Forgive me I am not very experienced with JSON. Trying to get the values from basenode ‘Values’. The recommended JSON template doesnt work. I can see it in an extra level of square brackets around them compared to the other properties. You can see the API results here, any idea how I can retrieve those values?
]]>Excuse my ignorance, can I use this plugin to show the info of this API? Thanks
]]>The following show inconsistent behavior related to shortcodes in templates. I have JCI set to execute shortcodes then twig, and line 3 outputs the the result of the shortcode like I expect, but line 2 returns the length of the shortcode itself
{% set tmp = '[jsoncontentimporterpro nameoftemplate="trendData"]' %}
trendData Length: {{ tmp | length }}</br> {# Returns 51, which is the exact length of the shortcode itself. should be closer to 500 #}
{{tmp}}</br> {# Correctly displays the output of the shortcode #}
My api is super slow (like 5-10 seconds) so I’d like to set my cache time to 1week and use a cron job to force refresh every few hours.
Is there a way to tell the shortcode to bypass the cache?
]]>Error print in my WP UI.
JSON Content Importer PRO Plugin: <b>Deactivate and then activate the plugin, please.</b><br>This will update the database of the new plugins template-manager1.1)
I deactivate and activate the plugin, but situation don’t corrected.
JSON Content Importer Pro version is 3.8.5, WordPress 6.6.1 and PHP 7.4.33
I try to write new template into my site using ‘Way 2: Add Template’. When I press ‘Save new template’ button. Page says: Failed: Template NOT saved and default template is in editor.
I have multisite pages. I try update site which id is 2.
I check the wp_2_plugin_jci_pro_templates table in database after saving. It is empty. It contain following columns:
mysql> show columns from wp_2_plugin_jci_pro_templates;
| Field? ? ? ? ? | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra? ? ? ? ? |
| id ? ? ? ? ? ? | int? | NO ? | PRI | NULL? ? | auto_increment |
| nameoftemplate | text | NO ? | MUL | NULL? ? |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |
| template ? ? ? | text | NO ? | ? ? | NULL? ? |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |
| urloftemplate? | text | YES? | ? ? | NULL? ? |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |
| basenode ? ? ? | text | YES? | ? ? | NULL? ? |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |
Is this correct?
]]>Hi, I am having trouble with the Timestamp. For example I have the value:
“c_startdate”: 1724860800000
Normally this would be the date: 2024-08-28 18:00:00
But when I fetch the c_startdate from the external json-api, I get
2008-08-30 16:00:00
I managed to get 18:00:00 but I don’t know what’s wrong with the date? My template-code is written like this:
{c_startdate:datetime, d.M.Y, H:i:s,7200}
Please can anybody help? Do I need the Pro-Version?
Kind regards, Donald
]]>In my view, version 1.6.0 resolves all the issues that led to the temporary deactivation of this plugin. However, this means that certain URLs (e.g., IP numbers, https://a:b@www�� etc.) will no longer work. Moreover, version 1.6.0 passes the PluginCheckPlugin test without errors. I am currently waiting for the version 1.6.0 to be reviewed by the plugin team, hoping for a quick reactivation.
From my perspective, version 1.5.6 can continue to be used without any risk.
]]>Hi champions
I downloaded your plugin on 9 July, just before it shut.
I was about to buy pro, but i wanted to know, is ther any easy way to update prices being POST to products from third party site?
Because i wanted to add say, a % on top of what the original is.
How would we do this with your api?
Also, are you coming back? Tell me your not dissabppearing… we want your app, the pro version too.
Tell ke your in business.
The results of a query to the Zotero API give back JSON which at the top level is an array of objects. So, to loop over these objects with subloop-array, I think I need to specify a basenode=<somethinghere>, but there is no basenode in this case.
Is it possible, with the Free version, to handle situation?
]]>I would like to ask if this plugin can also be used to export any new users once added to the site (export to an external API via JSON)
How can we add the search option to manipulate the URL to get the different data using API?
I have an url to get the data but I need to add the part number in the url to get the data for specific part. Is there any way to add the search box to change the part number in the url according to user input?
Thank You
]]>Can I adjust the API URL used by the JSON Content Gutenberg block in response to variable passed in the containing page’s URL? Example use case:
— a page at URL /states has a JSON Content Gutenberg block that calls an API to request a list of US state names (e.g.
— the block displays each returned state name as a clickable link having URL like /cities?state=ca
— JSON Content Gutenberg block on /cities page calls api with request for cities in the selected state (e.g.[state]/cities/all)
In other words, would I need 50 pages with blocks having hard-coded API URLs, or can I have one page where the block’s API URL incorporates a passed variable?
Hello, the plugin is working perfectly, but I’m curious if there’s an option to adjust the time interval for dynamic updates. I’m using the plugin to display live price data, so I require frequent updates. But, I haven’t been able to find the required syntax for this. I’m implementing the plugin via shortcode.
]]>I am finding the plugin JSON Content Importer very useful – thank you, but have a few isues:
I am seeing the p tags being added and that is causing the display to be incorrect. How do I avoid the that? Thank you
Hi, is it possible to only show fields and their labels if the field is not empty? I’ve found the :ifNotEmptyAddLeft etc. options, but they don’t seem to allow the HTML tags I want to display if a field isn’t empty (e.g. making an email address into a link).
{email:ifNotEmptyAddLeftRight:<br>Email: <a href="mailto:##"></a>}
I read in the documentation and tried a lot but I’m still not getting the expected results.
I’d like to prefill a form with data, which is returned from one URL (
Then the form calls a different URL with attributes that are coming from the checked form fields (theme= & search) and some additional parameter (zipcode) which is either a hidden form field or added to the (then GET) URL.
On the mentioned page, I’m getting some kind of correct results I guess, but not as checkboxes and I have no understanding on how to send this form data.
Please help me to find the right trick.
]]>Can��t make it work.
A simple json here:
It gets the json ok, but can’t make it work, always the same error:
We have a Problem with JSON here:
Either we got no JSON from the API. Or the basenode-parameter is not ok.
Switch on the Debugmode of the Plugin!
Today i’ve noticed i get two weather keys from openweatherapi:
this results in an unwanted output because JCI outputs both items:
any idea to fix that? i just want one of the both descriptions.
here you get a live-example from the openweather-docs where more than one result is present:
]]>Hi – really like the concept and simplicity of your plugin. Works great! Thank you very much for all that afford you spent into it. There is only one thing i can not find in the documentation of the gutenberg block integration:
i miss basic stuff like text-alignment, font-weight, color etc… Almost everything the base “paragraph” block provides. I mean even if i assign a css-class, it won’t get outputted in the frontend:
are there any plans to really make use of the typical gutenberg features?
]]>Good Day
Do I understand correctly – I need the PRO version if I want to use the plugin to connect to an API in order to import / sync products from a supplier to my website?
Hi! I am using the free version of Json Content Importer. From this json file the following template is generated:
{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}
The problem I have is that only the loop of the first array and its 5 elements is generated, but the other arrays with their components are not generated.
Thank you in advance for your answer
]]>Hi, using the block I can filter oneofthesewordsmustbein to the value ‘Etc/UTC’ by escaping the slash like this: ‘Etc\/UTC’. But this doesn’t work with the shortcode, is there a way to do so? I’ve tried all the ways I can think of including HTML escape characters.
]]>I am trying to access an element which has the same name as an element at a higher level.
{ Description : adlfkadf
Location : flaklgka;lfas
start_location: [
Based on the above how do I access the 2nd description. I am accessing the Latitude and Longitude from with a subloop fine but when I access description from within the subloop I get the original description not the start_location version. This is a 3rd party message so I am unable to change i!
]]>How can i handle a Link (URL) in a JSON field?
Example: "description": "Instrument configuration (<a href=\"\manuals\manual" target=\"_blank\">download</a>) <br /><br />Important documents:<ul><li>measurement protocol / <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Messprotokoll</a> <br /><br />Some random text ..."
Link in the rendered field content looks now like this: https://mysite/%22\
Can this be used with WP Bakery? I have tried and haven’t had any success.
Running a GET against PowerAutomate Webhook
It works great however if there is a space in my search query it returns this error.
I cant even find the actual cmd line that is being run to figure it out. Maybe need to URL escape it? Its being submitted via a form
&search=King WORKS
&search=King+County DOESNT WORK & gets CURL error
]]>Hi Bernhard!
We have an API where we need supply a content type of JSON and a data section in the body of the request to get something out from the API endpoint.
A curl version would look something like this:
curl --location 'some_API_endpoint' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer someToken' \
--header 'Cookie: someCookie' \
--data '{
someJSON with key value pairs
Is there some existing way to do this with JSON Content Importer?
]]>Thank you for the widget, exactly what I needed..
I get a API response with time H:M:S
Tried datetime to only get hours and minutes but can’t get it to work?
<h3>Avg?ngar fr?n Telefonplan</h5> {subloop-array:Departure:5}<br> {Departure.direction}<br> {Departure.time:datetime,H:i}<br> {/subloop-array:Departure}<br>
Alsp, how to remove parts of the response? I tried to remove everything after first word with:
direction = {Departure.direction|split(" ", 1)}<br>
time = {Departure.time|date("H:i")}<br>
serverVersion = {serverVersion}<br>
It’s me, again (sorry).
I have 2 problems that I can’t solve.
Here is the URL in question JSON:
My problems :
1 – I tried to format the date, but when I use this code as recommended in the documentation “:datetime,DATE_TIME_FORMAT” to put it in the day month year format, the date is no longer displayed.
(I tested with and without the quotes).
{upcoming_sessions.start_date:datetime,"m-d-Y"} au {upcoming_sessions.end_date}<br>
2 – I tried to call a list present in the JSON, but it doesn’t work (I most certainly misunderstood how to do it) :
Otherwise, thanks to your valuable advice, I was able to call and correctly display the entire file (well, apart from these last 2 little problems).
Thanks in advance !
Best regards