When users enter their email address an error message shows up “Oops. Can’t talk to Slack right now.” The plugin worked before that properly on my site. I’m not sure what went wrong. Maybe slack changed sth on their api side? Any ideas ot hints how to get it working again? Thank you!!
]]>Hi @andrewza @rheinardkorf, what’s the status of this plugin?
I used it many times in the past. It was extremely useful for nonprofit groups that want to use Slack for volunteer management.
Is there a better plugin/approach for auto-inviting people to Slack? If not, I’d like to help maintain this plugin.
]]>I created a slack app in order to get the token, added it, but it doesn’t seem to be working…
]]>Hey @rheinardkorf,
Thanks for this plugin, is this still actively supported?
I’m looking to build a similar plugin and would like to maintain and upkeep it (rather than building it from scratch).
Please let me know if you would be interested in handing over ownership.
]]>Hi, I was able to install the plugin successfully. I want to customize the plugin to load the “.invite-box-wrapper ” without the “.invitations-for-slack-wrapper” or having to click the “Join us on slack button”
Any idea how to go about it?
]]>For anyone else trying to figure out where to generate the Web API Token from, the link is: https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/legacy-tokens
]]>Change the token generation link to the following link
]]>Visiting the settings screen immediately after activation throws a PHP warning:
Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /var/www/baapwp.me/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/invitations-for-slack/invitations-for-slack/admin/settings.php on line 114
This is because the default value for the channels’ list is a string and strings don’t implode. I fixed this and sent a pull request with the fix: https://github.com/rheinardkorf/invitations-for-slack/pull/4
is it possible to implement one more additional shortcode to show the .invite-box-wrapper directly without having to click on the “Join us on Slack!” first?
Because clicking on the button first is one more step for the user to get the invite. Could you please update the plugin accordingly. I think it would be a very usefull feature.
Or at least could you please give me a hint how it could be achieved by tweaking html/php & css?
Thank you!
]]>This plugin still doesn’t work.
Now, after entering your email, it just sits there and says ‘Processing’ and you never actually receive an email.
]]>After entering an email address when testing, it simply displays another button with ‘”no_perms”. Let us know!’. I’m presuming this is some sort of error message.
Here’s a screenshot…
I tried a couple of different email addresses and didn’t receive an invite on any.
Hoping you can help,
Hi ??
I’ve made a translation of the file invitations-for-slack.pot and named the files nb_NO before adding it to the following folder: /wp-content/plugins/invitations-for-slack/invitations-for-slack/lang.
My changes doesn’t show on my webpage. Other plugins and theme translates well using this method. Have I done anything wrong?
Best regards ?yvind
]]>I just don’t understand how to get a Slack API Token
can you give me EXACT instructions on how to do this?
(Please don’t give the address https://api.slack.com/web it is no help)
and what the heck is a “Test Token?”
Another CSS issue I think. On our site’s blog: https://blog.crashspace.org/ we’ve added the plugin, but our site’s text is white, so the popup is white background with white text, making it unreadable.
I installed this plugin and put the shortcode in a sidebar widget. I initially thought it didn’t work at all: the badge was rendered and showed team member count, but clicking on it did nothing except a white arrow beneath the button. I then hand-expanded the widget box with lorem text and saw a pop-up was getting cut off.
I tried editing the z-index on .invite-box-wrapper on the style.css for this plugin but it didn’t seem to do anything.
How can I fix this?
Thanks for the plugin, it seems to work great other than this CSS issue.