Trying to put this back into my website, but coming across a 404 Not Found page.
When editing the portfolio piece, I can preview by clicking on “Preview Changes”, but when I publish, it just comes up with the 404 error. Wasn’t having this problem before… I’ll see if I can roll back to the previous wordpress install to see if that works…
So, just a heads up to say the latest wordpress might have broken your plugin…
]]>Great pugin!
I would like to add another filter to it, another taxonomy (categories, location etc… ideal would be to associate posts with original categories), so the visitors could filter posts by categories and by “location”(item Type)… I’ve seen this kind of filters so I wonder how could I achieve this with your plugin?
Thank you!
]]>Hello, hope you can help as your portfolio plugin seems to be the only one that looks good and does what I need. The portfolio page listing all of the portfolio items is shifted to the right for some reason, here’s a screen shot:
I’m currently using the eclipse theme by Cyber Chimps, but I’ve also tried it with Weaver and have the same problem.
Thanks in advance for you help.
]]>In which template must I add this code?
<?php do_action('plugin_name_hook'); ?>
I get this warning when I add/edit a portfolio item:
Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘Portfolio::metabox_register’ was given in /../wp-includes/plugin.php on line 403