I have problem with chats code. Where can I change it?
]]>I think I got it all in the title. I am not good at jQuery, but I have found the magic line in the wp_jschat.js that scrolls down the chat-text window when a new chat is received.
t.find('.wp_jschat_widget_text').animate({scrollTop: t.find('.wp_jschat_widget_text').prop('scrollHeight')}, 500);
It would be great if someone could help me making it happen at page-load too. The plugin is running on my site https://www.telder.com.
This is an awesome plugin!
I love the shortcodes and ability to integrate easily into pages/posts.
Feature Request:
Something that would be *extremely* useful is if you could create a new chat room automatically with a name based on eg a page-name.
It would be so great if you could let me know if this might get integrated!
]]>This is really a great, lightweight chat plugin and it deserves more credit. I’ve modified it a bit to suit my site’s needs and I’ll share a couple of fixes.
Autoscrolling the box was built in, but broke with newer versions of wordpress with jquery 1.6 and above. To fix this, edit the /javascript/wp_jschat.js file and change line 29 to:
t.find('.wp_jschat_widget_text').prop({scrollTop: t.find('.wp_jschat_widget_text').prop('scrollHeight')});
the “attr” tag is depreciated and “prop” replaces the functionality.
To make it really fancy, you can stick in the animate function to make it slowly scroll and look like you paid money for the plugin or something by replacing line 29 with this:
t.find('.wp_jschat_widget_text').animate({scrollTop: t.find('.wp_jschat_widget_text').prop('scrollHeight')}, 3000);
To add in a time and date(just as part of the message, not grabbing from the db… cause I’m lazy), change the submit function on about line 49-78 to this:
[Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]
Hope this helps…
The plugin is working but it has a major flaw:
when someone types anything the chat never refreshes to show the new message. The refreshir button does nothing also.
Is this an incompability with my cache plugin maybe?
I love this plugin, light and handy. One thing to be perfect; delete messages (when you close the page, for example). I have the translation into Spanish. Do you have an e-mail to send it to you?
in the “retrieveData” function inside wp_jschat.js I think you should change this raw:
data: { wp_jschat_last_date: (_dateStr.trim()!=”)? _dateStr : ”, action : ‘retrieve’, wp_jschat_channel: t.find(‘.wp_jschat_canal’).val() }
data: { “wp_jschat_last_date”: “” + _dateStr + “”, “action” : “retrieve”, “wp_jschat_channel”: “” + t.find(‘.wp_jschat_canal’).val() + “” }
or something like this, to fix an error that occurs on internet explorer if you don’t surround that attributes with double quotes.