Where can i find the add-update button in my post?
Love your plugin. When are you planning on updating it?
It says:
“This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.”
Please don’t give up on it.
Thank you
]]>Hello Jacob,
I’m preparing the promised PDF with suggestions for a better use of the plugin. I’ll send it to you next week.
I received the update and was happy with the proposal to have a widget with an alert stating the status of the live – one of the ideas I had suggested.
However, there are three problems:
1 – No option to add the Widget (it does not appear next to the others to be added in a sidebar)
2 – There is an error coming up. Maybe because of the lack of the Widget:
Warning: include_once(/home/[my site]/wp-content/plugins/jm-live-blog/jm-live-blog-widget.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/[my site]/wp-content/plugins/jm-live-blog/jm-live-blog.php on line 56
Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/home/[my site]/wp-content/plugins/jm-live-blog/jm-live-blog-widget.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php56/pear') in /home//[my site]/wp-content/plugins/jm-live-blog/jm-live-blog.php on line 56
3 – the active plugin breaks the whole site.
Luccas Tolle
I have some suggestions for you, and if you prefer, I can email you by PDF with illustrations.
1 – If working with post type (live) would be interesting?
I created a post type, it includes categories and tags for the types of transmissions and it worked, besides making it independent.
2 – I left the backend User Interface very interesting and intuitive.
3 – “Load more” button and delete the scroll bar. You look pretty professional in Mobile – maybe it’s more complex.
4 – Each post could have a date and time option automatically. As soon as it is published, a date and time is added.
5 – There could be three buttons to be displayed above the post
Live – in red color
Paused transmission – gray color
Transmission Finished – gray color
6 – There could be an option so that it could be inserted at the top of the theme or anywhere when we are live.
I suggest adding a tag with the name “live”. If this tag is enabled, it appears in home or anywhere in the theme where we enter the php code or short code, stating that we are online, added the title of the transmission:
| Live | Coverage of the 2018 elections – Follow!
7 – You could add more fields so we can show a summary of what is happening:
For soccer broadcasting:
Field 1 | Field 2 | Field 3 X Field 4 | Field 5 | Field 6
staff A | Logo A | Number of goals A x number of goals B | Logo B | staff B
For the transmission of tragedies:
Field 1 | Field 2 | Field 3 Field 4 | Field 5 | Field 6
Number People Missing | No | Number People Found | No | People involved… | No |
For the CSS Style design I have a cool idea.
8 – Here in Brazil the portals use “live” in transit. There could be an option to add in each post the status of each post in circular icons or divs with related colors:
These colors should be pre-added. Red, Yellow, Green, Orange, Gray. (Icons border-radius: 50% circle)
Example for traffic coverage:
| Red Icon | Traffic on the bridge connecting the city center totally congested.
| Green Icon | Traffic on the street A flowing well.
For soccer it becomes interesting because it refers to the colors of the cards. (Red and yellow icons border-radius: 2px square)
For flood cover, as happened recently in my city you can use the same traffic.
I believe these changes are easy for you. You’re smart and capable of doing that in no time. If you need help, I can lend you a hand. I work well in CSS and User Interface, in addition to having a little notion of PHP.
I can send you a PDF with the project wireframe.
All this application is to make your plugin multifunctional. And I need him with these changes.
What do you think of the suggestions?
i just checked your plugin with WP 4.6.1 but is not working..
Great idea but i hope you can fixit.