ordersammanst?llningen, s? det blir v?ldigt f?rvirrande f?r stackars kunder.
Det ser ut s? h?r p? en test-site: https://imgur.com/a/zjENmGA
Jag ?r inte alls s?ker p? att problemet ligger i denna Plugin, men det blir ett problem ?nd? f?r detta modul. Andra betalmoduler jag testat ger inte detta problem. Det finns antagligen n?gra samverkande faktorer som st?ller till n?got skumt problem.
Jag skriver av mig lite, f?r n?r jag f?rs?kte fels?ka hittade jag en f?r mig obegriplig hantering av problemet. Det kanske ?r begripligt f?r n?gon annan, och det kanske kan leda till root-cause:
Jag ?r f?rbryllad, och l?r v?l grotta vidare i denna under helgen. (Jag inser n?r jag skriver detta att jag borde kolla upp CSS, f?r det ?r s? klart inblandat p? n?got s?tt n?r loginf?lten ska tas fram.)
T?nker att det kanske ?r fler med samma problem som r?kar ut f?r detta och hittar hit, s? kanske vi kan l?sa problemet tillsammans.
I’m trying to get the Payson checkout to work in a multisite.
Using the latest version of WP 5.7.2, Woo Commerce 5.4.1 and Payson Checkout.
No other plugins activated.
After I have filled in the checkout form, selected Payson, accepted the terms and click complete purchase I get this:
“Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /var/www/clients/web84/web/wp-content/plugins/krokedil-paysoncheckout-20-for-woocommerce/classes/requests/checkout/class-paysoncheckout-for-woocommerce-update-reference.php on line 24”
If I click back in browser I get to the payson page where I can fill out all the info and make a payment. But instead of get the thank you page / order completed The checkout only reloads and hides the Payson fields.
The button to switch payment method doesn’t work either.
I installed a single site and did the same and everything works fine..
I can’t figure out whats going wrong and would appreciate any kind of help!
WooCommerce 5.0 has been out for a month (and 5.1 will be released very soon), but WC 5.0 is not yet supported. Does PaysonCheckout 3.0.2 work anyway with 5.0? Anyone who knows?
Until now I’ve only been selling in Sweden. Now I want to start to sell also to Denmark, Norway and Finland. I’ve set up the shipping rules for these countries.
However, there is one thing I don’t understand.
Lets say a Danish customer adds a product to the cart and goes on to the checkout. He will see the procuct he chose, freight cost and below the Payson part, which I use for payments. In Payson he can choose Denmark.
The problem is that the freight shown is the freight inside Sweden. There should be the freight for shipping to Denmark.
How can I solve this?
People can’t pay, because of:
“Missmatch between the Payson and WooCommerce order total.”
There doesn’t seem to be any way to troubleshoot or fix this on my own, so the error is pretty urgent!
(also, but way less urgent, “Mismatch” is spelled wrong in the error message.)
]]>Is the plugin compatible with WC 3.7? I can’t see anything in your changelog..
]]>Hello thank you for the great plugin.
Is it possible to activate the Checkout form?
Thank you a lot,
There seems to be a rounding error when getting to the checkout page of woocommerce, where the payson plugin shows the total cost and asks for the customer details.
I’ve tested it with the following values -> results:
90 -> 90
91 -> 90.80
92 -> 91.60
93 -> 93.40
94 -> 94.20
95 -> 95
96 -> 95.80
100 -> 100
101 -> 100.80
It seems that multiples of 5 are fine, but for other values there’s a rounding error. Would be nice if this could be fixed as it confuses customers.
PaysonCheckout 2.0 for WooCommerce: 1.2.3
Woocommerce: 3.3.5
Wordpress: 4.9.5
Latest update Version 1.2.2 throws me an error 503 in wp-admin area.
Disabled all plugins and enabling this plugin the wp-admin area is unreachable.
Jag har precis installerat Payson-modulen och lagt in n?dv?ndiga parametrar. Jag vill dock testa att k?ra sandbox, s? jag aktiverar testmode i backend. D? genereras f?ljande meddelande i kassan:
Api errors Message: HTTP status code: 401, Authorization has been denied for this request. Make sure your credentials are correct and both invoice and card payments are enabled for your account or contact the customer support of Payson. Parameter:
]]>I have a black box at the top of the Payson checkout…. Empty.. Looks weird
Also, can I deactivate creditcard payments so I only have invoice and direct payments?
When some of my users purchase something at my page, they get twice the email confirmation of payment from woocommerce. This also leads to some internal problem since I use a hook called “woocommerce_payment_complete” so this hook gets fired twice, messing with the bussiness logic.
I’m not sure if the root of the problem is the payment gateway (in this case, payson). Do you know if there is a way to find that out? I checked the logs but I’m not sure if it reflects double information or something.
I was wondering if there is any way of editing the plugin to make it so that abandoned orders are set to the canceled status, instead of being deleted.
I mean the temporary orders that are created for each customer when they enter checkout.
These are either converted to actual orders or are deleted after a certain time.
The reason for this is the jump in order-number that these temporary orders create. We use this plugin in a webshop where the manager gets worried when he can’t find every order, numerically speaking.
]]>Hei!! Any ideas why the iframe doesnt′t load? It works a few days ago but not longer now. Tryed also the last github-version but the same problem.
The logfile means this:
mod_fcgid: stderr: The WC_Order::add_shipping function is deprecated since version 3.0. Replace with a new WC_Order_Item_Shipping object and add to order with WC_Order::add_item()., referer: https://fuelbox.se/shop/checkout/
23140#0: *2890512 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream
23140#0: *2890512 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream
23140#0: *2890535 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream
If a guest user is trying to buy with Payson the username and password fields in form dissaper and No new user Will be created. Order how Ever is created successfully.
If the “Annat alternativ” is selected instead of “Privatperson” in the checkout dropdown the customer can select country. But the list contains all countries not only the ones enabled in WP. So even if Afganistan is not enabled and has no shipping option a order can still be placed with an Afganistan adress. Is there a setting to only allow the countries that is enabled as “Ship to” countries in WP?
For orders placed with Payson Checkout 2.0 the customer gets no order confirmation email, the order correctly changes state to “Behandlas” after payment but no email gets sent.
Logged in users gets a correct email on orders.
Thanks in advance!
I have encountered a blocker bug.
Setup: Storefront as theme and bank transfer as default payment method. Payson Plugin version 1.1.3.
1. Add item to shopping basket and go to check out page.
2. As bank payment is default, customer gets to fill in name and address with standard WooCommerce form. Shipping cost is calculated based on zip code per (new) standard WooCommerce functionality.
3. If payment method is changed to Payson, shipping cost is still present, but not recalculated based on zip used in Payson iframe
4. As an admin, I change to Payson being the default payment method.
5. Start a new shopping session, add item to cart and go to check-out page.
6. Actual: No shipping cost is ever added. Customer can complete payment without paying for shipping.
6. Expected: Shipping cost to be calculated based on zip using standard WooCommerce functionality.
Steps to reproduce:
1. A person living in Finland loads the Payson check-out page
2. Payson loads the default option “Private person”
3. The customer naturally fills in his/her email, Finnish social security number, and Finnish zip.
4. Clicks next.
5. Payson throws an error, due to the social security number being “incorrect”, and advices to select other option. “V?nligen kontrollera att ditt personnummer ?r korrekt och skrivet p? formatet ??MMDD-XXXX. Om du handlar som f?retag eller inte ?r folkbokf?rd i Sverige s? v?ljer du det i boxen ovan.”
Suggestion on how to improve the solution:
A) A better error message – current message actually does not give clear directions to the user
B) Validate syntax of social security number directly when user enters it (it should be possible to tell the difference between Swedish and Finnish soc.number with regexp) – this would give the user quicker feedback that something is wrong.
C) Preferred: Use geolocation to select correct type of customer – If user is located in Finland – set “Other option” as default.
D) If “Other option” is selected, use geolocation to set country.
Customers see amount without shipping cost and in woocommerce order total amount is zero (0 SEK)
Please advice!
Running site https://www.cakedesign.se (currently with “PaysonCheckout 2.0 f?r WooCommerce” disabled)
We have activated PaysonForm on snaplit.com. It seems that the extension doesn′t create new customers on checkout.
I discovered the issue when I activated a MailPoet addon, that places a subscription check at the checkout and places the customer in a list in Mailpoet. That works when using prepayment for instance, or the Klarna Checkout Extension, but not Payson. That′s when I noticed it doesn′t create new customers at all.
So basically, the main problem is the lack of new customers, which affects a few other stuff, including My Account and the Mailpoet addon.
I need to now why Payson skippes the section of creating new users… And how it can work.
I have tried deactivating my theme and every other plugin, it still doesnt help.
Best regards
Sofie Vingstedt
When I run the test mode (I haven’t tried the real mode), if I try to pay with credit card, it takes me to the test mode page with the placeholder card, I click “simulate denial”, it takes me back to the woocommerce checkout without displaying any message.
What is worse: it does not even display the payson box again.
I registered the error in the log file and it printed this:
[04-Jan-2017 22:11:23 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PaysonEmbedded\PaysonApiException' with message 'Api errors
Message: HTTP status code: 400, Model validation failed. Parameter:
Message: The property can't be updated in the current state. Parameter: Order.Items
' in /Users/cesrafa/Dropbox/HPAkademin/Repository/hpakademin/wp-content/plugins/krokedil-paysoncheckout-20-for-woocommerce/includes/lib/paysonapi.php:125
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/cesrafa/Dropbox/HPAkademin/Repository/hpakademin/wp-content/plugins/krokedil-paysoncheckout-20-for-woocommerce/includes/lib/paysonapi.php(65): PaysonEmbedded\PaysonApi->doCurlRequest('PUT', 'https://test-ap...', Array)
#1 /Users/cesrafa/Dropbox/HPAkademin/Repository/hpakademin/wp-content/plugins/krokedil-paysoncheckout-20-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wc-paysoncheckout-setup-payson-api.php(76): PaysonEmbedded\PaysonApi->UpdateCheckout(Object(PaysonEmbedded\Checkout))
#2 /Users/cesrafa/Dropbox/HPAkademin/Repository/hpakademin/wp-content/plugins/krokedil-paysoncheckout-20-for-woocommerce/includes/clas in /Users/cesrafa/Dropbox/HPAkademin/Repository/hpakademin/wp-content/plugins/krokedil-paysoncheckout-20-for-woocommerce/includes/lib/paysonapi.php on line 125
If I try to go to the checkout again, nothing appears: only the table that shows my products but the payson box never appears again. The only way I found to fix this is to clear all sessions in: Woocommerce > System Status > Tools > Clear all sessions
I hope you could find a solution for this! Thank you in advance.
]]>1. senaste versionen gjorde s? att alla andra betals?tt f?rsvann
2. Kunden info blir fortfarande inte tillagd korrekt i systemet
3. Aktiveringen av behandlade ordrar fungerar till 20%
Great plugin truly appreciate it. However I’m having two issues I hope can be solved.
My orders don’t register to be viewed within the WordPress admin panel. Therefore I cannot reach customer with E-mail on order being processed. Is this likely to be an issue with permalinks? I’m currenly using a custom permalink plugin.
Also I get this error message:
“You need to specify a terms page in WooCommerce Settings to be able to use Payson.”
Is this issue somewhat connected to orders not becoming registred to admin panel? And where do I specify a terms page?
Would appreciate any sort of suggestion for those issues. Thank you!!