Chris Dennis,
Thank you for publishing this plugin. Any thoughts on widening its use? I saw this when I was looking for a plugin that could Geo-limit certain info on a website. It could be certain products or prices for example by adding a CSS class to stuff on a website. Any plans for further development?
Kind Regards
Greetings! Thanks for a simple, very useful plugin! Is there a way to force the plugin to display only the IPv4 address or both the IPv4 and Iv6 addresses when an ISP has assigned both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to a connection? For example, our ISP assigns both types of addresses, and when I load a page I’ve constructed using your plugin, it displays the IPv6 address only, not the IPv4 address. I’d like a way to display only the IPv4 address or both, but not only the IPv6 address. Thanks!
]]>I was doing some debugging on my WordPress site and this message was displayed. No problems with the plug-in, but thought I’d update you on the debug warning.
Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ipt_address_widget has a deprecated constructor in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\LCDFIntranet\wp-content\plugins\ip-tools\iptools.php
]]>Loving this plugin, only problem is that my WP install is behind a reverse proxy and so using REMOTE_ADDR is not the appropriate $_SERVER var to inspect. Instead, I need to inspect $_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR’].
Can a future version add a configuration option to specify which variable to inspect for the IP address? And then probably fall back to REMOTE_ADDR as needed.