Rating: 5 stars
Here are my + and -.
+ Nice looking, simple.
+ Fast responsive with ajax.
+ Nice code that I can understand to modify so it works best for me.
+ Flexible size for bottom or side-widgets.
– French UI for settings, but there really not much to set. Only one “channel” seems to work. I do not know if you need to give it a name. If you do it will not be seen in the administration panel.
– Many calls to the server. After a call it sleeps for 500ms, then updates again. I changed that in the javascript file on my server (telder.com) so it will be longer between the calls if noone chats.
– Not possible to add more smileys without altering the php code and naming of your smileys.
– Only a few messages shown at start (I do not yet know how to change that)
– No timestamp visible, but saved in the database. (would be great to see while hovering over a message)
– No option to let only logged in persons chat. Perhaps just me wanting that. ?? (I made it myself by just removing the input for others)
I like it alot.
]]>Rating: 3 stars
I am happy with this small chat plugin because I have tested many others.
unfortunately this tool is in french. for the admin options it is no problem because I speak french, but my users do not. so it would be nice to get a german localization.
furthermore I miss two elementary features: making a sound when a new line is entered and a list of online people.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I like it, it’s simple, basic and straight to the point, well, too simple but better than other plugins, i hope you add more stuff to it, like; Height and width, pop up, stuff like that.
]]>Rating: 3 stars
We want UTF-8!!
]]>Rating: 1 star
Chatwing provides an excellent Free chatroom and shoutbox for any website or blog. It takes a moment to implement and has numerous features.
Chatwing does not require a wordpress plugin it is very simple to use.