I have looked through the forum and haven’t seen anything on this, I am wanting to auto generate a qr code for users who have purchased a membership that has their user data like name, email, phone, address etc. I’m not sure what I would need to do this though.
This plugin looks like it is very capable and may be able to do this. Would it be first_name last_name? Or [first_name] [last_name]? Maybe using this in combination with ACF? Any guidance would be appreciated!
]]>Hello, is that possible to have a shortcode that shows only the download button without showing the QR code image?
]]>I’m using QR code generator with product quick view plugin by firing code snipplet to generate QR from product’s SKU. It works well on single product page, and the quick view popup from related products. Anyway, the QR code image is missing when I open the quick view popup from product archive page. It seems that the QR code img tag return “” so it can’t show the QR image correctly. Please suggest.
/** Display SKU in QR code **/
add_action(‘woocommerce_product_meta_start’,’show_sku_qr_shortcode’, 1);
function show_sku_qr_shortcode(){
global $product;
$product = wc_get_product( get_the_id() );
if ( $product->get_sku() ) {
echo “scan to show SKU ID”;
echo do_shortcode(‘[kaya_qrcode content=”‘. $product->get_sku() .'”]’);
I am developing a stock re-ordering system in Woocommerce. Ideally I’d like to use the Kaya shortcode plugin to generate QR codes for re-ordering.
I just need the QR code to redirect people to a url similar to https://www.mysite.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=woo-qr-stock-manager&product_id=149207
The challenge I have is that when I call the shortcode from inside my plugin, it doesn’t include an image source.
Example code below, great plugin by the way.
Inside my plugin I am using:
if ( shortcode_exists( 'kaya_qrcode_dynamic' ) ) {
echo do_shortcode( '[kaya_qrcode_dynamic title="Test Code" title_align="alignnone" querystring="page=woo-qr-stock-manager&product_id=" ecclevel="L" new_window="1" download_button="1" download_text="Download" download_align="alignnone"]https://www.mysite.com.au/wp-admin/admin.php[/kaya_qrcode_dynamic]' );
} else {
echo ("No Plugin shortcode exists!\n");
This generates:
<!-- START Kaya QR Code Generator --><div class="wpkqcg_qrcode_wrapper"><input type="hidden" id="wpkqcg_qrcode_outputimg_73668a20a0b477c50_ecclevel" value="L" /><input type="hidden" id="wpkqcg_qrcode_outputimg_73668a20a0b477c50_size" value="" /><input type="hidden" id="wpkqcg_qrcode_outputimg_73668a20a0b477c50_border" value="4" /><input type="hidden" id="wpkqcg_qrcode_outputimg_73668a20a0b477c50_color" value="#000000" /><input type="hidden" id="wpkqcg_qrcode_outputimg_73668a20a0b477c50_bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /><input type="hidden" id="wpkqcg_qrcode_outputimg_73668a20a0b477c50_content" value="https://www.mysite/wp-admin/admin.php?page=woo-qr-stock-manager" /><img src="" id="wpkqcg_qrcode_outputimg_73668a20a0b477c50" alt="QR Code" class="wpkqcg_qrcode" style="width: auto; height: auto; max-width: 100%;" ><div style="clear: none;"></div></div><!-- END Kaya QR Code Generator -->
Hello, I’m using this plugin to generate QR codes from dynamic contents using a string like this:
Parameters are passed from a membership plugin called ARMember and everything works fine.
I’ve read in the changelog of version 1.60 that now this option has been added: “Adding: Provides option to enabling a button to download QR Code image on frontend, with custom text and alignment.”
Can I use this download button with QR codes from dynamic content? If yes, how should I change the above mentioned line to add the download button?
Thanks for your help.
I’ve been using shortcodes generate QR codes and that has been working well. I now need to generate a lot of codes and I want to generate them to named files with PHP. Is there a function I can call (perhaps “wpkqcg_qrcode_encode”).
]]>If I right click on a QR code and say save then I don’t want it to be “download.png” but a filename I provide (without extension) so it is self describing). I am happy if you autodelete ones that have existed for lets say a day.
As another issue, it would be great if the title became part of the image, but I’d want to control the font size.
]]>hi there, i wonder if my users click and they will generate a qr code if they’re logged in. If a user generated a qr code, they won’t be able to generate one more time. Is that possible with your plugin?
The value for image size is not saved in plugin setting or individual settings. I tried with or without px. default image size is 185px
is it possible to change the size of the QR code preview in the backend of the posts? I do not need the QR code in the frontend but in the backend for download. (would be great if there where some options todo so)
The second question would be whether you can change the name of the downloaded file so that the post title is always displayed as the name?
Many thanks in advance!
Best regards
If I leave the Content to encode in QR code empty to use the current page url and also add a Query String the URL is ending up malformed assuming there are not query strings in the url. Eg URL to encode site.com/page?foo=bar
and set query string to add abc=def
[kaya_qrcode title_align="alignnone" querystring="abc=def" ecclevel="L" align="alignnone"]
the link is ending up as site.com/page?foo=bar?abc=def
Can this be fixed to append query string if they already exist please?
]]>Hi there. I wanted to save the options where i adjust size and quality. But everytime i hit save there occurs the error “Error! Saving QR Code Generator settings”. Why isn’t it saving? Kind regards Chris
since I’m using a custom CSS class for the QR code, I was wondering how to completely remove the style attribute, by now I always get something like:
style="width: auto; height: auto; max-width: 100%;"
into the <img> tag
I generated a dynamic QRcode with the plugin by inserting it into the user’s profile. I would like to be able to attach the QRcode to the user’s activation email. How can I insert it into the body of the email? Or I should generate a PDF with the QRcode and attach it to the first user activation email. How could I do it? Give me a hand.
Thank you
Hi there.
I am trying to build a website with ACF and your QR code plugin. I’m creating different courses in ACF post type called “course”.
My idea was to geneate a QR code (that could be printed, and handed out) for each course, and have the other fields related to the course, in the QR code aswell. So if someone scans it, they would be redirected to the specific course?
For example: [kaya_qrcode content=”[acf field=course_title] [acf field=course_date]”] and so on?
Is that even possible? I’m trying to see if it can be part of the url, for example: website.com/course/random-course/=?course_title_course_date
Hello. I have little issue with this awesome plugin. In some browsers / devices is not QR code showed. It looks like it is not working while I am not logged in. When I log in in any browser it appears correctly.
Imo it can be lazyload / cache problem if it is not problem plugin / Jannah theme directly but idk where to start.
I want to havea qrcode with a woo-commerence order {$order_id} in order email to user, like the follow , can this plugin can do it ? example
]]>Hello, I am trying to add a QR code to the WooCommerce thank you page. I would like to know if it is possible to show the order id and amount variables. With the plugin itself I have generated the following shortcode, but I cannot display the order variables. For example, I would like the order id to be displayed after the “titulo” variable.
add_action( 'woocommerce_thankyou', 'content_thankyou' );
function content_thankyou() {
echo do_shortcode('[kaya_qrcode_dynamic title="example" title_align="alignnone" ecclevel="L" align="alignnone"]{"id_transaccion":"ESTATICO","importe":"11.50","moneda":"CUP","numero_proveedor":"00000","version":"5","titulo":"1605","extra":"zqvgyzNbFXmmhFUtrljUXtznH12YrixAsZHqv1/LOGk="}[/kaya_qrcode_dynamic]');
I need to change the URL for an existing QR code from:
It is NOT a Dynamic code.
Same domain, just moving the QR code URL to a sub-page on the site.
Is there a way to do this with a Query string?
Thank you for any help.
I have successfully been using the plugin to generate a QR code from dynamic content, passing the parameters from a membership plugin called ARMember to Kaya QR Code Generator. The syntax is as follows:
Everything works great, so first of all, thank you for the plugin.
I have a need for registered users on my site to be able to download their personalized QR code (the code contains their first name, last name, and some other data) in PDF or PNG/JPG format, so they can keep it on their devices without having to visit the website each time to view it (the code is used as a ticket for events). Is there any way to implement this function? I tried installing some plugins to generate PDFs out of WP pages, but they all failed because they saved the code line that generates the QR code instead of the QR code image itself.
Currently, the only way to save the QR code is for the user to click “save image as” while it’s being displayed and save it. However, I would like to provide a simpler option by adding a “Download” button below the QR code.
Is it possible to achieve this somehow? Could this be considered as a feature request for a future version?
Thank you!
]]>Is it possible to set up different types of QR codes such as for contact details. You don’t directly support them but it is possible by using “dynamic_content”?
]]>Great QR code generator which didn’t take me too long to suss out, I will be using it but as is but it would be great if some of the following could be considered for future updates.
I want to render a QR code automatically for every post of a specific custom post type on the admin post edit screen.
I see your plugin creates a QR code there already but I have the following questions about it:
Hi there,
Thank you for this nice plugin.
I would like to be able to insert some php code into a kaya shortcode. My specific need is to dynamically display the post title
I tried something like :
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[kaya_qrcode content="echo the_permalink();"]' ); ?>
But it does not work…
Any solution?
first off great work on the plugin and thanks for providing it for free. I’m trying to create a dynamic QR code together with the plugin WPReferral. unfortunately i cant get it to work
im using the shortcode
[kaya_qrcode_dynamic][wp-referral-code var=”ref_link”] [/kaya_qrcode_dynamic]
could you please assist?
Thanks and Cheers from Germany!
I would like to be able to set the width/height of the dynamic QR code.
I tried this: [kaya_qrcode_dynamic title_align=”alignnone” ecclevel=”L” align=”alignnone” width=”400″ height=”400″][myOwnShortcode][/kaya_qrcode_dynamic] to no avail – the code produced is still 225x225px.
Is there a filter to include in the child theme’s functions.php?
Kind regards,
I’m trying to load the Shortcode that the Kaya QR Plugin is providing but it’s not showing up. It’s only appearing as this icon. How do I fix it?
Hi, i used kayak and it’s work very well thank you !!
but i need something and don’t know the soluce:
i have many products on my website
i need to create a list of all products with beside the qrcode corresponding to all product.
one product one qrcode per ligne
can someone help me?
thank’s a lot and sorry for my bad english
]]>I have the following error when I use the plugin on php 8.0, on php 7.4 it’s just a warning and everything works fine.
Error log:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wordpress-total-estate/wp-content/plugins/kaya-qr-code-generator/lib/class.shortcodes_qrcodeshortcode.php:50
Stack trace:
0 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wordpress-total-estate/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(355): WPKQCG_Shortcodes_qrcodeshortcode::wpkqcg_shortcode_qrcodeshortcodedynamic_handler(”, ‘[example_shortc…’, ‘kaya_qrcode_dyn…’)
1 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag(Array)
2 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wordpress-total-estate/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(227): preg_replace_callback(‘/\[(\[?)(kaya_q…’, ‘do_shortcode_ta…’, ‘[kaya_qrcode_dy…’)
3 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wordpress-total-estate/wp-content/themes/centurytwentyonetotalestate/single-agents.php(170): do_shortcode(‘[kaya_qrcode_dy…’)
4 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wordpress-total-estate/wp-includes/template-loader.php(106): include(‘/Applications/M…’)
5 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wordpress-total-estate/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once(‘/Applications/M…’)
6 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wordpress-total-estate/index.php(17): require(‘/Applications/M…’)
7 {main}
thrown in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wordpress-total-estate/wp-content/plugins/kaya-qr-code-generator/lib/class.shortcodes_qrcodeshortcode.php on line 50
]]>Restoring 1.4.2 fixes it.
Full error:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wpkqcg_admin_getUsersRoles() in /nas/content/live/themefolder/wp-content/plugins/kaya-qr-code-generator/lib/class.crud_qrcode_generator.php:68 Stack trace: #0 /nas/content/live/themefolder/wp-content/plugins/kaya-qr-code-generator/lib/class.crud_qrcode_generator.php(113): WPKQCG_qrcode_generator->default_new() #1 /nas/content/live/themefolder/wp-content/plugins/kaya-qr-code-generator/lib/class.crud_qrcode_generator.php(35): WPKQCG_qrcode_generator->load_new() #2 /nas/content/live/themefolder/wp-content/plugins/kaya-qr-code-generator/lib/functions-database.php(104): WPKQCG_qrcode_generator->__construct(‘new’) #3 /nas/content/live/themefolder/wp-content/plugins/kaya-qr-code-generator/lib/functions-database.php(82): wpkqcg_database_defaultValues() #4 /nas/content/live/themefolder/wp-content/plugins/kaya-qr-code-generator/kaya-qr-code-generator.php(102): wpkqcg_database_installSetupNewSite(Object(WP_Site)) #5 /nas/content/live/themefolder/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): wpk in?/nas/content/live/themefolder/wp-content/plugins/kaya-qr-code-generator/lib/class.crud_qrcode_generator.php?on line?68