I am unable to activate the plugin and I am getting this error:
“Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Fatal error: Declaration of ithoughts\tooltip_glossary\Backbone::__construct($plugin_base) must be compatible with ithoughts\v1_0\Singleton::__construct() in ../../wp-content/plugins/ithoughts-tooltip-glossary/class/class-backbone.php on line 37”
I like this plugin.
Can you pls give a solution to this?
]]>Hi, when editing a post, the “Add a glossary index” icon is not working anymore, the popup displays a loading animation then it closes. The “Add a tooltip” icon is working just fine. I am running WordPress 5.0.3 with the classic editor (v 1.4). I’ve got this message in the console:
[Error] iThoughts Tooltip Glossary => – "ERROR" – "Error while getting TinyMCE form for Tip: "
0: {readyState: 4, getResponseHeader: function, getAllResponseHeaders: function, setRequestHeader: function, overrideMimeType: function, …}
1: "error"
2: "Forbidden"
callee: TypeError: 'arguments', 'callee', and 'caller' cannot be accessed in this context.
length: 3
Symbol(Symbol.iterator): function()
Object Prototype
(anonymous function) (ithoughts-core-v5.js:498)
(anonymous function)
error (ithoughts_tt_gl-editor.js:366)
i (load-scripts.php:2:27455)
fireWith (load-scripts.php:2:28215)
y (load-scripts.php:4:22757)
c (load-scripts.php:4:26927)
This issue seems very similar to
iThoughts Tooltip Glossary is my choice for implementing a Glossary and subglossaries in my site. It is really easy to use, pretty customizable, and works quite well. I only miss the ability to associate categories and tags to each term of the glossary.
Now I got that the “Add a Glossary Index” button from the TinyMCE Editor just puts a blank character ” ” in page.
I then tried to manually insert the two shortcodes “[Glossary A-to-Z]” and “[Glossary List]” shown in the screenshorts provided, but to no avail.
Then, from the code of the plugin, I figured out that the right shortcodes are “[glossary_atoz]” and “[glossary_term_list]”. So I tried these ones instead and the two types of glossary indexes were rightly displayed in the frontend.
But I got also the following warnings:
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /…/wp-content/plugins/ithoughts-tooltip-glossary/class/shortcode/class-glossarylist.php on line 153
… on line 189
… on line 215
… on line 153
… on line 189
… on line 215
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /…/wp-content/plugins/ithoughts-tooltip-glossary/class/shortcode/class-termlist.php on line 104
… on line 104
… on line 104
… on line 104
(I suppose that the duplicity of warnings is due to the presence of the two shortcodes).
So I resorted to the next page from the author: https://www.gerkindevelopment.net/en/tips/shortcodes-post-excerpts/ were I read that: “Sometimes, depending on your theme and configuration, your shortcodes contents are stripped out with the shortcode itself.”
Following the directions there given, I inserted the following code in my child-theme’s functions.php file:
function keep_shortcodes_content($content = ""){
????$replacedShortcodes = array(
'/[(glossary_atoz|glossary_term_list|glossary-(?:mediatip|tooltip|glossary))(?:.*?)(?:/]|](.*?)[/1])/' => "$2"
$original = $content;
????if ( '' == $content ) {
????????$content = get_the_content('');
????????foreach($replacedShortcodes as $regex => $replace){
????????????$content = preg_replace($regex, $replace, $content);
????????$content = strip_shortcodes( $content );
????????$content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
????????$excerpt_length = apply_filters('excerpt_length', 55);
????????$excerpt_more = apply_filters('excerpt_more', ' ' . '[...]');
????????$content = wp_trim_words( $content, $excerpt_length, $excerpt_more );
????return apply_filters('wp_trim_excerpt', $content, $original);
remove_filter( 'get_the_excerpt', 'wp_trim_excerpt'??);
add_filter( 'get_the_excerpt', "keep_shortcodes_content" );
The result was then the following error message:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘$replacedShortcodes’ (T_VARIABLE) in /…/wp-content/themes/responsivepro-child/functions.php on line 45
I would appreciate any help to fix this issue. Thank you very much.
]]>When in a page, if I click the Add a Glossary Index icon, there is briefly a black circle with blue spinning wheel, but then the window never appears for me to be able to add the index. The Add a Tooltip tool and window works fine.
]]>I am trying to find the documentation but the landing page and all the links appear to be dead.
It seems to be the solution we need.
Gerkin is your site down? I checked github but did not find any usage documentation.
]]>I installed the plugin and created a glossary term and definition. When I go to a page that has that term, “advocate”, I don’t see a link or hoverover. I really like the style, so I would love to use the plugin.
Version 3.0.2
WordPress 4.9.5
I tried a couple of themes on multiple browsers Firefox and Chrome but nothing seems to work.
]]>The page below is using a glossary link to a term (see underlined word “company” near the bottom of the page.
-When hovering the word while logged in as administrator, the definition is in English, but when not logged in, the same page shows the definition in French (the term is translated)
-If I use a English only, not translated term, then the definition is in English.
-If I turn off translation for the “Glossary” custom post type in WPML’ settings, then everything is working fine but I need to be able to translate glossary terms using the normal WPML method. This is not a solution for me.
-I also tried the “turn off auto translating” option while inserting the link, but I’ve got the same result.
This site is using WPML and the default languages is French. Latest version of the plugin. I also reproduced this bug on my dev environment with the latest WPML version.
Please help, this behaviour seems new to me (since latest version), but I only discovered it lately since I am almost always logged in while working on this site and the behaviour is different while logged in.
The “insert/edit link” button in the “Insert Tooltip” popup editor doesn’t work. It just won’t click.
Interestingly, the links work fine if pasted into the tooltip editor from somewhere else; also, it is possible to enter a link tag manually via “edit code” button, and it will work fine. It’s just the button that doesn’t work. Maybe it’s a bug or something.
]]>Six months of using this plugin and I still think it’s great. Thanks for all your hard work, Gerkin.
Right now I’m working on adding some dynamic functionality through ajax and javascript and I would like to add some tooltips to the text that is javascript is generating. How difficult would it be to create, through javascript, the proper tooltip event handlers for any given element? Thanks.
I want to edit the looks of the word that contains a tooltip link (make it blue instead of red, for example).
Also, I want to style the actual tooltip: change the font size, and most importantly, remove that header title that is shown above the actual tips. I mostly use it for tooltips rather than glossary tips (to include references, for example), and having every tip repeating the linking words is just weird.
Refer to image for details:
I can certainly override the default looks using “Custom CSS plugin”, but I was thinking that maybe there’s a neater way to do it. Maybe I could edit the actual plugin files somewhere, or maybe that Theme Editor that I posted my other question about is responsible for styling tooltips.
Thanks in advance.
I couldn’t find any description of what does theme editor do. Also, it doesn’t seem to work properly: themes in that dropdown are unclickable, and it doesn’t seem that anything can be done there.
So what is it?
Please, view the image for details:
When building individual glossary index tables, one table for each letter, and using the “full description” option for each table, only the letter with the highest value in the Terms table is displayed. All others are blank if the “desc=full” option is used. If no “desc” is selected then those other tables only show the tooltip version of the term. Example, if Glossary Terms contains terms for A, and B and C, only C will be displayed with full descriptions when using the following short-codes:
[glossary_term_list alpha=”A” cols=”1″ desc=”full”/]
Display all ‘A’ (blank if other higher letters have terms)
[glossary_term_list alpha=”B” cols=”1″ desc=”full”/]
Display all ‘B’ (blank if other higher letters have terms)
[glossary_term_list alpha=”C” cols=”1″ desc=”full”/]
Display all ‘C’ (blank if other higher letters have terms)
Also, if there are two different terms which start with the same letter, then the first term with that letter will be listed twice rather then displaying both terms with the same letter. For example, the following glossary index:
[glossary_term_list alpha=”C” cols=”1″ desc=”full”/]
Will display the same single term, multiple times if there are more then one term which starts with the letter C.
I have tested this on both the latest firefox and latest chrome.
plugin version Version 3.0.2
The question is: How can I build independent glossary index tables, one for each letter, and also using the ‘desc=”full”‘ option?
Thank you.
When adding a “Glossary Index” into a page, how can it be configured to display only words that start with digits in
The visual interface produces this short code:
[glossary_term_list alpha=”1″ group=”0″ cols=”1″ desc=”full”/]
But the only thing that displays is “#”. The user has to click on “#” to see the terms. And then the user has to click on each term to see the description. I would like all terms and full descriptions immediately displayed. Is that possible?
I have enabled full debug and found this in the console
Loading failed for the <script> with source “https://essentialguidetocryptocurrency.com/wp-includes/js/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=4.9.4”.
Loading failed for the <script> with source “https://essentialguidetocryptocurrency.com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.12.4”.
JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1
Empty string passed to getElementById().
Source map error: request failed with status 404
Resource URL: https://essentialguidetocryptocurrency.com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.form.min.js?ver=4.2.1
Source Map URL: jquery.form.min.js.map
I have tested this on both the latest firefox and latest chrome.
The following short code does correctly show absolutely every entry, including numbers terms, in full description mode:
[glossary_term_list cols=”1″ desc=”full”/]
But I only want to see terms which start with a number in the glossary index
plugin version Version 3.0.2
The issue is best demonstrated at the very bottom of this page: https://essentialguidetocryptocurrency.com/test/ You will see my three attempts to display a full and automatically displayed description of just terms which begin with a number.
]]>Good morning!
I love this plugin, and you’ve always been very responsive when I’ve needed support. Thank you so much for that!
I have another dilemma with the tooltips on my professional services page (the page associated with this support request). Previously, the tooltips would open over or below the trigger link, depending on where on the page the link was located. Now, however, no matter where the trigger link is located, the tooltip opens above it, and extends beyond the top of the page but sits on top of the page’s sticky menu, requiring the user to scroll up in order to read it. Is there a way to adjust this behavior so that the tool tip opens within the current viewing area of the page and then extends down from the trigger link? I looked in the options but didn’t see any that controlled this behavior.
Thank you for your help!
]]>Great plugin, Gerkin. Thanks for your hard work.
The issue I’m experiencing is this: upon creating a glossary term and then adding the tooltip shortcode on another page (or within another glossary term), the tooltip works fine.
But, when I use the WordPress search function and look through the results, the excerpt from each piece of content is completely missing the text that triggers the tooltip. (The trigger term has gone blank, while surrounding text is still there.)
Now, when I click on each search result and view the content itself, the tooltip works as expected again. It’s only when viewing the excerpts of each search result that the trigger text is completely missing.
I tried deactivating all other plugins but the problem persists. Is this a problem other people are experiencing? Thank you in advance for your help.
]]>The “>” before every glossary entry on the overview page overlays always the term. How to change this to normal?
]]>I have only just begun using the plugin and several functions are not working as they do on your demo page. For example, my glossary page does not look like any on the other websites you list as examples. I do not have that A B C D… listing at the top of the page.
Somewhere I saw a screenshot of
[Glossary A-Z]
[Glossary List]
and with no further information given, I typed these into my glossary page; nothing happened.
I created a tooltip on a phrase in an article, but I don’t see a list of my tooltips or how to edit them, the only way I can find to edit a tooltip is to use Tiny MCE to remove the link, then re-do the tooltip altogether.
In fact, the only thing I’m really able to to easily is create glossary terms.
Rather than list every question I have, is there a place to get more detailed information than is given at https://www.gerkindevelopment.net/en/portfolio/ithoughts-tooltip-glossary/ ?
Thank you.
I love this plugin, but I’m wondering if there is a way to keep the tooltip open until the user clicks out of it. Currently, on my site, it is opened by clicking the mouse, but if the mouse is moved away from the tooltip trigger text, then the tooltip disappears. One of my tooltips even has a link inside it, but since it closes as soon as mouseover ends, the user can’t actually click on that link.
Thank you!
I am trying to install the plugin, when i try to activate it I get the folowing errors:
Warning: require_once(/home/kimi/wooowp.review-mysite.com/wp-content/plugins/ithoughts-tooltip-glossary/submodules/iThoughts-WordPress-Plugin-Toolbox/class/includer.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/kimi/wooowp.review-mysite.com/wp-content/plugins/ithoughts-tooltip-glossary/ithoughts_tooltip_glossary.php on line 30
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/home/kimi/wooowp.review-mysite.com/wp-content/plugins/ithoughts-tooltip-glossary/submodules/iThoughts-WordPress-Plugin-Toolbox/class/includer.php’ (include_path=’/home/kimi/wooowp.review-mysite.com/wp-content/plugins/yeloni-free-exit-popup’) in /home/kimi/wooowp.review-mysite.com/wp-content/plugins/ithoughts-tooltip-glossary/ithoughts_tooltip_glossary.php on line 30
The website is password protected and not accessible to the public.
I can give you access if needed, but I will not post it here on the forum.
Any help is appreciated.
]]>hi Gerkin,
it’s been a while and I like all the changes you’ve made to the plugin.
I noticed recently that the style on my tooltip words has disappeared.
the default is the double line above and below the word. I had changed it to a single dotted line below the word. like this:
.ithoughts_tooltip_glossary-tooltip a/* for tooltip */
border-bottom: 2px dotted !important;
color: #75c5fa;
when i noticed it didn’t work, I tried this instead after inspecting the tooltip in the browser:
.itg-tooltip a/* for tooltip */
border-bottom: 2px dotted !important;
color: #75c5fa;
But, it did not work.
So, can you help me out and let me know how to make the adjustment?
(also, is this previewable in the tool function?)
]]>Hi, when Tooltips is activated, it disables the drag and drop feature in Search & Filter Pro because Tooltips generates the following JavaScript error: “Qtags is undefined” in post.php. (When I deactivate Tooltips I can use Search & Filter Pro without problems and that JavaScript error goes away.)
Tested on Browsers: Chrome and IE (These are the two browsers used by my company)
WP v4.7.5
PHP 5.4.24
Customizr Pro theme 1.4.0
Thank you.
]]>I have 2 working tooltips, but when you click on them they go to what look like good permalinks however the pages display as 404 errors.
What can we do to fix it?
E.g. : https://hendlinhealth.com/kailuakonadoctor/glossary/the-hippocratic-oath/
when updating my staging site to itg 3.0.0 I got this error:
[28-Jun-2017 07:31:29 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Using $this when not in object context in /monsite/wp-content/plugins/ithoughts-tooltip-glossary/submodules/iThoughts-WordPress-Plugin-Toolbox/class/class-resource.php:145
Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: ithoughts\v5_0\Resource::generate(Object(ithoughts\tooltip_glossary\Backbone), 'ithoughts_toolt...', 'https://65456s4f...')
#1 /monsite/wp-content/plugins/ithoughts-tooltip-glossary/submodules/iThoughts-WordPress-Plugin-Toolbox/class/class-backbone.php(298): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#2 /monsite/wp-content/plugins/ithoughts-tooltip-glossary/class/class-backbone.php(292): ithoughts\v5_0\Backbone->declare_resource('ithoughts_toolt...', 'https://65456s4f...')
#3 /monsite/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(298): ithoughts\tooltip_glossary\Backbone->declare_resources('')
#4 /monsite/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(323): WP_Hoo in /monsite/wp-content/plugins/ithoughts-tooltip-glossary/submodules/iThoughts-WordPress-Plugin-Toolbox/class/class-resource.php on line 145
My parent theme is Divi 3.0.51 and itg 2.7.0 works like a charm with it…
So I’m sticking to it for now. ??
Kind regards
Is there a way to hide Glossary terms from search? We use the search functionality a lot, and I don’t want important articles to get bogged down by glossary term results. I can’t seem to find a way around this without excluding individual post ID’s with another plugin.
]]>Hello again,
A fatal error occurs on only two of my pages where i use your great plugin…
What is strange is that i do not have the same error on all the other pages.
Here is the error message i get:
Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to ithoughts\v4_0\Toolbox::get_permalink_light() must be an instance of WP_Post, null given, called in /home/clients/0fc12c66dff9479ef35304ee9f5be322/web/wp-content/plugins/ithoughts-tooltip-glossary/class/shortcode/Glossary.class.php on line 217 and defined in /home/clients/0fc12c66dff9479ef35304ee9f5be322/web/wp-content/plugins/ithoughts-tooltip-glossary/submodules/iThoughts-WordPress-Plugin-Toolbox/class/Toolbox.class.php on line 426
What is going on?
Any clue on this one?
Thanks a lot for your time
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘[‘ in /var/www/html/root/hla/sites/wp-content/plugins/ithoughts-tooltip-glossary/class/shortcode/GlossaryList.class.php on line 191.
Site is a multisite with PHP 5.3.3.
I realize 5.3 is past EOL but we’re running RedHat enterprise which gives us security patches. WordPress officially supports PHP 5.2.4+ so I’m not sure where the problem lies. Search around and didn’t find anyone else with the same problem.
Any help is appreciated.
]]>At your demo site there are tooltips, but I wasn’t sure if they refer to a glossary. Is there a working example of glossary tooltips?
Thank you!
]]>Hi there!
To allow me to work as efficiently as possible, I would be thankful if you follow the following guide:
English version: https://www.gerkindevelopment.net/en/wordpress-plugins-faq/#I_think_that_there_is_a_bug
French version: https://www.gerkindevelopment.net/plugins-wordpress-faq/#Je-crois-qursquoil-y-a-un-bug
If this is not a support question, such as a suggestion, please use the following english or french contact forms.
Thank you for using my plugins
]]>As I’m mostly working in the text mode rather then in the visual mode of the Tiny MCE I wonder if it is possible also to have the buttons of the plugin there.
Right now the plugin isn’t working at all, but I hope it will change and then I’d be glad about the possibility to use it in the text mode.
As I didn’t know that it isn’t supported anymore, I started using WP Glossary and it doesn’t work properly. Can I export the terms from there and import them into iThoughts Tooltip Glossary?