In upload metabox is some problem. When I want use image file, which was uploaded in previous month or earlier, no image appears.
We have WP multi-site and don′t use default structure of media folders devided to months (folder/2016/10/.., folder/2016/11/.., etc). All files are together in one folder, which is set in:
-> setting
-> nothing in column “Uploads Use Yearmonth Folders”
Do you know if there is a solution for this issue on wp 4.6 ? Thanks.
Image Upload is not working, When we select a image to upload it does not get stored.
The plugin seems to be broken with the latest update of WordPress. Textfields work fine. But file upload doesn’t work anymore.
]]>Great plugin – thank you for your hard work!
The IP Metaboxes are showing in the Page Editor and that works fine. It would be even better if it would be possible to show it in the Quick Edit instead (or as well). Would that be easy?
i set up 2 inputs :
– 1 editor
– 1 image upload
When i upload an image width the “Add media” button (the editor’s one) it goes in the upload metabox …
Any ideas to fix this issue ?
Using your IP Metabox Plugin i have a Metabox called ‘ipmb_metabox_4’
and the field price is used within it.
i wish to order the loop with price asc.
so far i have
'post_type' => 'used',
'paged' => $paged,
'posts_per_page' => 4,
'order' => 'ASC',
'orderby' => 'meta_value',
'meta_key' => 'price',
But this doesn’t work and i assume its because IPMetabox doesn’t register the Custom Post Meta like wordpress normally does with Custom Meta Fields. Could you advise please?
I’ve setup a metabox with the editor field.
and i’ve clicked add media, then chosen add gallery, picked the pictures to go in then updated it as you normally would when adding the wordpress gallery.
but it only displays the gallery short code. and not the actual gallery with the pictures.
any advise?
]]>Even when there’s nothing in the boxes, they still appear on the post. How do I get them to only appear when there’s words in them?