Hey there. I’m using version 0.4.6 of the Kebo Social plugin and just wanted to report a bug with line 14 of inc/modules/post-sharing/init.php. The constant name passed to the defined method just needs to be quoted. Otherwise, you get a notice about not finding the constant name.
]]>https://prntscr.com/6t9fdr Some of those links might need to point over to your new EDD site and not the old one. ??
I\’m using a highly tweaked One Pager Theme, with One Page Checkout, with all sorts of other customized files. So, everything works right, and now I need to get some type of social sharing option on the page. I\’ve used yours a few other places, but….eh…. now I\’m stumped. Is there a way to enter the sharing options into a specific part of a page? either via shortcode or a modified template is fine.
https://sendsomeoneglitter.com/ is the (wife\’s) website.
Now, b/c of how the theme wants to do things. This part here https://prntscr.com/6t9hej is actually the beginning of this page https://prntscr.com/6t9i83 So, how can I get the sharing option to show up on the page. Heck at this point, I\’d love for it to show up anywhere ??
Thanks! -Brad
There’s a fatal error that floods the logs from a call to a function that does not exist or is not available within kebo-social/inc/classes/Kebo_Caching.php on line 89. Until a real patch/update is available, the following can be put in its place to resolve the error:
On line 89 of kebo-social/inc/classes/Kebo_Caching.php change this:
kbso_social_sharing_update_counts( self::$lock );
to this:
if ( function_exists( 'kbso_social_sharing_update_counts' ) ) kbso_social_sharing_update_counts( self::$lock );
Hello, is there any way i can add “via @username” to the twitter button. I was looking around and i found a code that works only for the jetpack social plugin. What modification can i make to this code so it works with kebo Social plugin?
// Add Twitter @username to Jetpack Sharing
// from https://wpspeak.com/adding-twitter-handle/
function jps_add_twitterhandle_via() {
return 'username';
add_filter ( 'jetpack_sharing_twitter_via', 'jps_add_twitterhandle_via' );
Hi There !
I’ve created my own template from scratch, but I don’t use the function the_content() nor Widgets. I’m using custom fields instead.
So how can I integrate Kebo Social directly as part of my code ?
I can activate and create a widget if needeed ??
Thanks in advance !
keep doing good plugins (i’m using kebo Twitter, it rocks)
Hi there,
I love the idea of a social share plugin that doesn’t slow my site down. My site at https://www.bht.org.uk contains custom post types using the types and views plugin to output the custom types to various views.
Unfotunately there doesn’t seems to be a way of controlling which post type the buttons appear on using my set-up; they will only appear on the custom post types if I select them to view on pages and all posts as well. This is undesirable on the home page for example, where showing the buttons on the ‘Latest BHT News’ section (which is a custom view template based on the news custom post type) would be too noisy.
The current social button that I’m using (Sociable) gets around this by providing a shortcode which I can add to the view template, which enables me to finely control where the buttons appear.
I’m wondering if you’d be able to provide such a shortcode in a future release?
]]>Nice and cool looking plugin, but i activate the option to display the social counts, and this do not displayed :O
Sorry for my english ??
My site: https://www.degeneracionx.com
Keep the good work
We are dedicated to making this plugin as user-friendly and powerful as possible. To accomplish this we really need your help to identify areas which are difficult to use and/or confusing, and for your great ideas on how we can improve/streamline features.
We are most interested in ways we can help users, designers and developers achieve their desires with the plugin.
While we have many features planned for the plugin, feel free to make suggestions/requests as we are always open to good ideas.