The Internal Link Plugin breaks when updating to PHP 8, and here is the fix I made (using ChatGPT):
You have to edit the file: internal_link_building.php
You’ll find it here:
Line 454 find this:
while (list($name, $ops) = each($keywords)) {
if($name == 'keywords_time')
$case = '';
if($ops['case'] == 1)
$case = ' checked="checked" ';
$nofollow = '';
if($ops['nofollow'] == 1)
$nofollow = ' checked="checked" ';
$newwindow = '';
if($ops['newwindow'] == 1)
$newwindow = ' checked="checked" ';
$name = str_replace("'","'",stripslashes($name));
echo "
<td><input type='text' style='width:90%;' value='$name' name='internal_link_building[$x][name]' /></td>
<td><input type='text' style='width:90%;' value='$ops[url]' name='internal_link_building[$x][url]' /></td>
<td><input type='text' value='$ops[times]' name='internal_link_building[$x][times]' size='4' /></td>
<td><input type='text' value='$ops[between]' name='internal_link_building[$x][between]' size='4' /></td>
<td><input type='text' value='$ops[before]' name='internal_link_building[$x][before]' size='4' /></td>
<td><input type='text' value='$ops[after]' name='internal_link_building[$x][after]' size='4' /></td>
<td><input type='checkbox' $case value='1' name='internal_link_building[$x][case]' /></td>
<td><input type='checkbox' $nofollow value='1' name='internal_link_building[$x][nofollow]' /></td>
<td><input type='checkbox' $newwindow value='1' name='internal_link_building[$x][newwindow]' /></td>
Replace that code with this:
foreach ($keywords as $name => $ops) {
if($name == 'keywords_time')
$case = '';
if($ops['case'] == 1)
$case = ' checked="checked" ';
$nofollow = '';
if($ops['nofollow'] == 1)
$nofollow = ' checked="checked" ';
$newwindow = '';
if($ops['newwindow'] == 1)
$newwindow = ' checked="checked" ';
$name = str_replace("'","'",stripslashes($name));
echo "
<td><input type='text' style='width:90%;' value='$name' name='internal_link_building[$x][name]' /></td>
<td><input type='text' style='width:90%;' value='{$ops['url']}' name='internal_link_building[$x][url]' /></td>
<td><input type='text' value='{$ops['times']}' name='internal_link_building[$x][times]' size='4' /></td>
<td><input type='text' value='{$ops['between']}' name='internal_link_building[$x][between]' size='4' /></td>
<td><input type='text' value='{$ops['before']}' name='internal_link_building[$x][before]' size='4' /></td>
<td><input type='text' value='{$ops['after']}' name='internal_link_building[$x][after]' size='4' /></td>
<td><input type='checkbox' $case value='1' name='internal_link_building[$x][case]' /></td>
<td><input type='checkbox' $nofollow value='1' name='internal_link_building[$x][nofollow]' /></td>
<td><input type='checkbox' $newwindow value='1' name='internal_link_building[$x][newwindow]' /></td>
Then save. And it should work again ??
]]>?the “each”?function?is not available anymore in PHP 8
WordPress error message:
Call to undefined function each() in wp-content/plugins/internal-link-building-plugin/internal_link_building.php:454
After going back to 7.4 – no problem
Update necessary
The Plugin not work anymore
Versione di WordPress 6.1.1
Tema attivo: UnderStrap Child (versione 0.5.2)
Plugin corrente: Internal Link Building (versione 1.2.3)
Versione PHP 8.0.17
I get the error:
Illegal string offset ‘max_keys’
Is there a fix for this?
]]>Great plugin. Tried a few internal link building plugins and this one is the easiest so far and actually works… with one exception: All of the links are opening in a new tab whether the “Open in New Window” box is checked or not. This is probably some minor syntax in the code, so hopefully and easy fix if you haven’t completely abandoned this plugin by now.
]]>I was going to try this on a new site but wanted to make sure it was working and going to continue to be updated first after reading the last few posts without replies.
Thank you
I need to add a simple specific “class” to specific links so that they open in my lightbox. Can someone help with this?
When I add class “fancybox-iframe” to any url is will automatically open the link in an iframe in a popup window using my FancyBox plugin. But I am not able to add the class anywhere. I need to be able to do that in for specific links. Can I add a php script or jQuery to do that somewhere? Can I edit a php file and place it in my child theme?
I recently installed your plugin, which I love by the way, but it has a depreciation error that has shown up with the latest WordPress update.
Here is the error:
Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in /home/iammarketing/public_html/blog/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4652
This function is called from YOUR code at line 491 in internal_link_building.php:
static function menu() {
add_options_page(‘Internal linking’, ‘Internal linking’, 8, __FILE__,’internal_link_building_admin’);
Apparently after Googling this for a bit it is the integer 8 that is the problem and must be changed to something compatible with capabilities instead of user levels.
Please contact me back about this. I would hate to have to delete the plugin, it is so cool!
Thank you,
Benjamin De Mers
P.S. you can also tell me what to do or give me the code to cut and paste into the file and I will do it. I just don’t know your plugin and don’t want to screw up my site trying to debug it on my site.
]]>Hello an assistance would be helpfull,
I am using interlink pluggin. but in a post of specific post only I couldnt able to see the link of a particular text.But in the same time it works every other post.
]]>i don t know why but the plugin add 16 GB of info in my table of mysql. Everything with
meta_key value “keyword_cache”.
I like to delete but i don t know if happen something if i delete.
Please helpppp
]]>Is there any way to stop the plugin from linking on the breadcrumbs?
]]>I have 8 websites that I would like to have a central database of keywords with the links that each website can access. It would be a lot of work to add links to each individual website.
So is it possible to have ONE file on one website that the others would access for the keywords and links?
i updated the plugin today to 1.2.1. But now there are displayed [block]-elements where i have h3, h4 used in my articles and pages.
Is there a bug?
After deactivating the plugin all h3-titles are displayed correct.
]]>hey guys,
i like the plugin setup and the CSV import! i now have a few dozen keyword links configured and have them enabled on pages and posts.
the problem?? i haven’t seen any of these links in the actual posts yet. does it take a while for them to be visible? site has about 4800 posts by the way, if that matters.
It seems that it doesn’t work with woocommerce, right?
]]>The plugin links keywords in headings and the heading appear odd and ugly sometimes. Can you please add an option to exclude keywords from headings.
]]>I contacted Internet Marketing Ninjas in NY. They are not planning any updates and do not provide support.
I am using 365 links. This adds 9 seconds to my website’s load time. My site is a membership site, so caching is not an option.
I am ditching this plugin. There is no export option, so I copied the links from Dashboard > Settings > Internal Link Building and pasted them into Notepad to use in other plugins or to hard code.
]]>Hi, if I setup word like DOG it also links to DOGs and so one…
Please, how to fix it.
At least can you point to where and how, I can do code fixing by myself…
]]>getting all kinds of messages in wordpress backend
is this bad??? should we uninstall and delete
Notice: Undefined index: action in /home/content/85/11012185/html/wp-content/plugins/internal-link-building-plugin/internal_link_building.php on line 513
Notice: Undefined index: action in /home/content/85/11012185/html/wp-content/plugins/internal-link-building-plugin/internal_link_building.php on line 522
Undefined index: no_posts in /home/content/85/11012185/html/wp-content/plugins/internal-link-building-plugin/internal_link_building.php on line 594
name=”internal_link_building_options[no_posts]” />
]]>I have a plugin which creates Click To Tweet boxes on the front end of posts and pages. A user is having trouble with our two plugins working together, if a keyword is in the tweetable quote. Is there a way to prevent your plugin from attempting to hyperlink a keyword that is already in the midst of a hyperlink? That would seem to be the simplest way.
Alternatively, preventing hyperlinks from within the output of a shortcode would work.
Let me know! I’d love for the user to be able to use both plugins!
]]>Great plugin – but I have one problem…
if I have a two word phrase and a three word phrase that contains the two word phrase – how to I get them both to go to separate links?
At teh moment my three word phrase chops off the first word and links to the sceond word only.. only way to override is to add link manually..
Yellow taxi yellowtaxilink
Big Yellow Taxi – still links to yellotaxilink but should link to Big Yellow taxi ??
]]>Can you tell me how to auto bold keyword?
Because present i fix css for element a in entry content.
Thank you very much!
]]>By default it looks like links are opening in a new tab. Any hack for this?
]]>Would be nice to have the option to exclude specific tags. So just target anything within <p>…<p>
]]>A suggestion for a feature i have seen in an old/discontinued plugin.
If the Title of a post is found as a keyword in an other post or posts, autolink it. Automatically.
]]>Apart from Pages and Post options to exclude,i see auto-linking at Results of Searches.
Any ideas how can i disable this also ?
Can you tell me how to write CSV, if I want to check only “Exact Match”?
I wrote CSV like below, but I can’t.
dog,, , , , ,a1
I apologize for my poor English…
]]>How can I disable internal linking on some posts like this ?
May be there is any shortcode like [no_linking]?
What code I need to insert to functions.php?
]]>Hi I am using this on a multi site custom post type and cannot get it to link to my keywords.
For example I have this keyword “Vredehoek”
For example this listing does not show any links
]]>Hi there,
I really like your plugin for making my job far more easier but i got a problem with RSS feed after installing.
RSS Validator return “Server returned timed out”:
The problem is that i have errors in feedly and other third part aggregator.
After deactivating plugin it start working again.