We are using the Kimili Flash Embed for our site. But sees it comes back empty when the same page is run on a mobile phone. Can you add Android or Mozilla Firefox support, or wil this not be an option going forward?
Ruffle flash player did work on the ruffle demo website. So flash works in the browser, just Kimili Plugin seems to ignore it. May you please assist me regarding this matter.
]]>Hi All,
Michael here, the author of Kimili Flash Embed.
KFE has been around for a long time I know this plugin has been useful to quite a few people over the years. I also know that in more recent years, as WordPress has evolved, it’s had a number of issues that have been troublesome for people who have been using it.
I do occasionally get support requests, both here in these forums and over email, from people who want to be able to use it without issue, so there is still some interest in keeping it functional.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the free time to keep it updated properly. More to the point, I don’t have the motivation to do so. It’s simply not a priority for me any more. I haven’t authored any Flash content in many years, and I’ve never been a regular user of WordPress at all. Combine that with the decline of Flash as a viable platform in our mobile-driven tech world and you can get an idea of where I’m coming from.
Now if you’re reading this, I presume you have at least a passing interest in KFE. If you also happen to be a capable PHP developer who enjoys WordPress and Flash, and you find the idea of shoring up the shortcomings of KFE going forward interesting, let me know. I’d be very grateful to you for taking the reins, as would the plugin’s users.
I should close by stating that if I am not able to find a maintainer to take over the plugin, then it is effectively at the end of its life. I will not be publishing any more updates to it going forward.
Many thanks,
how to can i setup an image preview to show up when using kimili flash embed plugin?
]]>Is this working for anyone on 4.4? Here’s a screen shot of the error I’m getting:
I was following the thread “Not Working Since WordPress 4.3 Update” but nobody has mentioned if they have had issues since the latest update. I hate having to revert to an older version of the plugin, but will if that’s what’s working for folks.
]]>We need to remove the play button from chrome and make it auto play.
This play button is not display in fire-fox and works fine. We need same works for chrome.
Please advise me and provide sudgetion.
]]>I do not have this installed but BulletProof is telling me someone is trying to get into /wp-content/plugins/kimili-flash-embed/mysql.php
]]>I sent a donation to you Kimili and so far you have done NOTHING to fix this. NOT COOL guys.
My Flash header which used to work does not. Using current WP version and newest KFE version as of this posts date.
I get this at the top of my WP page where my header should be:
[kml_flashembed movie=”/magazine/wp-content/themes/Gamenow/img/webSiteHeaderFlashNoButtons.swf” height=”220″ width=”970″ /]
I upgraded to version 2.5.2. Upgrade broke my WordPress installation. I received an error in line 280 of kml_flashembed.php. Unexpected [.
Downgrade to 2.5.1. fixed again. But this does not seem right.
Any idea?
Thanks and regards,
Recently updated to WordPress 4.3.
Instead of the SWF, embed code is displayed:
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”https://www.site.com/the.swf” width=”500″ height=”500″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]
Please help.
when i make a new post and click on the kimili flash embed icon i get an internal server error.
Does anyone have an idea why?
My site is https://verdienveelgeld.be
]]>Hi There,
I am having an issue embedding the flash header code in a business identity Child theme wordpress header. I was able to make it visible by inserting a widget into the header and them posting the shortcode into the widget. This however has conflicted with other element in my site. Below is the code I am trying to embed. Perhaps you can offer some assistance.
<div id=”flash_header”>”[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”/wordpress1/wp-content/themes/Business-Identity-Wordpress-Theme-Child/CitadelFlashHeader.swf” width=”100%” height=”501″ fid=”fash_header” targetclass=”flash_header” play=”true” loop=”false” menu=”false” quality=”best” scale=”default” salign=”tl” devicefont=”false” seamlesstabbing=”true” wmode=”transparent” ]”></div>
]]>hello! any ideas why on mobile device i get “Get Adobe Flash Player” instead of the flash movie?
it happens on samsung and sony mobile phones (as i noticed until now)
thank you!
]]>When pressing the ‘insert kimili flash embed tag’- button, an empty screen appears.
]]>I’m looking for a good slideshow plugin (with Ken Burns effect) that is compatible with Kimili.
I have always used Moonslideshow – but I can’t get them to work any more!
If you are using Kimili with another slideshow plugin can you please reply to this thread with the plugin name and any other info you think is helpful…
Many thanks.
]]>I upgraded my site to WordPress 4.1 and the Kimili don’t show the flash content. The plugin show this code:
I know that your plugin has not been approved for wp v.4.1 yet, but I wanted to make you aware of an issue I’m having. I don’t think it’s exactly the same as others I’ve read, because I can get the plugin to work, just not in my header…. And the other solutions I’ve found on here do not help… I have a really old wordpress install that was at v.2.7 (i think) which I don’t really use anymore, but don’t want to delete the site just yet, so I just upgraded to WordPress v.4.1 for security reasons. The site uses a Kimili tag for some swf content in the header in the header.php file (yes I did check, and I believe the header and footer php files appear to have the proper function calls that Kimili requires and also, plugging in the absolute url of the swf file in a browser works fine) and after I updated to wordpress v.4.1, it still worked fine! I thought that was great. I was using Kimili v.2.0.1 and it worked fine. But then WordPress prompted me to update Kimili to v.2.5.1 which I did and my header stopped working. It only showed the KML tag in the header area and not my swf content. I could embed a tag in the body of a page for the swf content, and that worked fine in version 2.5.1, but I could not get the header to display the content. The only two other active plugins I have on this site are “Members Only” and “Updraft Plus Backup”. I tried a few things that others mentioned in recent posts such as putting a code tag around the KML code or adding comment tags or adding some lines of code to the plugin php file, but to no avail, so I rolled back my Kimili plugin to v.2.0.1 and it works fine now, so I’m leaving it like that for now, but if you’d like me to update the plug in again to show you what happened to help improve the plugin, I’d be happy to do that and supply the url of my site. Or if there is a known issue that will help me to update the plugin and still keep the header working, please let me know that too. I understand that you are busy through January and I’m in no real hurry, I just wanted to make sure you are aware of this issue. I would like to update for security reasons though… I just had one of my WP sites hacked for the first time ever, so I’ve gone a little security and update crazy for a bit here… Thanks in advance for your time! Have a good one. Sorry for the length of the post. Just wanted to be thorough…
I’ve been using Kimili with Moonslideshow (https://www.monoslideshow.com/) for many years, but it stopped working when I installed the Kimili 2.5.1 plugin. Luckily I retained the 2.4.1 code so I can still use it on my site.
However, I would like to upgrade to the 2.5.1 version soon, so I’d appreciate any ideas as to how to get it working.
When it fails using 2.5.1, all I see is the Kimili code printed where the flash image(s) should appear….I.E.
[kml_flashembed movie=”https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/wp-content/themes/xxxxxxxxxxxx/flash/monoslideshow.swf” base=”https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/wp-content/themes/xxxxxxxxxxxx/flash/” height=”300″ width=”600″ fvars=”showLogo=false ; dataFile=https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/wp-content/themes/xxxxxxxxxxxx/flash/default.xml” fversion=”9″ useexpressinstall=”true” /]
Q1: Is there a debug option or can anyone suggest one(s)?
Q2: I’ve tried using the latest SWFObject, but this had no visible effect. Do I need to use a particular version of MSS with Kimili 2.5.1?
Q3: Are there any Kimili Flash Embed Preferences that I could be setting incorrectly to cause this?
All help gratefully received.
]]>Stopped working after update to WordPress 4.01 ??
]]>Is there a fix in progress?
Was working well 2 days ago but not anymore since WP 4.0.1. This update also broke my theme, I had a hell of a day…
My flash movie is not displaying using this code:
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”https://esrdncc.org/map.swf” width=”600″ height=”600″ align=”middle” id=”map” name=”map” quality=”high” allowScriptAccess=”always” targetclass=”flashmovie” base=”https://esrdncc.org/map/” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” codebase=”https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cab”%5Dbackticks
Here is the page: https://esrdncc.org/professionals/all-esrd-networks/
Any help much appreciated, was working fine until this morning.
]]>Is there a way to disable browser scrolling while the Flash element is active?
Here is the solution but I don’t know how to implement it https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2554030/disable-browser-scrolling-with-the-middle-mouse-scroll-button
Can you help me?
]]>Shortcode doesn’t work on WP 3.9.1
]]>I upgraded the Kimili Flash Embed plugin from version 2.3.2 to 2.4.0 and was running WordPress 3.8 in February 2014 and the flash file on my home page was working correctly.
I have since upgraded to WordPress version 3.9.1 and now the flash embed is broken on my home page here: https://emanu-el.org/
It loads in Firefox on my mac but not in any other browsers (Safari, Chrome) or Firefox on my coworker’s window’s computers.
This is the embed code I have been using on the home page for years:
[kml_flashembed movie=”https://emanu-el-stage.org/wp-content/themes/revolution-20/home_image/banner.swf” width=”380″ height=”320″ align=”left”/]
We have 2 domain names registered and the subdomain (emanu-el-stage.org) is referenced in the code above. But i have tried using the primary domain (emanu-el.org) but it still doesn’t load in any browsers.
I tried to upload the .swf file to the WP media library but get a security error.
I also use similar flash embed code on the gallery page here (https://emanu-el.org/photo-video-galleries/) and that is working no problem. Does this mean it could be a problem with the .swf file I am linking too on the home page vs. a plugin or wordpress issue? If so, is it a coincidence that it happened after I upgraded WordPress?
Please help.
]]>We are unable to update our WordPress. When we tried the plugin broke and the banner ads we were displaying no longer appeared. Please let me know when the plugin has been updated. Thank you!
]]>I’m getting this displayed on the top left of my site, & the pages with embeds on them show the shortcode in plain text.
With the latest version of both plugin’s – any ideas on how to fix?
Hello – I am not sure if this is due to the fact that I am on a windows II7 server, but when I click on the kimili embed icon to provide details of my flash embed I get the following error message …
Warning: require_once(/wp-load.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in \\CLUSTER12\ARRAY1\MYUSERACCOUNTNAME\wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\kimili-flash-embed\admin\config.php on line 10 Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/wp-load.php’ (include_path=’.;C:\php5\pear’) in \\CLUSTER12\ARRAY1\MYUSERACCOUNTNAME\wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\kimili-flash-embed\admin\config.php on line 10
Any thoughts?
]]>There is a caption area on this movie but I must not have “defined” it. How can I change it to an appropriate caption or title?
Site is here:
How to post flash from media library? There’s only file name field..
]]>First off, thanks for creating this plugin. It will be a real help for all of us WordPressers. I’m somewhat new to all this and i am trying to embed my soundboard that uses flash at soundboard.com/sb/barstool. When I use the embed code from the site on Tumblr, it populates correctly. However, when I use it on WordPress, obviously it doesn’t work. I have included the embed code below. Would your plugin be able to display my soundboard correctly? I can’t figure out how to have it show properly.
Embed code: <object classid=”clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000″ width=”410″ height=”305″ id=”movie_name” align=”middle”><param name=”movie” value=”https://www.soundboard.com/sb/Version2011Blue/EmbedPlayer.swf?xml=https://www.soundboard.com/embed/barstool/209802″ /><param name=”wmode” value=”transparent” /><object type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” data=”https://www.soundboard.com/sb/Version2011Blue/EmbedPlayer.swf?xml=https://www.soundboard.com/embed/barstool/209802″ width=”410″ height=”305″><img src=”https://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif” alt=”Get Adobe Flash player”/></object></object><img src=”https://www.soundboard.com/1×1.gif” border=”0″ alt=”soundboard.com” />