I need to get the name of parachat hachavuah name in my site.
Parachat Hachavuah is a txonomy for the posts of mysite.
I want to display the posts from the current parachat hacahvuah.
Is it possible to add this information (and as variable for the site) in your plugin.
In advance thank you for your recommandations
Best regards
Michel Rottenberg
Hello! ??
It looks like this plugin modifies the return value of get_the_date
regardless of the context in which it is called. This means it will conflict with any plugin that tries to get the date of a post, such as calling get_the_date('U', 1)
from within a plugin admin page.
This was causing issues with Independent Analytics as well as WooCommerce. It should probably find a way to only target the function on singular pages by replacing
if ('enabled' === $options['jewish_date_post'] ) {
if (is_singular() && 'enabled' === $options['jewish_date_post'] ) {
to ensure it is for a singular.
Even so, I’m not sure this will be enough for all cases. A short code is probably more appropriate.