I have a problem all the time with your plugin. Namely, still not all the links that show up in the stats are added to the site.
Here a screen shot of the stats of this subpage https://skysupport.pl/air-france-opozniony-lub-odwolany-lot/. There should be 4 links added in the content from what the stats show in the Air France anchor, but no link is added.
Here, for example, should be added, but it is not: https://skysupport.pl/nadzwyczajnie-nadzwyczajne-okolicznosci-globalne-awarie-i-inne-utrudnienia/
on the webpage which I a managing is Internal Link Juicer in the Version 2.24.4 in use, the most actual version.
In my posts I have words with apostrophe which I want to use in keywords with your plug-in.
But your plugin doesn’t generate keywords for these words.
Is there a solution to this problem?
Sincerely yours
Hi, in the last 2 weeks i have detected that my database gow up, from 200MB to 5Gb really fast.
After checking the tables i saw that the WP-OPTION table have arround 4,9BG of those “transient_ilj_filtered_XXXXXXX” transients that they come from the Internal Link Juicer.
Please, could you explain to me how to ensure that the plugin does not create this data in the Database and fills it in?
Thanks in advance.
Hello Support,
I am currently facing an issue with your plugin.
I can see two words in my Privacy Policy page getting linked to posts.
I have already removed “pages” from the whitelist in the settings.
Also, I have removed those two words from the Privacy Policy page from getting linked, but they are still getting linked.
Can you please check this issue.
The concerned page is:
electronics-formulas . com/privacy-policy/
The words getting linked are “and” and “log”.
Thank you in Advance.
]]>After upgrading to php 8.3 some of my website visitors give the following error: ERROR: Implicit conversion from float 19.6 to int loses precision with the following stack trace:
1) /home/server/domains/website/public_html/wp-content/plugins/internal-links/core/links/text-to-link-converter-factory.php(35): MyErrHandler()
2) /home/server/domains/website/public_html/wp-content/plugins/internal-links/core/links/text-to-link-converter-factory.php(67): ILJ\Core\Links\Text_To_Link_Converter_Factory::get_time_required_for_content_linking()
3) /home/server/domains/website/public_html/wp-content/plugins/internal-links/helper/linkbuilding.php(71): ILJ\Core\Links\Text_To_Link_Converter_Factory::create()
4) /home/server/domains/website/public_html/wp-content/plugins/internal-links/helper/linkbuilding.php(27): ILJ\Helper\LinkBuilding::link_something()
5) /home/server/domains/website/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): ILJ\Helper\LinkBuilding->linkContent()
6) /home/server/domains/website/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
7) /home/server/domains/website/public_html/wp-includes/post-template.php(256): apply_filters()
8) /home/server/domains/website/public_html/wp-content/themes/Divi/page.php(46): the_content()
9) /home/server/domains/website/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(106): include(‘/home/serv…’)
10) /home/server/domains/website/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once(‘/home/serv…’)
11) /home/server/domains/website/public_html/index.php(17): require(‘/home/serv…’)
]]>I have been using the plugin for quite a while. A few days ago, I suddenly discovered that the database of the website suddenly increased to nearly 30GB. I checked and found that in the wp-options table, there were many rows with option_names “_transient_timeout_ilj_filter_content…” and “_transient_ilj_filter_content…”.
I used the plugin to scan the database and found that there were tens of thousands of Transient Options, this was the reason why the database was bloated.
After I used the Plugin to delete these Transients, just a few hours later they were quickly generated again and the number was up to tens of thousands as before.
Is there any way to fix this problem?
i have been using for some time but lately i try build index and says building and in status says currently building but it never finishes
in scheduled actions – ilj_set_batched_index_rebuild Run?|?Cancel – Pending
as you can see its pending but never finishes
i can cancel and retry same thing
]]>Perhaps I’m overlooking the obvious here but is it possible to have Link Juicer automatically turn page TAGS into links?
For several days after installing the plugin, it is impossible to close the Internal Link Juicer administration notice : “Could you do us a big favor and give us your review on www.remarpro.com? This will help us to increase our visibility and to develop even more features for you.”.
After checking, when clicking on one of the buttons, the error message appears in the console : Uncaught ReferenceError: ilj_ajax_object is not defined (in /plugins/internal-links/admin/js/ilj_rating_notification.min.js)
Can you make a correction?
Internal Link Juicer v.2.24.4 / WP v.6.6.2
]]>I installed ILJ successfully
I was testing the links to see how they work. A single word is perfectly working. When I try to work with two words with exact, minimum, and maximum (as per the guide provided) the links are not generated.
Kindly help to resolve this issue. So that I could use this plugin on my website.
I hope you will get this message ?? In short I use your plugin and it works but sometimes. Despite of your panel shows all published links, not every one of them are places at specific page. I would say half of them are published. If it comes to detecting internal linking opportunities it works great.
I also deleted all cache.
I’m using Astra Theme and gutenberg with above plugin. I always use simple blocks like “editor” “html”. I checked if it has some influence, but it doesn’t. Also there aren’t any errors in my server logs.
What should I do and how can you help me? I cant send you some screen via this form, but according you dashboard my home page should have at least 15 outgoing links.
https://pogromcapryszczy.pl/tradzik-chlorowy-przewodnik-po-problemie-skornym?from this page I should have 3 out goint links
Please help ??
I have a problem with a tool. In most of the sub pages as I add keywords there is no problem and they appear in the dashboard and internal links are added. However, in a few subpages I add keywords and it’s as if the tool doesn’t see them at all. I have cleaned the cache, uninstalled the plugin, reset all the keywords and added them again, but still in these subpages after adding the keywords, they are not added to the tool and internal links are not added because of this.
I’ve added keywords
But this page, where I added these keywords, does not display here, and internal links are not added
Having a bit of issues with link juice not automatically generating link on my wordpress multisite. The scheduler runs without issue, but no links are created.
So, before i dive too deep into this rabbithole: is WordPress Multisites supported?
Is there a way to ignore existing links? For example, a page has an internal link I created already in place, but Internal Link Juicer then adds another link pointing to the same post. So, the post then has two internal links pointing to the same page.
I’m using Evently (Event Manager and Tickets Selling Plugin for WooCommerce – WpEvently – WordPress Plugin) and for the events a special post type (in my case named ‘Opleidingen’) is created. I whitelisted the post type for Internal Link Juicer but unfortunately I can link TO an ‘Opleidingen’ post, but not in it. There is also a special post type ‘Speaker’. I want to automatically link the speaker name to the Speaker post and made the links there (i.c. Petra van Rooijen). However, the name is not automatically linked to the Speaker post of Petra van Rooijen (the link that is in the example post is hand-configured). How can I solve this? Thank you for your answer!
]]>hi, some of my pages are dynamically created, for example with search query. they don’t exist, dont have taxonomy. can i create somewhere list of keywords and urls? for example if you have t-shit category, user uses filter black. i’d like to create for blog posts rule to link “black tshirts” to search results
]]>Good morning,
I need clarification regarding ACF and post customs types.
On the pages: my articles are seriously linked to the keywords entered
On articles: same as page it works well.
Then this is complicated, I created a custom post type via ACF, on divi I created a template which calls its ACF fields but when I enter my ACF fields on my Custom Post type page nothing is Related ? An idea ?
]]>The latest update to the plugin breaks WP Portfolio. I’ve tested themes and plugins, cache etc. It is the latest version of this plugin that breaks it. Only reverting back to an earlier version of this plugin solves the problem.
I’m running a blog with few thousands of posts. The internal linking is an issue and not many pages have links at all. I though I’ll give this plugin a try hoping to get all features with full version paid upgrade. At the moment I have installed the plugin in a sandbox version of the website to see how it functions.
Installation when without problems. Watched the tutorial and defined keywords on many posts. I can now see that the posts have a number next their title listing the number of keywords defined for each particular post.
However, I do not any internal links created. When navigating to the Internal Links dashboard I can only see:
Index has no entries yet. Hitting the index now button i get the “Index rebuild successfully scheduled.” message but I cannot see any statistics. What I have tried so far:
Not sure why the plugin does not work for me. Are there any special conditions when the plugin works. My side is hosted in a container behind NGINX proxy.
Any other hints on how to troubleshoot further will be appreciated.
thank you
]]>Hi when i am inside wordpress backend i can’t see anymore the kewyword setting possibility creating or editing an article. The block is disappeared.
Does the plugin support inserting links in WooCommerce products?
]]>We are automating the creation of content with make and we are unable to add a word as a keyword in the internal link juicer box of the page or post. It should be filled in automatically but no value appears.
See images: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1y-H7wvhSyALdBNvSVUFHIgGEtMilvRa5?usp=sharing
]]>Hi. This looks to be a great plugin, thanks.
However, it is not working with my custom post (created using ACF).
It does work with default posts. I have added the custom post in settings, and see from other threads here that it should be working (since 2022)
My theme is Kadence.
Help in solving this would be appreciated.
]]>It would be better if there is a message showing the progress of the csv import, like “xxx out of yyy imported”, when there are many rows in the csv file
]]>When I look in GraphQL I can see the ilj links are showing up, however they do not appear on our published site. We have multiple sites that have s similar structure and utilize many of the same plugins that have not had this problem, I am wondering if perhaps you could help us locate the issue. We use Gatsby for our front end.
]]>Hello, I’m using both free, and pro version of Internal Link Juicer.
I’m trying to find the meta tags in the WordPress post, so than I can add the “keyword” by using REST API. Could you please help me?
Do you have this option, to add the link keyword for each post programmatically?
]]>My website has thousands of pages, thats why its indexed is big. Now, when I create a new post, and while writing the post, I check “blacklist” in the settings of Internal Link Juicer. But, after publishing the post, I see there are internal links showing despite marking it BLACKLISTED.
Now, for each such post, I have to rebuild the index from settings of Internal Link Juicer. This index rebuilding takes so much time, from 01 to 02 hours.
It is requested to please resolve this issue. When we already put the article to blacklisted, then it should not include the links.
]]>Hi, it seems that this excellent plugin does nt work with Bebuilder (which i think i basedon muffinbuilder). Is there any way to to fix this?
]]>Hi there,
When I change the option “Action Scheduler Batch Size” to any value it seems like that value is not even being used.
When I set it to a value of 5 I still see in the action scheduler that it creates batches of 100.
So it seems to ignore this option.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong here?
Option: https://prnt.sc/lw0o0HMhSXup
Inside the action scheduler: https://prnt.sc/F7rOjTVICRQU
I have a service website that provides services for different towns. We have pages built for each town. There is a specific town called “Street” we built a page for. Throughout the main pages of the site whenever Street is linked, the intent of it is correct. However I was hoping to make it so this specific keyword will not be linked to from blog posts. Blog posts often use it as a common noun, instead of the proper noun use i am intending it for.
Would I need to enter street into the “keywords that don’t get linked in the current content” section on each specific page, or is there a way to do it in bulk???