I want to use this plugin with “Show sharing buttons.” option unticked on a page (so that the sharing buttons appear where I want, not at the end of the page). Is there anyway to achieve this? I only want to show sharing buttons once in my intended place using your plugin (and hide the default one that appears at the end of the page). Thank you in advance for your advice.
]]>Just like know if work with the actual version of wordpress.
Have a Nice Day! Thank you!
]]>I dont no if this is about jetpack or this plugin, but if can help me great.
Adsense break me the sharing buttons line
I use:
echo '<div style="display:block; margin-top: 0.5em">' . do_shortcode("[jpshare]"). '</div>';
Appear for example:
Face, Twitter, WhatsApp,
down the advertise
and down telegram and pinterest
Is possible make something for display all the buttons in block so no can break the line the advertise?
]]>Hello, thanks for the plugin.
I’m using Ad Inserter to float the the shortcode to the right before posts.
The share buttons appear but are not clickable.
Please help, thank you.
Hmm seems its not displaying as expected on this site.
[jpshare] Shortcode is disappearing from html output altogether on the Divi Pages, not being replaced by any buttons.
In a post using the Gutenburg editor, its displaying IF the jetpack share options are enabled for all posts. If that options is unchecked, it doesn’t display.
No big deal but I do like using this tool to easily customise the placement of share buttons.
]]>My posts have images coded specifically for Pinterest, but this plugin is pulling only the post’s featured image. Before the plugin, Jetpack was pulling the correct image. Is this able to be corrected? Thanks
]]>The JPshare buttons show OK on other selected pages & all posts in the sidebar but not on the blog page (showing posts).
Using JP visability to set where the buttons show & this is set to:
1. some seleced pages
2. Blog static page
3. All posts
Settings>sharing has pages & posts ticked.
Any advice to getting the sharing buttons to show on the blog/postspage would be appreciated.
]]>Hello, my social sharing icons on my “About” page are flagged as nofollow which is bad for SEO, how can I remove the nofollow attribute/tag?
Thank you,
I can’t seem to get this plugin to work under WP5. Is it supported or not?
If not, are there any alternatives?
I have an issue here.
My website theme uses different pages to form one FronPage. So I added various items on the various pages, then got a beautiful and long Frontpage.
On my Jetpack, i didnt select for Share button to display on shortcode, but I want the sharing button to appear on the bottom (last page section) of the frontpage.
When I add the shortcode to the last page, it doesnt display (I think because i didnt select for Share button to display in Jetpack)
Also, if I check that Jetpack should display on frontpage, the share button then appears in each of the singular pages that make up my website.
How can I resolve this pls?
The links used to work, now they are showing up as squares within the colored ovals. It seems this is a common problem, make sure I have the settings enabled, which seems to be the case. Enabled services include FB, Twitter, G+, LI, Pinterest, and Print. Live preview shows the icons. What else am I missing?
]]>I like this plugin Jeremy, thanks, maybe you can have some options for remove share from excerpts or posts. So you no need use the functions.php for remove it.
Because if you no have available use sharing in posts, you no can use the shorcode in posts for exp.
I recommend in the description plugin write that you need available the place for use the shortcode. And one link to the function for remove it:
function jptweak_remove_share() {
remove_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘sharing_display’,19 );
remove_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘sharing_display’,19 );
remove_filter( ‘the_content’, array( ‘Jetpack_Likes’, ‘post_likes’ ), 30, 1 );
add_action( ‘loop_end’, ‘jptweak_remove_share’ );
(I only remove the content and left the excerpt)
Thanks!! ?? I am new here.
]]>Hi all
I am maintaining this website – https://thehistorymasterclass.com – and have been asked to add social sharing to the individual events. The events are managed by the Event Manager plugin and Woocommerce.
The Jetpack sharing option is working on the individual Ticket pages; however, when I selected that they appear on the Event pages they didn’t show up; so I have tried your plugin and still nothing shows when I add the [jpshare] shortcode.
Please can you tell me what I may be missing? So you can see I have tried adding the shortcode to this event – https://thehistorymasterclass.com/event/history-masterclass-with-helen-castor-joan/ – I tried it in two places; at the top of the text and after the Buy Now button. But you will see that nothing is generated in the HTML.
The “Buy Now” button is also a shortcode generated by the Maxbuttons plugin, so the page is able to render the shortcodes.
I am running automptimise, however I am not optimising any javascript, so it is not a conflict with this plugin (and as it’s working on the Ticket pages, I would have thought it is something unconnected).
Any help is greatly appreciated – I’m aware it may be a problem with the Jetpack plugin but I did not know if Jetpack Sharing works with the Event Manager plugin but I would have thought that your shortcode would for sure.
Many thanks
I am trying to output jetpack’s sharing button with the shortcode [jpshare] inside a Toolset View.
It only occures with the [jpshare] shortcode.
The sharing buttons are showing and working as expected, except there are annoying errors showing up in the console :
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined(…) in file wcviews-onsalebadge.js?ver=2.6.8:35
The error doesn’t appear when I remove the shortcode. So, I assume there is a conflict between Woocommerce Views and Sharing buttons shortcode for Jetpack.
Plugin version (both updated to the last version available):
– Toolset WooCommerce Views : 2.6.8
– Sharing buttons shortcode for Jetpack : 1.2.1
]]>I am trying to reduce the sharing Icon’s size.
Theme: Sparkling.
I created a form using Contact Form 7 and received a message that there is a configuration error. From what I could find, I believe that that there should be a validation code that can be used to identify the error but after reviewing everything that I can, I can’t find the validation code and don’t know what the configuration error is?
Thanks in advance.
]]>There is a difference code between the sharing of the plugin to the sharing of the jetpack in posts / pages. (difference visibility)
My suggestion – more class in html code, that I separated it by CSS.
Can this be used within the functions.php file and if so what would the code be to add the shortcode
In order for your buttons to show up, I have to checkbox ‘page’ in Jetpack.
Then I place your shortcode in the area of the page where I want the buttons to show up. But then the buttons appear twice.
If I disable the ‘page’ in Jetpack, then your buttons don’t show up at all.
I tried to use ‘display:none’ for jetpack. But your css seems the same as theirs so that will also make your buttons disappear.
How do I work around this? Is there a css id or class that I can hide jetpack buttons but show your buttons?
I’ve been using the plugin for some time now, but I’ve noticed it’s no longer functioning on my site. Is there a compatibility issue with recent updates?
Link inserted after the content.
]]>Before install the plugin “Sharing buttons shortcode for Jetpack”, Sharing buttons apears where I want. When I install Woocommerce plugin, I can set social buttons in all products, but I can’t do it in the shop page, where all products are shown, even if I select the option in that page. Jetpack and sharing are installed and activated, and the shortcode [jpshare] works in the rest of the pages, but don’t in that page of the woocommerce shop.
Thank you in advance! ??
]]>Hello there! Great work. I wanted to know if it is possible to achieve the same result for the jetpack likes button. Thank you.
]]>Deferring the loading of the sharing.js cut my page load speed in half. (Mainly it was slow due to Pintrest.) I did this using WP-Rocket. However, I lost the counts. I am glad to be able to show the buttons without losing page load time but I was wondering if there is any work around for this?
I want to add the share buttons also before content. How can I do it?
This is my web: https://ideasqueinspiran.com/
Thank you
]]>Can the the [jpshare] shortcode work with “Show sharing buttons.” disabled?
I thought that’s how it worked, meaning you could disable the default buttons for a page a use the shortcake to place them elsewhere in the page/post.
However, it seems that if I uncheck “Show sharing buttons.” it prevents the [jpshare] shortcode from displaying as well.
I’ve seen the other support posts regarding the function to remove the default ones globally, but I was hoping this could be done on a page-by-page basis somehow.
]]>Thanks for making this easy-to-use plugin!
We’d like to have the buttons centered within a post, but when centering the shortcode the buttons still display left-aligned.
Thanks for any tips on accomplishing this!
]]>Is there any indication if (1) this plugin will work with WP v4.2.1 or (2) if there’s any plan to release a new version that IS compatible?
]]>I have an error with 4.1.1 version (wordpress) and newest version of your plugin
Fatal error: Call to undefined function sharing_display() in /var/www/oxy.co/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/jetpack-sharing-butttons-shortcode/jp-sd-shortcode.php on line 14
Please help me
]]>I don’t have the full-blown Jetpack plugin installed, but instead have JP Sharing and JP Extras installed.
I can’t seem to get the shortcode working. Is full Jetpack required?
I found your plugin because I wanted to use the Jetpack sharing buttons in a special spot — but NOT within the main content area. Your shortcode works, but only if sharing is enabled for this page. Which then adds the sharing to the main body content, too. Is there a way to have it turned off for a particular page and then use your shortcode to have it show up on that page still?