Do you guys use the Zotero citations plugin for WordPress now?
I keep forgetting it exists so I thought I would flag it up for myself and others.
]]>Thanks for your plugin, which I love.
I have been trying to cite a URL, but it does not appear to work. I can’t see how to add info concerning a URL to GreyCite either. I have tried the approaches in the support topic about URLs in Kcite, and the links are broken.
How do I cite a URL using kcite, please?
]]>I love kcite. Thank you so much for creating and maintaining it.
Could you tell me, can I use it to cite a book (ISBN?) I can’t see how to do that, and neither book nor isbn are coming up in the search box.
]]>None of my references are working any more. DOI or PMID. The inline citations just link to the doi and don’t parse to the author names, while the bibliography list is blank, or sometimes says “Kcite was unable to retrieve citation information for all the references. This could be because the wrong identifier has been used, or it is not present in the remote databases.”.
Here is a link example:
]]>I have a DOI that exists in CrossRef, but the plugin doesn’t seem to detect it? The DOI is 10.1107/s0021889888005746, and I have cited it like so:
[cite source=”doi”]10.1107/s0021889888005746[/cite]
But nothing is found? Please advise?
]]>I really need to thank the Kcite developers for the tremendous help
they are giving me.
And I wonder if there is any way to, instead of using the DOI to generate a bibliography, only generate a list of articles on a page, with an interval of a line between them.
I tried to modify the Kcite.php file, but did not succeed.
Thanks again.
I installed this plugin and it is working. Now I would like to change Bibliography heading to References. Is it possible to edit the heading.
]]>I tried your plugin but it could not present the links. I created one page only containing one citation. The page is: The DOI that did not work: doi:10.7326/0003-4819-105-6-892 (in the webpage written as [cite source=’doi’]10.7326/0003-4819-105-6-892[/cite]). The errors are:
Using the latest Kcite
For format i user [cite source=’pubmed’]17237047[/cite]
All the short codes work properly and display the correct info but crawling the site /Kcite links leads to many many 404 errors. These are reported by google.
Status Code 404
example where
the short code is [cite source=’pubmed’]18381874[/cite]
Any suggestions on how to fix?
]]>Current web evolution has led to a new necessity for citations: services like and google scholar necessitate adding metadata to citations so that they can appear in these services correctly. Metadata additions to html seem to be the future of search. It would seem to be a perfect fit and easy change if kcite could place these citations in the shortcode generated html. For instance, a pubmed kcitation would need this somewhere in the html:
<meta name=”citation_pmid” content=”1235674″>
Do you think this is possible?
Look forward to hearing your thoughts.
]]>Hi there,
I am facing some strange behaviour of V1.6.3
If i use [?fullcite author=”Lord.P;Cockell.S;Stevens.R” title=”Three Steps to Heaven” date=”2012″ location=”Sepublica”]
(tried even [cite source=’url’][/cite] without seuccess)
They will not get executed, they just remain the same in the frontend. However i just copy&pasted them from your example pages where they seem to work:
On my site only doi and pubmed sources do work.
Is there anything i am doing wrong or is it a bug?
]]>I like Kcite a lot, however, recently it started to behave weirdly…
when I add a citation in a post, the number is displayed in the text, however, the entry does not show up in the bibliography; also, if you click on the link in the text, nothing happens. The problem is only there when you reference via doi, no problem when I do it with Pubmed ID.
Hope this plugin is still supported,
thanks already for your help,
]]>The plugin is awesome. I would like to use it for my work website.
But Is there any way to display all the authors list rather displaying only first few authors and ending others with etal.,
Thank you for the great plugin. Not sure if this is even being supported any longer, but figured I’d give it a shot.
You use the term “Bibliography”, but really it is references as there is no way to add something to the bibliography that is not referenced inline. Or is there?
It would be great to have a way to add a non-referenced work in the text as part of the Bibliography.
Also it would be great to change the text/font of the heading as really it is “References” that technically should be used.
References vs Bibliography:
References usually come at the end of a text (essay or research report) and should contain only those works cited within the text. So, use the term ‘References’ to cover works cited, and ‘Additional Bibliography’ to refer to works read as general background.
A Bibliography is any list of references at the end of a text, whether cited or not. It includes texts you made use of, not only texts you referred to in your paper, but your own additional background reading, and any other articles you think the reader might need as background reading.
]]>I’ve just started using kcite, but I notice the plugin hasn’t been updated in 10 months and greycite ( is currently inaccessible. Is this just temporary downtime and bad timing on my part, or is kcite/greycite on the way to becoming dead?
]]>Hello I am so happy to have found this plugin! But when I use it, the bibliography appears blank in the post. I’d be so grateful for any suggestions.
the url is
I noticed that my 12 citations entered in the post body was displaying as 11 citations in the list. And instead of simply having deleted a single problem citation, the stack was shifted up, so that the citation linked number referenced a citation intended for the next cite location in the body.
Seems I pasted a doi into my WP editor that contained some kind of non-printing character in the middle of it that was not obvious in the WP editor. When I saw and deleted that character in an external editor and pasted back all worked fine.
The expected behavior would be an error message or at least a missing cite number, and certainly an otherwise accurate remaining stack.
first of all I really like the Plugin, keep up the great work!
There is just one thing that I would like to know: Is there a simple way to manually add publications (and citations), that are displayed alongside the others (which are retrieved via PMID/DOI) in the biblioagraphy? the reason for this is that I want to make it possible to cite publications of small journals which are not indexed in PubMed yet. I know it is possible to add these publications via greycite, but metadata is not always correct on these pages.
I would appreciate any suggestions, thanks in advance,
]]>I am a huge fan of the kcite plugin. Great work!
Here is a feature request. I would like to see a shortcode option that will make the citation “inline” as opposed to the end of the post in the bibliography. For example, I would like to be able to write:
In the following paper:
the authors showed this and that.
It would be great if there was a shortcode such as “type=inline” to specify this location for the citation as opposed to at the end of the post.
Another feature request would be to pull in the Abstract if it is available from a pubmed post.
Thanks again for the amazing plugin!
]]>The Reference list generated at the end of the document seems to be generating extra br tags and blank paragraphs on my site. The code generated appears as follows:
<a name="ITEM-204-0"></a>
J.X. Feliu, R. Cubarsi, and A. Villaverde, "Optimized release of recombinant proteins by ultrasonication of E. coli cells.", <i>Biotechnology and bioengineering</i>, 1998. <a href=""></a>
I fixed this in kcite.php by removing some extra line breaks in the output functions (lines 417-418, 486-490). I know this was probably done for code readability, but I can’t switch off wpautop
on this site as most of the editors don’t know basic html. I don’t want to style br tags to display:none either, because there are times where br tags are appropriate.
Furthermore, <i>
is no longer standard – it would be nice if you could update it to use <em>
instead. Additionally, “name” should rather be “id” for the anchor tags (eg <a id="ITEM-204-0"></a>
(name attributes should really be used for form submissions, not html anchors).
Otherwise – great plugin! Loving it!
]]>Is there a way to add additional options to the citation? Specifically, I have PDF copies for my students to download, and I’d like to be able to link to that, if possible? For example:
[cite source=’doi’ link=’link-to-download-media-file-here’]10.1021/jf904082b[/cite]
]]>Awesome plugin – been working well since the last update. Saw the below error today on only one of my posts. The error blocked the post from loading. It occurred in all browsers except those where I was a logged in user. I thought perhaps this had to do with caching, because current settings have logged in users not seeing cache. So I changed a minify setting and cleared page cache (W3TC plugin). All appears to be working now. Unfortunately it seems the parsing is perhaps less robust than it should be.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'String could not be parsed as XML' in /home/[snip]/wp/wp-content/plugins/kcite/kcite.php:809 Stack trace: #0 /home/[snip]/wp/wp-content/plugins/kcite/kcite.php(809): SimpleXMLElement->__construct('') #1 /home/[snip]/wp/wp-content/plugins/kcite/kcite.php(1066): KCite::parse_xml(Object(Citation)) #2 /home/[snip]/wp/wp-content/plugins/kcite/kcite.php(583): KCite::get_pubmed_metadata(Object(Citation)) #3 /home/[snip]/wp/wp-content/plugins/kcite/kcite.php(331): KCite::resolve_metadata(Array) #4 /home/[snip]/wp/wp-content/plugins/kcite/kcite.php(260): KCite::get_html_bibliography() #5 [internal function]: KCite::bibliography_filter('<div class="soc...') #6 /home/[snip]/wp/wp-includes/plugin.php(173): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #7 /home/[snip]/wp/wp-includes/post-template.php(166): apply_filters('the_content', 'httpv://') #8 /home/[snip] in /home/[snip]/wp/wp-content/plugins/kcite/kcite.php on line 809
Thanks for the cool plugin! Once suggestion would be to allow styling of the “Bibliography” heading. Currently, the heading is wrapped in plain <p>
tags, so there is no way to style it with CSS.
I fixed this by editing kcite.php, where I changed <p>Bibliography</p>
to <p class="kcite_bibliography_heading">Bibliography</p>
. It would be nice if this were default behavior.
Can i choose Numeric style as the default bibliography style?
thanks for the great plugin.
]]>Citation link now looks like: “[ITEM-8-0]”, and the hyperlink (#bib_ITEM-8-0) leads nowhere, as the anchor name is actually “bib_1”.
Using settings of Pubmed and False everywhere but Cache references.
I am using P2 theme with Jetpack sharing tool to include a “Email” and “Print” buttons to each post.
Whenever I use KCite in a post, the “Email” button disappears and “Print” option does not work anymore.
Maybe the autogenerated list of references is breaking something?
Let me know if you need more info!
]]>To see if the RSS feed is working, so I get emails of new posts to the forum.
]]>I get an unusual error:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/cboettig/ on line 181
when using these DOIs as shown:
“A sharp critique [cite]10.1126/science.1203698[/cite] of the paper claiming memorization works better than concept mapping, and reply [cite]10.1126/science.1204035[/cite].”
Normally Kcite works wonderfully for me. This error is particularly annoying as (a) these Science dois resolve fine, and (b) it stops kcite from displaying any of the other references on which it had no trouble resolving (and prints the error message on the post). Seems to be a subtle bug.