Добрый день, не давно столкнулся с проблмой что зависает сайт из за плагина, ошибка 503
Вот скрин
Hi, I currently use Imgix, but am looking to switch to using this.
One thing I cannot live without is focal points: the ability to set a X and Y value for cropping.
Are there plans to support this? If so, how far down in the pipeline is it? If not, would you consider this feature?
The plugin looks good but I use lazy loading for images. The image src is set to “loading.gif” and the real image URL is in “data-src”.
So the image URLs in the posts look like this:
<img class="lazy" src="../load.gif" data-src="https://i.redd.it/mzzge3p4eqo81.jpg">
How do I get the plugin to work when img tags use “data-src” for the real image to use?
]]>Please tell me how to remove the plugin from the admin panel.
Kama Thumbnails does not work with php 8 or greater (if you test on a website which is currently running php 7.4 or older, delete the thumbs cache before changing the php version because it’s the thumbnail generation which does not work).
Thank you
]]>I have installed and activated version 3.3.6.
A quick test of the “kama_thumb_img” function was Ok.
However, when I click on the plugin “Settings” link (from the Dashboard->Active Plugins page) I end up with the following page:
Please, advise.
]]>The plugin throws a fatal error after the latest upgrade when using the WP CLI tool:
PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required 'public/wp-content/plugins/kama-thumbnail/class-Kama_Thumb_CLI.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in public/wp-content/plugins/kama-thumbnail/kama_thumbnail.php on line 43
Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required 'public/wp-content/plugins/kama-thumbnail/class-Kama_Thumb_CLI.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in public/wp-content/plugins/kama-thumbnail/kama_thumbnail.php on line 43
I fixed it by commenting out the cli related lines as the required file seems to be missing.
if( defined( 'WP_CLI' ) ){
//require KT_PATH . 'class-Kama_Thumb_CLI.php';
Перестали генерироваться изображения. Вернее изображения вида f43f09d209ddbce_375x375.png генерируюся в папке /wp-content/cache/thumb/
Но по факту это файлы по 54 байта. Это не картинки, а непонятно что размером 54 байта.
Сброс кеша не помог
Добрый день, планируется ли тестирования и выпуск релиза новой версии плагина?
]]>Плагин не соответствует описанию, пришлось деактивировать и проблему вывода изображении решить по другому. А удалить плагин не возможно, при удаления пишет что на сайте возникла ошибка, хотя другие плагины удаляются. Автор не отвечает на вопросы. Как и куда пожаловаться?
]]>Плагин не возможно удалить, пишет Deletion failed: На сайте возникла критическая ошибка.Узнайте больше про решение проблем с WordPress.
I removed all data from plugin settings in wp admin.
After that, kama thumbnail don’t work.
I renamed the image and renamed it name in php code, but the image are the original, not resized.
При запуске на локальном хосте, вида https://otblog.loc:7080/ (с указанием порта) возникает ошибка на 240 строке в /var/www/wp-content/plugins/kama-thumbnail/class.Kama_Make_Thumb.php
просьба пофиксить
если важно, в конфиге адрес сайта определяется так:
/* Custom WordPress URL. */
define(‘WP_HOME’, ‘https://’ . $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’]);
define(‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘https://’ . $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’]);
define(‘WP_CONTENT_URL’, ‘https://’ . $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] . ‘/wp-content’);
I have the following images :
– 1000x500px
– 2000x400px
I want to generate 500x500px thumbnails. I want the final image to be exactly 500x500px. My source image are not in square ratio so there will be blank space on top and bottom of the thumbnails
See this image for a better explanation :
Thank you
I set with to 1024px and height to 768px. If I use a source image smaller than 1024x768px, the image is upscaled / enlarged. There is no parameter to avoid this behaviour.
This would be useful when you have 99% pictures larger than 1024×768 and the rest smaller than 1024×768.
Thank you.
Thanks for this great plugin. I like to save thumbnail with original name. Can you give the sample code, or give me the direction where to alter code in plugin file?
Need function to make thumb for ALL images, with a class=”nothumb” for passing
]]>Hi, is there a Shortcode for this plugin?
Thank you for this useful plugin.
I was using it on several websites I’v built, but recently I don’t know why it’s just showing no photo image instead of real thumbnails when using it on localhost, but on a real server everything works.
Also, when I activate Debug mode in WordPress, there is this notice that I didn’t know how to resolve it:
Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in [...]\wp-content\plugins\kama-thumbnail\class.Kama_Make_Thumb.php on line 180
Hope you fix these issues in a soon update ??
Thanks again.