Rating: 5 stars
Essential if you have affiliate link with iTunes!
Try it, no doubt!
Rating: 5 stars
Works great!
]]>Rating: 1 star
I liked the sound of this link engine and the idea of GeniusLink, but I wasn’t thrilled to discover I had to agree to a roughly 7,000-word contract before I could get the plugin running for affiliate linking. What exactly is one agreeing to, in plain English? I certainly didn’t read it all, and no one else will, either, but I read just enough to know there are major red flags here.
On the plugin page, GeniusLink hides the fact that the plugin isn’t free. It even goes so far as to say “it’s completely free,” but read a bit more, and you’ll find that the completely free version doesn’t even allow you to add your affiliate ID to your links. Buried in the FAQ:
Do I have to pay for Geniuslink? If you would like access to advanced reporting features and be able to affiliate all of your links, you will need to sign up for a Geniuslink account. Try it out for free for 30 days. By default, Geniuslink’s affiliate token will be used until you have added your own via the Geniuslink dashboard.
Unless you sign up for their service, agree to some crazy terms, and hand over your credit card details, they’ll nab your revenue. Sounds like a great deal for them.
Here are some mildly to very alarming things I saw while skimming through the contract:
There are just too many red flags. At the very least, the developers seem to be purposely vague by not making it clear in the plugin’s description and landing page that this is not a free service. I’m not against paying for services in the least, but I am against shadiness, and there’s not much shadier in the world of affiliate linking than inserting your own ID in place of someone else’s.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I love this plugin because:
? It automatically converts ANY of my iTunes (iBooks etc.) links on my website to have my affiliate’s information. I don’t have to go back and edit my old links, or make for sure that when I add new links that it has my affiliate’s information or that it is entered in a certain way – it does everything I need it to automatically.
? Allows my US iTunes (iBooks etc.) links to convert internationally. There isn’t confusion or misdirect anymore when one of my international customers click on a link. They are taken to their correct countries page for that specific item.
? Easy to use – I setup my free account with georiot, installed this plugin (along with their Amazon LinkEngine Plugin), entered in my information and it works right away.
? Their customer service rocks! Every time I have emailed them for a question or even just asked for clarification, they have gotten back to me right away. And their explanations are easy to understand.
I cannot recommend this plugin highly enough!